I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 530 Feasibility of mining minerals

Chapter 530 Feasibility of mining minerals

After closing his personal panel, Liu Gen's face didn't change much. For him, all kinds of technical information that can be exchanged from the system are what he needs most.

As for his own strength, Liu Gen didn't pay much attention. He knew that no matter how strong he was, he still couldn't resist bullets and shells.What's more, Liu Gen is an artilleryman, and there are not many opportunities to really fight on the front line, no matter how strong his strength is, it is difficult to have room to play.

Back at the division headquarters of the 129th division, Liu Gen didn't stop, and went directly to the division commander. He wanted to know what kind of tasks the division commander would assign him.During the period of staying in the Artillery School, Liu Gen solved almost all the matters in the Artillery School. The rest only needed Wang Chao and others to work hard to train the students of the third period. He did not have too much concern for the Artillery School. Naturally, there is some urgency to know what kind of task you want to perform.

When he came to the depths of the division headquarters, Liu Gen found the division commander easily, and the division commander was not surprised by Liu Gen's arrival. He knew very well that Liu Gen would come to him as soon as he returned to the 129th division. Facts have proved that He was not disappointed.

"I think you will come over as soon as possible, let's sit down and have a cup of tea." The teacher said with a smile.

Liu Gen nodded and sat down directly. He wanted to see what kind of mission he would have this time.Picking up the poured tea, there were a few pieces of tea leaves floating here and there, and the faint tea fragrance spread out, which aroused Liu Gen's interest.He raised his head and drank it in a sip. It tasted good. Liu Gen didn't drink much tea, but in his impression this cup of tea was the best.

"Teacher, I've finished my tea, so you can tell me what the mission is." Liu Gen said to the teacher.

The teacher looked at Liu Gen helplessly, the teacup was not too small, but who would have thought that this kid Liu Gen drank it in one gulp, noticed the cunning in Liu Gen's eyes, he laughed, this kid Liu Gen is not honest .

"Who did you learn from, kid? Why did you become so slippery? Pour yourself another glass, drink slowly, don't worry." The teacher gave Liu Gen a look, and said again.

Liu Gen was a little helpless, he knew it would be like this, "Teacher, why am I in the mood to drink tea, I don't know the tasks assigned to me by the bosses, I really can't sit down."

Regarding his mission, Liu Gen really wanted to know, he had a lot of guesses, but he overturned them all.There are no large-scale battles happening now. As an artilleryman, Liu Gen has a feeling that he has nowhere to use his strength. Small-scale battles with the devils and puppet troops happen from time to time, but Liu Gen cannot be allowed to participate in these small-scale battles. Action, other artillery also need to experience themselves with such small-scale battles.

"Don't worry, the bosses have considered your arrangement for a long time. There is no large-scale battle happening now, and your boy's ability is so strong. In order to arrange a suitable task for you, the bosses have considered for a long time." The teacher said with a smile.The teacher knew very well that the bosses attached great importance to Liu Gen, and he knew that the bosses would definitely arrange suitable tasks for Liu Gen. He never worried about this matter.

Liu Gen was a little helpless, the teacher said a lot, but he still didn't learn too much from the teacher, when did the teacher have such a bad taste?Yes, in Liu Gen's view, this is the bad taste of the teacher. From the behavior of the teacher, he also realized that his task this time will not be too difficult, and it can even be said to be very easy, otherwise the teacher would not be like this Relax.

Realizing this, Liu Gen no longer had the idea to continue asking. He knew that with his teacher's character, he would definitely tell him. The only difference is that it will be sooner or later.

Poured another cup of tea for himself, Liu Gen held it in his hand, very comfortable.If possible, Liu Gen really wants to go on like this forever, it's so comfortable, he really likes this kind of life, but unfortunately he also knows that it's impossible, maybe he can enjoy this kind of life only after he is too old to do it. life. ; Liu Gen is very clear that he has too many things to do, and China is still too weak now, and needs to become stronger.

When he first came to this era, Liu Gen often wondered why he came here and what he could do for this country.At the beginning, Liu Gen felt that he came to this era to kill devils and to allow more people to survive the cruel war.But now, Liu Gen realizes that he has more things to do. He wants to help this country grow up in the shortest possible time, and wants this nation to stand on top of all nations in the world.

This era is painful and cruel, but it is also full of infinite hope. There are too many people with lofty ideals working hard for the rise of the country.

Especially the teachers and bosses that Liu Gen met, they worked very hard, they were always thinking about how to make this country better, and how to drive the devils back to their hometown faster.It can be said that the teacher and the others had a profound impact on Liu Gen, making him realize that he needs to do more for this country, and that he must always remind himself that what he has done is not enough.

"Huh? Why did you stop talking suddenly, kid?" The teacher looked at Liu Gen, who was enjoying himself, and said in surprise.

The teacher thought that Liu Gen would continue to ask, but who knew that Liu Gen had no intention of continuing to ask, so he didn't know what to say.Just looking at Liu Gen enjoying his face, the teacher is still a little happy. Ever since seeing Liu Gen, the teacher has never seen Liu Gen so relaxed.In Liu Gen, the teacher can see many good qualities, and he can also see how much pressure Liu Gen is under.

The artillery department of the arsenal, the artillery school, and the combat squad were all built by Liu Gen from scratch, which was impossible for others to do.The division commander knew Liu Gen's hard work, but he couldn't do anything about it. Why would there be only one Liu Gen in the entire Eighth Route Army?If other people have such ability, then the teachers and bosses will definitely reduce the pressure on Liu Gen, so that the young Liu Gen can relax a bit.

"Teacher, didn't you tell me not to worry? Why are you anxious now that I am not in a hurry?" Liu Gen looked at the position of the teacher and said with a smile.

The teacher glared at Liu Gen, mother, this kid is real, he deserves to be Li Yunlong's soldier.Speaking of Li Yunlong, the division commander thought that Li Yunlong was a teacher during this period. Since the troops entered the state of rest and recuperation, the independent regiment led by Li Yunlong became quiet. This is not the character of Li Yunlong at all.

However, the teacher is still very satisfied to see that kid Li Yunlong comfort him a little. If Li Yunlong really keeps making trouble, then he will have a headache.

"Okay, then don't worry."

"It must have been a while since you returned to the Independence Regiment last time, right? The Independence Regiment was very quiet during this time. You used to be a soldier of the Independence Regiment. You must know Li Yunlong very well. Guess our Captain Li Da What are you doing?" The teacher said with a smile.

Among the entire 129th Division, the division commander was most impressed by Li Yunlong. Who made Li Yunlong's ability so outstanding and his ability to cause trouble so strong.Such a strong ability, the teacher naturally paid some attention to it. Speaking of Li Yunlong, who made so many mistakes and was able to become the head of the independent regiment, the teacher did not appreciate Li Yunlong much less than Liu Gen.

Liu Gen looked at the teacher in surprise, but he didn't expect the teacher to mention Li Yunlong. When he talked about the independent regiment, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. The days in the independent regiment were still very good.Thinking of the teacher saying that there was no movement in the independent group during this period, Liu Gen couldn't help guessing. He knew Li Yunlong's character, and his character shouldn't be so quiet.

"I don't have much information, so I can't guess anything. Captain Li Yunlong is a genius in command and has a strong ability to seize opportunities. It's been so quiet during this period, so he must be preparing for some kind of combat operation." Liu Gen pondered for a moment. , said seriously.

If Li Yunlong didn't cause trouble, then he wouldn't be called Li Yunlong. Liu Gen also knew the situation of the independent regiment clearly. The soldiers' weapons and equipment were good, and if they were placed in other troops, they would definitely be very satisfied and could continue to develop with peace of mind.But on Li Yunlong, what are these weapons and equipment?With Li Yunlong's personality, he will not be easily satisfied. He knows that only good enough weapons and equipment can reduce the casualties of the independent regiment in battle.

"Oh? Are you so sure?" Seeing the seriousness on Liu Gen's face, the teacher asked.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, and said seriously: "Based on what I know about him, it must be why he is preparing for combat operations. It takes so long for the regiment leader to prepare. I'm afraid his goal this time is not small."

Seeing Liu Gen's affirmation, the teacher laughed. He had the same opinion as Liu Gen. He felt that Liu Gen's speculation was good. With Li Yunlong's personality, it was really possible to do so.

"That should be it. After knowing that the independent regiment was very quiet and did not have any combat operations, I knew what Li Yunlong was thinking."

"Li Yunlong is a good kid. He is a good commanding troop. He is very aggressive, but this kid still has some problems. His character is a little too impulsive, sometimes too reckless, and needs to be honed. If Li Yunlong If this kid can be as stable as your kid, then he will definitely not be a small brigade commander, and with his military exploits, he is more than enough to be a brigade commander."

"It's a pity, this kid just refuses to change after repeated admonitions, which is a headache." The teacher said with emotion.

The teacher still admires Li Yunlong very much, and has great expectations for him. He admires Li Yunlong's bravery and combat skills, but Li Yunlong often makes mistakes, so he has no good solution.The battle is also tense, otherwise the division commander would not mind getting Li Yunlong to the division headquarters to sharpen this kid's character.

"If the head of the group doesn't cause trouble, then he is not the head of the group." Liu Gen said with a smile.

Liu Gen could understand Li Yunlong's situation. Li Yunlong was a pure soldier. As the head of the independent regiment, what he needed to do was very simple, that was to find a way to make the independent regiment stronger.If Liu Gen was the head of the independent regiment, then he would definitely not do this. As long as it can make the independent regiment stronger, then there is nothing wrong with making mistakes.

"Master, there is a reason for the commander to do this. Our Eighth Route Army troops are too poor, and we can't let the soldiers fight the devils with fire sticks. What can we do if we want to get enough weapons for the soldiers? We can only Find a way to snatch it from the hands of the devils, but you can't think of asking the brigade commander and division commander for it? Even if you ask for it, will you give it?"

"Besides, if we want to reduce casualties in the battle with devils, then we can only get better weapons and equipment. In terms of training, we can't compare with devils. If weapons and equipment can't keep up, then how can we fight devils? "Liu Gen knows that the division commander must understand this, but he still needs to say that the frontline troops are too miserable and too poor.

The teacher smiled wryly, "How could I not know? If I don't know, Li Yunlong has made so many mistakes, I can easily bypass this kid?"

Seeing the wry smile on the teacher's face, Liu Gen said nothing. He knew that it was even more difficult for the teacher. The 129th Division's development to the present level has a great relationship with the teacher.Li Yunlong is the leader of the regiment, he doesn't need to think too low, he only needs to keep making trouble for the devils and get more weapons and equipment for the independent regiment.And what about the teacher?As a division commander, he needs to consider too many things, including the entire 129th Division.

It's not that the division commander can't get enough weapons and equipment for the soldiers. He has a way, but if the strength of a division really wants to fight the devils, the scale of the battle will not be small. With the strength of the 129th division, no matter how strong it is It is the opponent of the entire Shanxi devil army.For this reason, the division commander can only let the troops find their own opportunities to snatch weapons and equipment from the devils.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, these are not something we can easily solve."

"Genzi, do you think we have the ability to mine minerals by ourselves? I am very clear about the situation of the arsenal. The weapons and equipment designed by your boy are very good, but large-scale production requires a lot of steel. With each of us The steel that the troops managed to get from the Devil’s Railway is not enough for the arsenal.” The division commander looked at Liu Gen, wanting to know what Liu Gen would think about mining minerals.

With the development of the arsenal, the arsenal has more demand for steel. In the current situation, the arsenal can't get enough steel at all, which makes the division commanders and bosses only consider the feasibility of mining minerals.

Liu Gen shook his head. He also thought about self-exploitation of minerals. In the case of the arsenal, with enough steel supply, more weapons and equipment would be produced.But Liu Gen also knew that mining minerals by himself was somewhat impossible, at least for now.

"Master, I have also considered this issue. I think it is not feasible to mine the minerals by myself! The movement of mining the minerals will not be small, and it is easy to be discovered by the devils. Our air defense capability is not strong. The devils only need to use the air force, and we will lose heavy."

"Unless we have enough ability to protect the mining of minerals from being affected, I don't recommend mining minerals!" Liu Gen said seriously,

The teacher nodded, and sighed helplessly. He knew that Liu Gen was right, and it was really not feasible to mine minerals by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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