I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 552 Get ready

Chapter 552 Get ready

At the end of half an hour, Liu Gen stood up with the soldiers in a military posture. He faced the soldiers, and every soldier could see his every move clearly.

The soldiers looked straight ahead, and they saw Liu Gen's extremely standard movements when he was standing in the military posture. Compared with Liu Gen, it seemed that they were not doing quite right when standing in the military posture.In particular, Zhang Shun was even more shocked after seeing Liu Gen's military posture. He could see that Liu Gen's military posture seemed to have a kind of spirit, but he himself had nothing.

Zhang Shun became more serious. He watched Liu Gen's movements carefully, constantly adjusted his movements, and tried his best to improve the training of standing in the military posture.Zhang Shun never felt that he was inferior to others. It was true that Liu Gen was an instructor, but as long as he worked hard, he might not be able to achieve the same level as Liu Gen.

When Zhang Shun adjusted his movements in the military posture, he was a little surprised to find that he didn't seem to be tired at all in the military posture, or he was much more relaxed than when he was in the military posture before.Aware of this, Zhang Shun seemed to understand Liu Gen's intentions. He hoped that all the soldiers could understand the tricks of standing in the military posture. Only in this way can the soldiers discover the mystery of standing in the military posture.

It's just that Zhang Shun couldn't look at the other fighters around him. He didn't know if other people had noticed this. If they found out earlier, everyone would be more or less relaxed.

Zhang Shun was able to discover the tricks of standing in the military posture, and would choose to adjust it according to Liu Gen's military posture. Naturally, the other soldiers were not fools. They had learned something from Liu Gen, and when they had seriously adjusted themselves After the movement, you can clearly feel the changes in the military posture, which is much easier than before the change.

"Take all the little moves!" Standing in front of these soldiers, Liu Gen could clearly see the little moves of the soldiers.

If these soldiers were just trying to adjust their movements to make their military posture more standard, then Liu Gen would definitely not have any opinions, nor would he choose to speak easily.But Liu Gen could see that at first these soldiers were trying to adjust their posture in the military posture, but when Liu Gen didn't seem to see their small movements, some soldiers began to relax.

Liu Gen could clearly see the performance of these fighters, so he naturally would not choose to turn a blind eye. These fighters are good, but they are also thorns. It is not an easy task to train these fighters well.At least from Liu Gen's point of view, these fighters still have some minor flaws, even Zhang Shun, who performed well.

With Liu Gen's words, the small movements of the soldiers disappeared. Knowing that Liu Gen has been watching their every move, these soldiers are very smart and know what to do and what not to do.Obviously, none of the fighters wanted to be punished by Liu Gen. These fighters were very aware of the difficulty of the five-kilometer cross-country in the morning, and no one wanted to be like Xue Bing and Xiao Li.

Standing in a military posture is very boring, but compared with continuous five-kilometer cross-country, it will undoubtedly be much easier.The soldiers could clearly see that Xue Bing and Xiao Li were constantly crossing a five-kilometer cross-country. Even though they could see obvious fatigue on their faces, they still dared not relax at all. As long as they ran hard Go on, and let yourself have enough improvement.

Liu Gen also clearly saw the behavior of Xue Bing and Xiao Li, but he didn't have too many emotional fluctuations when he saw the state of the two.It was also because of Xue Bing and the others that he was punished, and it had nothing to do with Liu Gen.Even if someone else were to be the instructor of the special operations team, he would definitely choose to punish Xue Bing and the two, but the punishment might not be as severe as Liu Gen.

Every half hour of training, Liu Gen will let the fighters rest for half an hour, so as not to overwhelm their bodies.But even so, the soldiers will still be very tired. It is not a big problem to stand in the military posture for a short time, but if they continue to stand in the military posture like this, even if the soldiers have good physical fitness, they will definitely not be able to persist.

Liu Gen sees the state of the soldiers in his eyes. For the soldiers, the three-day military posture training will be very hard and boring.As far as Liu Gen is concerned, during these three days, he needs to clearly grasp the physical condition of each soldier according to the state of the soldiers in training.In Liu Gen's view, it is very necessary to grasp the physical condition of the soldiers. Only in this way can the soldiers be prevented from being injured during training.
After a whole day of training, Liu Gen announced that the soldiers were disbanded, and the soldiers immediately relaxed. It was because of their good physical fitness that they could persist until now, and they did not faint during the training.Of course, if a soldier fainted, he would definitely send the soldier directly to the infirmary for treatment.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest! Let's continue training tomorrow!"

"Rest early at night, I don't want to see someone late again tomorrow!" Seeing that the soldiers stayed on the training ground without the slightest thought of leaving, Liu Gen could only say so.

The soldiers nodded one after another, expressing that they understood. With today's Xue Bing and Xiao Li as reference objects, these soldiers will naturally not let themselves be late for tomorrow's training.It's just that these fighters have no intention of leaving the training ground. They all remember that Xue Bing and Xiao Li haven't come to let Liu Gen test whether their five-kilometer cross-country can meet the standard.

Whether Xue Bing and Xiao Li can stay in the special warfare team is still very important to the soldiers, and they also want to know whether Xue Bing can meet Liu Gen's requirements in just one day.The soldiers can be sure that whether Xue Bing and Xiao Li can meet the standard has a certain relationship with the training intensity of the next instructor, Liu Gen.

Even if Liu Gen didn't strengthen his training, the soldiers would take the initiative to increase their training. Xue Bing and his two could reach the standard required by Liu Gen, the instructor, in just one day, so how could they fall behind?No soldier thought he was inferior to Xue Bing and the others. If Xue Bing and the others could meet the standard required by Liu Gen, then they would certainly be able to.

"Zhang Shun, why don't you go back?" Liu Gen looked at Zhang Shun and asked.

Zhang Shun was startled, he looked up at Liu Gen, he could feel the depth in Liu Gen's eyes, which made him realize that if he was lying, Liu Gen might see through it immediately.In order to avoid leaving a bad impression on Liu Gen, Zhang Shun also told the truth, "Instructor, everyone stayed here to see if Xue Bing and his two comrades can meet your requirements. Comrade Xue Bing and the others can stay in the special operations team."

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers present, and as his gaze swept away, the soldiers couldn't help but lower their heads.Unlike Zhang Shun, these soldiers did not dare to look at the instructor Liu Gen easily. After being trained by Liu Gen all day, the soldiers could clearly feel the pressure brought by Liu Gen.Such great pressure made it difficult for the soldiers to face Liu Gen calmly.

"Since you want to watch it, then watch it here." Liu Gen said.

For Xue Bing and Xiao Li, Liu Gen was not prepared to show mercy. It was a matter of business, and if they could not meet the standards they required, they could only choose to leave the special operations team.With the presence of these fighters, they can also be a witness, and at the same time let them understand what to do next.It's just that Liu Gen felt that it was unlikely that Xue Bing and the two would leave the special warfare team. They all had reasons for staying in the special warfare team.

Unless Xue Bing and the others choose to give up, as long as they work hard enough today, there won't be any problems.

Without letting Liu Gen and the others wait too long, Xue Bing and Xiao Li jogged to the training ground. After seeing Liu Gen waiting for them, Xue Bing and the two speeded up.Originally, Xue Bing and the two were a little worried that Liu Gen had left the training ground, but now it seems that they can put their hearts into their stomachs.

Just seeing Zhang Shun and the others who did not leave, Xue Bing and Xue Bing looked at each other, and they could see the solemnity and helplessness in each other's eyes.With Zhang Shun and others around, even if Liu Gen wanted to show mercy, he would have no choice. Unless Liu Gen gave up continuing to train the special operations team, otherwise Liu Gen would not do so.

And want Liu Gen to give up the training of the special warfare team?Xue Bing and the two of them had never had such an idea. Both of them were veterans of the 120th Division, and they knew how difficult the situation of the 120th Division was.For them, even if they were asked to leave the special warfare team and could not continue to stay in the special warfare team for training, they would not have any idea of ​​making Liu Gen give up training the special warfare team.

Xue Bing and the others clearly knew how much energy the 120th Division had expended in order to form this special warfare team. It was really because of the two of them that the special warfare team had problems, so the two of them really had to die to blame!

"Hello, instructor!"

When they came to Liu Gen, Xue Bing and the two stopped in unison, looking serious.

Liu Gen nodded. He glanced at the time. At [-]:[-], it would be time for the cooking class to start dinner soon. Considering that the soldiers had trained for a day, he didn't want to talk too much with Xue Bing. , Whether they can meet the standards they require can be seen by the two of them running once.

"Are you two ready? If there is no problem, let's start directly!" Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing and said directly.

Xue Bing and the two nodded vigorously, with obvious determination on their faces. Isn't it because of this test that they have worked hard all day?It is very simple to meet the standards and stay, and to leave directly if the standards cannot be met.

"I'll call the count, you two get ready." Liu Gen said again.

"3, 2, 1, run!"

Following Liu Gen's order, Xue Bing and the two of them frantically ran towards the outside of the training ground like sharp swords out of their sheaths. They knew the position of five kilometers very well, so naturally they would not make mistakes.After starting the run, Xue Bing and the two dared not slack off. They worked hard to control their breathing rhythm, knowing that they could not make any mistakes this time.

After running for a whole day, Xue Bing and the two also knew their own situation, so they ran with all their strength, and if they didn't make any mistakes during the period, they could meet the standard required by Liu Gen.Once there is any problem in the five-kilometer cross-country, it will be difficult for Xue Bing and the two to meet the standards required by Liu Gen. In order to speed up the running speed of the two of them, Xue Bing and the others deliberately spent a lot of time cleaning the five-kilometer off-road some obstacles, save yourself more time.

"It's exactly 34:[-], as long as the two of them can run back before [-]:[-], they can stay in the special operations team." Liu Gen looked at the time on his watch and said seriously.

The soldiers looked towards the direction outside the training field. Even though they knew that Xue Bing and the two had just rushed out not long ago, they still couldn't wait to see the two Xue Bing's return.The soldiers had a good impression of Xue Bing and they knew that they were both capable. They didn't have much thought about the two of them staying in the special operations team.

After all, these fighters knew that even if Xue Bing stayed, it would not have the slightest impact on the positions of members of their special operations team. With the situation of Xue Bing and Xiao Li, it was impossible to stay in the special operations team of.

I don't know why Zhang Shun is a little nervous. He and Xue Bing have known each other for a short time, but he very much hopes that Xue Bing and the others can stay, perhaps because of their similar strength.Zhang Shun looked towards Liu Gen, wanting to see some worry on Liu Gen's face, but to his disappointment, he couldn't see any expression on Liu Gen, as if Liu Gen didn't care about Xue Bing's relationship at all. Condition.

Zhang Shun sighed softly, his instructor was good and powerful, but his personality seemed a little too cold, which made him afraid to approach him.Zhang Shun wanted to be for Xue Bing and the others, but Liu Gen's character made him a little confused. He was a little hesitant and didn't know whether he should speak.

Liu Gen looked towards Zhang Shun, his eyes were a little cold, he felt Zhang Shun's eyes looking at him, and he could somewhat guess Zhang Shun's thoughts.Liu Gen didn't want Zhang Shun to do anything. This time, he hoped that the formation of the special warfare team in the 120th Division would be completed smoothly. After the training of the special warfare team was completed, the 120th Division would be ready to confront the devils. .

In order to take down the county occupied by the devils, prior intelligence investigation is very necessary. Even if Liu Gen didn't mention this matter, Master He of the division headquarters and the bosses of the headquarters would also consider this.Fighting the devils in the county is not a small fight. If it is not handled properly, there will be many casualties. The special warfare team is the surprise soldier Liu Gen prepared for the fight against the devils in the county.

Liu Gen didn't want the special operations team to have any problems. Unlike the 129th division, the special operations team of the 120th division placed too many people's expectations, and no one had the capital to fail. The 120th Division did not, and neither did these soldiers. For the 120th Division, failure means that the situation is getting more and more difficult, and further streamlining of troops and administration is needed; for these soldiers, failure means the end of life.

Time passed slowly, and with only 31 minutes left before 2:[-], the soldiers on the training ground became tense. Can Xue Bing and the others come back in time?
(End of this chapter)

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