Chapter 553

Outside the training field, the figures of Xue Bing and Xiao Li appeared, and the tense nerves of the soldiers instantly relaxed.

Liu Gen has not said that there is not enough time, which means that Xue Bing and Xue Bing still have enough time, and the soldiers still hope that Xue Bing and Xue Bing can stay.The soldiers kept their eyes on Xue Bing and Xiao Li, and were a little worried that they would have problems on the last stretch of the road, but Xue Bing did not disappoint the soldiers. They ran very steadily and quickly on the last stretch.

"Report! We're here!" Xue Bing and the two hurried to Liu Gen and shouted loudly.

Looking at Xue Bing and Xue Bing in front of him, Liu Gen felt a little helpless. These two people were really good, and when he announced whether they could meet the standards he required, he still dared to smile.If it were any other fighter, he would definitely have a dignified look on his face, and it definitely wouldn't be like this.

"18 minutes and 46 seconds, not bad, just within the standard I asked for."

"Meet the standard, the two of you managed to stay in the special operations team, but I hope the two of you remember this matter and don't slack off in the slightest."

"It's nothing to meet the standard this time. If you were the other comrades present, they would definitely be able to meet this standard. Next time you make a mistake, it won't be easy. Your grades can still give you a chance to stay. If you don't get good grades, Then you can just get out of here." Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing and the two, and said with a very serious expression.

The excitement in Xue Bing's eyes dissipated, and they successfully met the standard required by Liu Gen. They were all very happy, and being able to stay in the special operations team was their only requirement.But now hearing Liu Gen's reprimand, Xue Bing and the two realized that it is not time to relax. After entering the special operations team, Liu Gen has high demands on them, and there is a risk of being kicked out of the special operations team at any time .

"My words are not only for the two of them, but also for you. I hope you can persevere in the next training. As long as you meet the standards I require, you will not be eliminated."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, it's not a big deal for you to enter the special warfare team now. The special warfare team still has an elimination indicator, which means that any of you may be eliminated! In the first few days Training can only be regarded as an appetizer, and after tasting the appetizer, fighters who feel that they cannot bear it can choose to quit, and I will not force you to stay." Liu Gen turned his head and said to the other soldiers behind him.

Immediately, the faces of the soldiers became extremely solemn, and they could all see that Liu Gen was not joking, which meant that they might be kicked out of the special operations team at any time.This made the soldiers' nerves, which had just been relaxed after training, become tense again, and they still couldn't really relax.

"Let's go to eat in the next time. You allocate the time after eating. You can do whatever you want, as long as you have enough energy to continue training tomorrow." Liu Gen said again.

The soldiers quickly dispersed and had been training for a whole day. They were already very tired. They wished they could grow two legs and go to the cooking class as quickly as possible.Only Xue Bing and Zhang Shun were not in too much a hurry, they went early and late, they had all their meals there, and they wouldn't run away.What's more, with so many people going, it's impossible to eat right away.

Liu Gen was not in a hurry to leave the training ground, and he was not in a hurry to eat. The whole day of training in a military posture was very hard for the new fighters, but it was quite easy for Liu Gen. Liu Gen wanted to After continuing to train in the training ground for a period of time, he went to have dinner. He knew the time for the cooking class to cook and clean up, so he just had to grab some time.

With the departure of the soldiers of the special operations team, the training field became empty. From a distance, Liu Gen was the only one left.Liu Gen didn't care about the environment of the training ground. Even if he was alone, it wouldn't have any bad influence on his training, but would make him more free during training.With the soldiers around, Liu Gen needs to control the training intensity within a certain amount during training, so as not to cause too much damage to the soldiers.
If the soldiers were allowed to see Liu Gen's real training efforts, they would definitely suspect that their usual training was like a child's. It was precisely in consideration of this that Liu Gen chose to train after the soldiers left.

Half an hour later, Liu Gen's clothes were soaked with sweat. Fortunately, he knew the situation during his training, and only his shirt was left on purpose, so it would be very convenient to wash.Liu Gen got up. After the training, he didn't intend to put on his clothes. He took off his coat during training because he didn't want to get it dirty. Wouldn't it be a waste to put it on now?

Besides, the current temperature is not bad, and there will be no problems at all with Liu Gen's physical fitness.

Leaving the training ground, Liu Gen walked quickly towards the cooking class. At this time, there would not be too many people in the cooking class, and it would be much easier to eat.In fact, this is exactly the case. When Liu Gen arrived at the cooking class, he could see that there were not many soldiers eating here.It's just that Liu Gen found that Xue Bing and the others were still in the cooking class. Judging from their situation, it seemed that they were chatting with Zhang Shun.

After glancing at Xue Bing and the others, Liu Gen went directly to the old squad leader to buy his own meal, which was enough for him.Liu Gen had no intention of eating with Xue Bing and the others. He took his rice bowl, found a corner, squatted down and ate quickly.Liu Gen ate very fast, or in other words, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army ate very fast.

It was also during this period of time that there was nothing to do, and Xue Bing and the others joined the special operations team, otherwise they would not have left the cooking class until now. After eating, Liu Gen fetched water and cleaned the dishes before returning It was given to the old squad leader of the cooking class.After eating, Liu Gen has already developed such a habit. If all the soldiers do this, it will also reduce the workload of some cooking teams.

"If you want to chat, go back to your room and continue chatting. What's the situation in the cooking class? Could it be that your room can't fit all of you?" Liu Gen came to the side of Xue Bing and the others, and said directly.

Liu Gen could see that, if he didn't say a few words, with Xue Bing and the others chatting enthusiastically, he didn't know what they would talk about.Liu Gen can understand this. Xue Bing and the others are almost the same in strength and age, and they have killed a few little devils in their hands. Naturally, they have a lot of common words.

But even if they have bad topics to talk about, they can't stay in the cooking class and don't leave. If they don't leave, how will the soldiers in the cooking class clean up?At the same time, the situation of Xue Bing and the others also made Liu Gen realize that the special operations team needs more rules, at least the time for the soldiers to eat. A lot of time.

Xue Bing and the others who were chatting happily raised their heads a little annoyed, wanting to know who dared to control them. Given the situation of Xue Bing and Xiao Li in the division, most people knew them, even if they You won't have any problems talking here.But now that Liu Gen saw them like this, he naturally couldn't pretend that he didn't see anything. As an instructor, he needed to train Xue Bing and the others well.

"Instructor, why are you here?" When Xue Bing and the others raised their heads and saw Liu Gen, the anger on their faces disappeared instantly, and they became nervous.

Liu Gen looked serious. He looked at Xue Bing and the others, and said, "Xue Bing, Zhang Shun, Brother Li, you are all veterans. Could it be that you don't know the situation of the cooking squad? Or that you have eaten until now?"

"Half an hour has passed, and you haven't finished eating yet? Your eating speed is really slow!"

Xue Bing and the others lowered their heads, with a bit of shame on their faces. They are all veterans, so how could they not know the situation of the cooking squad?It took half an hour to eat a meal, which was a bit too much time. The most important thing was that they met Liu Gen unfortunately, otherwise they wouldn't ask too much once in a while.

"Are they all dumb? Answer me!" Seeing Xue Bing and the others lower their heads and remain silent, the anger in Liu Gen's eyes became more and more obvious.

"Instructor! We know we were wrong! We are willing to accept the punishment!" Xue Bing and the others felt the strong pressure from Liu Gen, and dared not continue to remain silent.

Even though Xue Bing had been with Liu Gen for half a month, he still hadn't figured out Liu Gen's temper. Liu Gen was very gentle on weekdays, but when it came to serious things, Liu Gen would be extraordinarily serious.Xue Bing was sure that if the few of them dared to keep silent, then Liu Gen would absolutely dare to let them get out of the special operations team.

"Punishment? Am I the kind of instructor who likes to punish people?" Looking at Xue Bing and the others, Liu Gen asked.

Xue Bing and the others fell silent again. How should they answer this question?It seems that no matter how you answer, there will be no good results.Zhang Shun lowered his head, even if he didn't raise his head, he could clearly feel Liu Gen's cold gaze, which put him under great pressure.Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to test the instructor Liu Gen's patience in training, but now, he no longer had the slightest idea of ​​such a thing.

Zhang Shun is very smart, and he is also a smart thorn. Before he has enough strength and the appreciation of the instructor Liu Gen, he will not make any moves.Unless Liu Gen appreciates it, Zhang Shun will show his appearance as a thorn in the training. In the original army, Zhang Shun's strength is very powerful, but his ability to cause trouble is also the most powerful.

That's right, how can a person with enough strength be able to exist in peace?
"What? You're not going to answer? Then I think I'm going to punish you a little bit more." Waiting for a while, watching Zhang Shun and the others prepare to remain silent, Liu Gen said with a smile.

But at this time, in the eyes of Xue Bing and the others, Liu Gen's smile was like a devil's smile.Xue Bing and the others looked at each other, and they could all see the extremely obvious helplessness in each other's eyes. If they had known that if they stayed, they might meet the instructor Liu Gen, then they would definitely leave without hesitation, and they would not this circumstance occurs. '
"It's a little bit." Xue Bing said.

Zhang Shun and Xiao Li could feel the pressure brought by Liu Gen, and it increased a lot in an instant. They couldn't help but mourn for Xue Bing immediately. This person is too sincere.

"Very well, I like honest people." Liu Gen looked at Xue Bing and said with a smile.

Xue Bing breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he would not have any major problems, but before he could really relax, Liu Gen's voice sounded again, and the punishment followed.

"You guys chatted so happily, I think the relationship is very good, if you want to punish, naturally you need to come together."

"Originally, I didn't want to punish you and let you go directly, but who would have thought that you would think that I, the instructor, love to punish others, so I can only punish you, as a reward for taking so long to eat this time." Reward." Liu Gen said with a smile.

Xue Bing and the others were a little silent. They knew that no matter what they said, punishment was inevitable. In front of the instructor Liu Gen, it was impossible to escape punishment.

"It shouldn't be too difficult to punish you guys. Let's run five laps around the division and finish it before the break. It shouldn't be a problem for you, right?" Liu Gen asked with a smile.

Xue Bing and the others hurriedly nodded vigorously, and said, "I promise to complete the task!"

Seeing that Xuebing and the others didn't make any more troubles, Liu Gen was quite satisfied. It seemed that they were not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't mind increasing their punishment.Based on Liu Gen's general understanding of Xue Bing and the others, standing in a military posture today did not have much impact on them, and it would not be a problem to run around the division headquarters for a few laps.

After Xue Bing and the others left, Liu Gen also left the cooking class and walked towards the division's combat command room. He needed to report today's training to the division commander to ensure that the division commander could understand the detailed progress of the special warfare team's training.In the 120th Division's combat plan, the special warfare team will play an extremely important role in the battle against the devils. The day the special warfare team has enough combat power, it will also be the time for the 120th Division to start combat operations.

By the time Liu Gen finished reporting to the division commander on the training of the special operations team, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. During this period, as the staff officer of the 120th division, he also participated in the combat plan formulated by the division commander to some extent.The battle plan that has just been made is still relatively crude, and Liu Gen and other division staff need to continue to improve it, and even say to make a better battle plan.

During the formulation of the battle plan, Liu Gen didn't say too many things, but listened carefully to the ideas of other staff members with a learning attitude.

As a soldier, as an artilleryman, Liu Gen is very qualified, and other people can't pick out any problems. As a staff officer of the 120th Division, Liu Gen is not qualified for the time being. He just joined the 120th Division not long ago. The situation has not been fully understood, and it is undoubtedly a little lacking in skill to help the 120th Division formulate a detailed combat plan.

Liu Gen was very aware of this, so he took an attitude of serious study and did not speak easily, which made the teacher and others very satisfied with his performance.

(End of this chapter)

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