I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 57 Transfer

Chapter 57 Transfer
The machine gun rang out, but instead of retreating, the devil's reconnaissance plane took the initiative to attack the position of the first battalion.

The machine guns on the reconnaissance plane fired rapidly, and the three 7.7mm machine guns equipped on it had intensive firepower, causing casualties to the soldiers of the first battalion.The light machine guns were constantly firing, but the speed of the reconnaissance plane was very fast, and it was difficult for the machine guns to hit.Occasionally, bullets could fall on the devil's reconnaissance plane, but it could only splash some sparks, and it could not be shot down at all.

However, with the second battalion, the third battalion and the regiment directly under the security company, nearly thirty light machine guns opened fire, forming a firepower network, which finally made the devil's reconnaissance plane fearful.The machine guns of the reconnaissance plane stopped firing, and the devil's reconnaissance plane turned around and left. He didn't want to experience how powerful the firepower network formed by the new regiment was.

Watching the devil's reconnaissance plane leave, Liu Gen's expression was not good. The Xinyi regiment had no effective air defense means, let alone anti-aircraft guns.As for shooting with a light machine gun, if you want to shoot down the devil's plane, you can only rely on luck.As for heavy machine guns, the new group did not have an anti-aircraft tripod suitable for heavy machine guns, and could not use heavy machine guns to shoot into the air.

What's more, Liu Gen also knew that if he wanted to shoot down the devil's plane, he had to be unprepared.Just like just now, the entire new regiment of light machine guns fired, forming a firepower network that made the devil's reconnaissance plane dare not take risks at all, and it was naturally impossible to shoot it down.

During the shooting, Liu Gen still heard some light machine guns firing intermittently. He knew that it was the crooked sub-machine gun captured by the devils that had problems again.The full name of the crooked machine gun is the Taisho [-]-type light machine gun. It uses five rounds per magazine and thirty rounds per magazine to feed the ammunition, and there are many defects.

Compared with the Czech-style light machine guns, the Czech-style light machine guns are easier to use and have better performance. The new regiment also has Czech-style light machine guns, but there are less than five of them, and the rest are crooked handles of captured devils. .

After careful calculation, the new regiment has about [-] light and heavy machine guns. Compared with other friendly troops, the firepower of the new regiment is undoubtedly much stronger.Of course, even if this is the case, the firepower of the new regiment cannot be compared with that of the devils. A devil's regiment has about [-] light and heavy machine guns, not to mention that the devils also have heavy weapons such as mortars, infantry guns, and mountain cannons. .

Asking the first squad leader to lead the soldiers of the artillery company to prepare for the transfer, Liu Gen walked quickly towards the regiment headquarters, wondering what decision Ding Wei would make.In any case, Ding Wei would not choose to let his troops stay in Xinghua Village. The devil's reconnaissance plane has already found the traces of the new regiment, and staying in Xinghua Village will only welcome the devil's crazy attack.

As soon as he arrived at the regiment headquarters, Liu Gen could see that Zhang Dabiao and his three battalion commanders also came to the regiment headquarters. Obviously, everyone was very concerned about Ding Wei's decision.

"Everyone is here! Let me simply say that the artillery company of Genzi will move with the regiment headquarters. The first battalion will go to Gedonggou Mountain to establish a line of defense, prepare for the battle, and let the soldiers dig trenches. Some traps were set up in the mountains. The second and third battalions prepared traps and mines behind Gedonggou Mountain, so that the devils would know that they would have to pay a price for attacking us.”

"No need to save, use all the mines in the regiment, and at the same time gather the soldiers with good shooting skills in the regiment, and the mine-sweeping engineers who specialize in attacking devils, so that they can't sweep mines! This time, we will beat the devils hard. We still don’t know which alliance of the devils will attack us, if there is no alliance but the devil’s brigade, then we will try to eat it up, or severely damage it!” Ding Wei pointed at the map and said coldly road.

Knowing that the devils had discovered the traces of the new regiment, Ding Wei no longer had the idea of ​​leading the new regiment of soldiers to stabilize.In the past, it was the devils who took the initiative to encircle and suppress the base area, but now it is the troops in the base area. They don't want to let the devils leave easily, and try to kill and injure their vital forces as much as possible.

The Xinyi Regiment is the elite of the 129th Division, so they can't just sit in Xinghua Village and enjoy leisure, and take advantage of the opportunity to fight devils is the business.

"The artillery is equipped with all the artillery shells of our regiment, and is also ready for battle. This time, I want to let the devils know that our new regiment also has artillery!" Ding Wei looked at Liu Gen, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Ding Wei knew that the soldiers of the artillery company didn't have enough training time, but there was no way, the devils would not let the artillery company continue to train.Facing the devils who are about to come, Xinyituan has to bear a lot of pressure, but Ding Wei is also very smart, and has no idea of ​​fighting a positional war with the devils.

With the fighting style of the devils, the new regiment did not have enough artillery support, let alone the air support of the aviation unit. If they wanted to fight the devils, they would undoubtedly be asking for trouble.Ding Wei knew clearly that the mountainous region would be the home ground for the Xinyi regiment's battle, and it would be quite difficult for the devil's artillery to move in the mountainous region. At that time, it would still be possible for the Xinyi regiment to fight against the devil.

"Regimental Commander! Don't worry, our artillery company will not let you down!" Liu Gen said with a serious face.

Ding Wei nodded. He believed in Liu Gen's ability. Even though the training time for the soldiers of the artillery company was still very short, Ding Wei believed that with Liu Gen's leadership, the artillery company would not let him down.

Leaving the regiment headquarters with Zhang Dabiao and others, Liu Gen could see that the soldiers were helping the elderly in the village to transfer, knowing that the devils would come to bomb them soon, and no one chose to stay in the village.There are not many valuable things in the villagers' homes, and the help of the soldiers makes the villagers a little grateful.As for the devils who came to bomb when they detected the soldiers of the Xinyi regiment, the villagers didn't care. They knew that even if the Xinyi regiment was not here, the devils would not treat them kindly, and would only oppress and kill them severely.

There were devils who came to Xinghua Village before and did all kinds of bad things. Many villagers died at the hands of devils. Originally, there were some working adults in the village, but they were forcibly taken away by devils. I don't know where they were taken.

An hour later, the devil's bomber arrived at Xinghua Village. Even though there were still some things in the village that could not be moved in time, the soldiers had no choice but to leave.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

A high-explosive bomb dropped from the bomber and landed around Xinghua Village. When the devil's bomber left, most of the buildings in Xinghua Village turned into flat ground.The attack on Fangshan Town made the devil very angry, otherwise the devil's bomber would not have come so fast.On the mountain, Liu Gen and the others hid in the woods. Looking at the arrogant devil bomber, they couldn't help clenching their fists. When will the devil dare not be so arrogant?
There was a cold light in Liu Gen's eyes, and he secretly made up his mind to modify the high-explosive shells of the Type [-] infantry guns and replace their fuzes, so that when they encounter the devil's plane again, they can also have the means to attack.It's just that Liu Gen also knew that with his current bombardment technology, even if he modified the high-explosive bomb, it would be difficult to hit the devil's plane.

"Commander Liu, the regiment commander is looking for you!" A soldier from the regiment headquarters ran over and informed Liu Gen to find Ding Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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