I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 58 The 108nd Division

Chapter 58 The 108nd Division
"Head, are you looking for me?" When he came to the temporary regiment headquarters, Liu Gen asked with some doubts.

Ding Wei raised his head and put down the pen in his hand, "Gen Zi, you are here, come, let me tell you what you need your artillery company to do."

"Okay." Liu Gen nodded, came to Ding Wei's side, and looked at the map on the table.

Looking at the map, Liu Gen could see the positions of the Devil's divisions marked on it. Seeing the Devil who was closest to Fangshan Town, Liu Gen knew the opponent he had to face next, the Devil's 108th Division.Of course, Fangshan Town is not worthy of the arrival of all the devil's 108th divisions, only one wing or one brigade under its command will come.

"Our next opponent should be the devil's 108th division. The 108th division belongs to the devil's special division. It governs the 25th infantry brigade, the 104th infantry brigade, and four infantry regiments, namely 117132, 52, The four regiments of the 105th and the 108th regiment of the Field Artillery, etc.”

"As far as I know, the 108th Division, as a special division of the devils, is not strong in combat effectiveness. Of course, this is compared with other divisions of the devils. But we still can't take it lightly. No matter how bad the devil's division is, It's not something our Xinyi Regiment can fight against. We have a geographical advantage in fighting the devils of the 108th Division in the mountains, and the devils' heavy firepower doesn't have much room to play." Ding Wei said solemnly.

Liu Gen nodded. He knew the strength of the Devils. The 108th Division was a special division of the Devils. Compared with other divisions of the Devils, its combat effectiveness would be much weaker.But this does not mean that Xinyituan can not pay attention, Xinyituan does not have enough strength and capital.

"The devil will definitely not mobilize the strength of the entire division to deal with our Xinyi regiment. According to my estimation, there is at most one regiment, most likely an infantry regiment. The Xinyi regiment once fought against the Sakata regiment. You should I also know how strong the devil's alliance will be."

"The next battle our new regiment will face is not optimistic. Your artillery company plays an extremely important role in this battle. Once we find the devil's artillery, your artillery company will kill the devil's artillery , Do you have confidence?" Ding Wei looked at Liu Gen with expectations in his eyes.

Liu Gen frowned. The person who came here was probably a regiment of the 108th Division of the Devils. As far as he knew, in such a regiment, the Devils were equipped with Type 75 field guns with a caliber of 8000mm and a range of Nearly four times the distance of the Type [-] infantry artillery, with a distance of more than [-] meters.

With such a long range, it is undoubtedly impossible for the artillery company to destroy the devil's artillery unit.

"The devil's regiment is equipped with 75mm field artillery. The range is too much beyond ours. Our artillery company can only be intentional but powerless. It's okay to destroy the devil's [-]-type infantry artillery. Our artillery company can do this ” After thinking for a moment, Liu Gen said helplessly.

Ding Wei looked serious. He knew that Liu Gen was right. The 75mm field guns equipped in the Devils Alliance were indeed a headache.Unless the new regiment sent a small group of troops to sneak attack on the devil's artillery position.But Ding Wei still rejected this idea. It is very difficult for a small group of troops to pose a threat to the devil's artillery unit, and the possibility of failure is very high.

Unless he knew exactly where the devil's artillery was, Ding Wei would choose to send a small group of troops to try, but the hope of success would not be too great.

"However, Commander, we don't have to worry. The devil's 75mm field artillery is not as easy to move as the Type [-] infantry artillery. After the devil enters the mountain, their field artillery cannot be transported to the mountain." Liu Gen said.

The [-]-type field gun weighs one ton, not to mention the shells it needs to be equipped with. It is undoubtedly impossible to transport it to the mountains to fight.

"I also know what you said, but with its range, the fighters of our regiment must be within the range of the devil's artillery fire." Ding Wei's face was a little ugly. It would be great if the new regiment also had such wild artillery.Shaking his head, Ding Wei knew that the Xinyi Regiment would not be able to afford wild guns, as that was not something the Xinyi Regiment could support.

"Perhaps we can retreat a little bit. After the devils enter the mountain, we don't have to worry about their wild cannons." Liu Gen was a little helpless. He was a little greedy for the devils' [-]-type wild cannons, but he couldn't help it. It is extremely difficult to capture the [-]-type field artillery of the devils.

Ding Wei nodded, knowing that the devils have wild cannons, he will definitely try to prevent the soldiers from being attacked by the devils' wild cannons.It is also surrounded by sufficiently wide mountains. If it is on the plains, knowing that the devils have wild artillery, there is no way to do it, and they can only bear it abruptly.

"Let the artillery company prepare. We will set off in an hour and prepare for battle in advance." Looking at Liu Gen, Ding Wei ordered.

Back at the artillery company, Liu Gen told the soldiers about the battle, and the soldiers were very excited.After entering the artillery battery, the soldiers have been working hard, and they want to prove themselves in battle.For this battle, the soldiers of the artillery company were fully prepared.

An hour later, Liu Gen joined Ding Wei with soldiers from the artillery company. He could see that the guard company directly under the regiment was also dispatched. Facing the coming revenge of the devils, Ding Wei did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

"Let's go!" Ding Wei said when he saw that the soldiers had arrived.

The regiment's guard company was at the front, and Liu Gen's artillery company was at the rear. The soldiers carried ammunition on their shoulders.Judging from the news from the soldiers left behind in Gedonggou Mountain, a brigade of devils has arrived in Fangshan Town and established a position in Fangshan Town.

At the same time, the devil's troops are constantly rushing towards Fangshan Town. The 108th Division attacked Liujiazhuang before, but was severely beaten by the frontier troops of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia.This time, the 108th Division set its target on Linxian and Xingxian counties, and wanted to eliminate the Eighth Route Army troops around these two counties in one go.

From Ding Wei's mouth, Liu Gen learned that there are many troops around Linxian County and Xingxian County, such as the 120st Independent Brigade of the 1th Division, the Shanxi Independent Detachment, and the 4th Column of the Death Squad.Facing the encirclement and suppression of the devils, the headquarters issued an order to severely crack down on their arrogance and prevent them from achieving their strategic goals.

Coming to the second line of defense set up by Xinyi Regiment, the first line of defense is to delay the devils' time and not confront the devils head-on.The second line of defense is to fight the devils with real knives and guns. Blindly delaying time will not work. Only by beating the devils, they will not dare to attack the new group easily.Coming to the second line of defense, the second battalion is stationed here, and the soldiers of the second battalion can be seen digging trenches and laying mines.

After observing the surrounding environment, Liu Gen found a suitable place for the artillery company to build a position. Since the shooting angle of the Type [-] infantry artillery was high enough, based on this, Liu Gen also found a place suitable for the deployment of the Type [-] infantry artillery. The anti-slope position of the infantry artillery, so that since it can provide timely fire support for the soldiers on the ridgeline or frontal position, it can also hide itself and avoid being discovered by devils.

 ps: Thank you for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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