Chapter 577

"Hoo" "Hoo" "Hoo" "..."

Liu Gen was panting heavily, just now, he thought he was really going to sacrifice.

Sacrifice is nothing to Liu Gen. He has long been prepared to sacrifice, but Liu Gen cannot sacrifice. He still needs to kill the devil's commander to solve the current predicament.The other soldier who followed Liu Gen was full of horror. He also found the bullet that passed over Liu Gen's head just now.

The soldier looked behind Liu Gen, and he could see an obvious crater on the ground behind, which was the bullet just now.

"The binoculars are broken! Let's go find Battalion Commander Zhang!" After quickly calming down, Liu Gen threw away the bullet-damaged binoculars in his hand, bent down and rushed towards Battalion Commander Zhang.

Just now Liu Gen only observed a part of the devil's rear, and he hadn't been able to find the specific location of the devil's commander. Now he needs to continue to observe the devils in the rear to find the devil's commander.Ordinary soldiers don't have binoculars in their hands, only Battalion Commander Zhang has them. Liu Gen can only go to Battalion Commander Zhang.

When I came to the position where Battalion Commander Zhang was, there were bullets flying over the sky from time to time, and Battalion Commander Zhang led the soldiers to fight back continuously.

"Zhang Battalion Commander, give me your binoculars." Liu Gen shouted directly.

Battalion Commander Zhang quickly fired a bullet, hid his body in the trench, turned his head to look at Liu Gen, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, why did Liu Gen come to the front line?Immersed in the battle just now, Battalion Commander Zhang didn't recognize Liu Gen's voice, and thought someone asked him for a telescope.

"Comrade Liu Gen, you are not staying in the artillery battalion, why did you come to our front line?"

"You'd better hurry back to the artillery battalion, these ghost soldiers are like crazy, they don't care about their own casualties at all."


Battalion Commander Zhang spoke very fast, his face was full of worries about Liu Gen, he knew that Liu Gen was a very powerful artilleryman, and the artillery battalion also played a great role under Liu Gen's leadership .But the frontline position is not suitable for Liu Gen to come here, it is too dangerous, no one can guarantee Liu Gen's life safety.

"Give me the telescope, I'll use it!"

"I came to the front line because I have important things to do, and I will definitely go back straight after I finish it!" Liu Gen had no choice but to say so.

Battalion Commander Zhang was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Liu Gen needed the telescope, but he took off the telescope hanging around his neck and handed it to Liu Gen.Now Battalion Commander Zhang can't find any free manpower to send Liu Gen back. He can only hope that Liu Gen can leave the front line as soon as possible after getting the binoculars and return to the artillery battalion behind.

Before Liu Gen could say anything more, Battalion Commander Zhang threw himself into the battle. The pressure from the devils was too great for him to waste time.

Liu Gen glanced at Battalion Commander Zhang, who had joined the battle again, and moved quickly with his binoculars. He needed to find a place that the devil soldiers could not easily notice. Only in this way could he observe the devil troops behind.

Soon, Liu Gen found a good position, took out the binoculars, and after a certain amount of camouflage, he devoted himself to observing the devil troops in the rear again.Liu Gen's observation speed is not fast, the devil commander is very cautious, he also needs to be extra serious, so as to avoid omissions.

Five minutes later, Liu Gen finished observing and asked the soldiers around him to return the binoculars to Battalion Commander Zhang, who then headed directly for the artillery battalion behind. The 5-minute observation yielded results. Liu Gen successfully found three areas, all of which may be the location of the devil commander.

Back at the Artillery Battalion, Liu Gen immediately ordered the soldiers of the Artillery Battalion to move. If he wanted to kill the devil commander, then the Artillery Battalion had to move forward.The three areas that Liu Gen found were all outside the range of the artillery battalion. The devil commander was very smart. He knew the range of the mortars, so naturally he would not choose to stay within the range of the artillery battalion.

"Move another 200 meters forward? Isn't that too risky?" When Battalion Commander Wang learned that Liu Gen was going to move the artillery battalion forward by 200 meters, his face was full of worry.

The artillery of the devil was successfully killed by the artillery battalion, so the artillery battalion can be moved forward. Once the devil successfully breaks through the position defended by Battalion Commander Zhang and others, it will immediately threaten the safety of the artillery battalion.As the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, Battalion Commander Wang clearly knew the danger.

"The Devil Commander is set up outside our range. If you want to kill the Devil Commander, you have to move the artillery battalion forward." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

There are certain risks in moving the artillery battalion forward, but in Liu Gen's view, as long as there is a chance to kill the devil's commander, it is very necessary for the artillery battalion to take a certain risk.Only by destroying the devil's headquarters and killing the devil's commander can the current situation be changed.

"Adventures are very necessary. Battalion Commander Wang, you should be able to see the current situation. If we continue, we will be forcibly dragged to death by these devils." Seeing that Commander Wang still hadn't made up his mind, Liu Gen said again .

Battalion Commander Wang fell silent, and after a while, he nodded vigorously, knowing that Liu Gen was right.If you don't want to be dragged to death by the devils here, it is very necessary to take a certain risk. As long as you can destroy the devil's command system, then it will be of sufficient value.

With the consent of Battalion Commander Wang, the artillery battalion quickly moved forward. Under Liu Gen's instructions, the soldiers of the artillery battalion did not make much noise as they advanced.After all, the purpose of moving the artillery battalion forward was to kill the devil's headquarters. The artillery battalion made too much noise and was easily spotted by the devil.

After confirming that Commander Guizi was a veteran, Liu Gen did not despise Commander Guizi in any way. This Commander Guizi was not easy to deal with.

After advancing 200 meters, the artillery battalion stopped, and the soldiers quickly set up the mortars to prepare for the shelling.

"Wait for my order!" Liu Gen took a deep breath, lowered his head and quickly moved on the ground. He needed to verify the position of the devil commander he had calculated.

Liu Gen kept thinking about his observations of the devil troops in the rear, and verified his speculation. Soon, he was sure that there were no problems in the three places he had speculated.It's just that Liu Gen also realized that he had overlooked one point, that is, the devil commander on the other side was very cunning, and he might not have imagined that the Eighth Route Army artillery battalion would attack him.

Then it means that the devil commander is likely to know that there are certain risks in those three areas, but besides those three areas, what other areas can guarantee his safety?

Liu Gen raised his head and looked in the direction of the devil's army, with a cold light in his eyes, where else would be safe?That place must be a place that I can't think of for the time being. Where could it be?
"Wang Battalion Commander, if you were the devil's commander, where would you hide?" Liu Gen turned to look at Wang Battalion Commander beside him, wanting to know what Wang Battalion Commander was thinking.

Perhaps Commander Wang's answer will not be so comprehensive, but Liu Gen hopes that he can get some inspiration from Commander Wang, and then find the shortcomings of his speculation.

"Me? I probably won't hide. The devils have always been very proud. Even if we kill the devil's artillery, the devils won't have too much fear." Battalion Commander Wang thought for a moment before saying what he said. s answer.

In Battalion Commander Wang's view, the devils are very proud and arrogant. Even if the artillery battalion successfully killed the devil's artillery, it did not have much impact on these devils, otherwise these devils would not charge again and again.Battalion Commander Wang knew the devils very well. He knew that devils never looked down on the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army.

"Huh?" Liu Gen pondered, as if there was nothing wrong with what Battalion Commander Wang said. With the devil's character, the devil commander might not choose to avoid it.

Liu Gen continued to look towards the position of the devil's rear troops, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he knew his negligence.When speculating on the location of the devil commander, he always thought that the devil commander would choose to hide out of the range of the artillery battalion.

But what if the devil commander didn't do this, but did the opposite and chose to stay within the range of the artillery battalion, then which area might he be in?Soon, Liu Gen had the answer in his heart, which caused obvious joy to appear on his face.

"Very good! I have found the possible location of the Devil Commander."

"Commander Wang, please divide the artillery battalion into four parts. We need to bombard the devils in the four areas at the same time."


Following Liu Gen's order and with the assistance of Battalion Commander Wang, the artillery battalion was quickly divided into four parts. It didn't take too long to finish all this, which made Liu Gen very satisfied.

In order to ensure that the devil's headquarters could be killed in one fell swoop, this time Liu Gen did not let the soldiers of the artillery battalion do their best. Instead, he asked the soldiers to adjust the angle and direction of the shelling strictly according to his requirements.The soldiers of the Artillery Battalion did not have any objection to this, they knew that Liu Gen's artillery skills were stronger.

"Listen to my orders!"

"Five bursts! Get ready!"

"Three, two, one, let go!"


Nearly twenty shells flew out of the artillery battalion's position at the same time, and quickly flew towards the four areas guessed by Liu Gen. The soldiers of the artillery battalion didn't bother to see if the shells could hit accurately.The soldiers took the shells from other people and quickly put them into the barrel again. In a blink of an eye, shells flew out again.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

As soon as the second round of artillery shells flew out of the barrel, there was a loud explosion sound in the area where the devil's rear troops were located. Twenty shells flew out almost at the same time. Even if these shells were mortar shells, they were not powerful. It was strong, but it still caused quite a stir.

The devil troops in the rear were not prepared at all. These devils did not expect that the artillery of the Eighth Route Army would actively bombard them in the rear. To relieve the pressure on the position, shouldn't they start shelling the attacking devil troops?The devil troops who were suddenly shelled became a little confused, and the devil soldiers didn't know what to do to escape the shelling.

The loud explosions kept ringing behind the devils, causing the devil soldiers who were shooting at battalion commander Zhang and others to panic. How could there be problems in the rear troops?Could it be that reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army have arrived?This made the devil soldiers not in the mood to continue shooting at battalion commander Zhang and others who were defending the position, and many devil soldiers quietly withdrew towards the rear.

"Battalion Commander, do we want to pursue?" Seeing that the devil soldiers gave up shooting and retreated towards the rear, some soldiers wanted to pursue the devil.

Battalion Commander Zhang shook his head, stretched out his hand and patted the soldier's head, "What are you chasing after? Look at your respective states, what kind of pursuit do you use? Take your life?"

The soldier chuckled, and he realized that it was indeed as Battalion Commander Zhang said, that in their current state, they couldn't pursue them at all.Only with a position in place can we fight against the devils until now. If we really leave the position to pursue, then maybe the devil soldiers will turn around and fight back, which will be troublesome.

If you lose your life because of chasing these devils, that's fine, but if you lose your position because of chasing, that's a serious crime.

"Okay, comrades, take this opportunity to take a break, eat some dry food, bandage your wounds, don't be idle." Battalion Commander Zhang ordered.

The soldiers took action one after another. After fighting until now, they finally had time to rest. But after the battle, these soldiers couldn't see the slightest joy on their faces, but they were all a bit heavy.When all their attention is devoted to the battle, the soldiers have no time to consider the sacrifices of their comrades around them.

But when the battle is over, the soldiers can see the comrades who were by their side, and they don't know when they died here.Many soldiers covered their faces and wept bitterly, but most of them tried their best to suppress their crying. They couldn't control their emotions, but they didn't want to affect their comrades around because of their crying.

"A bunch of cowards! Cry! Why are you crying! What's there to cry about!"

"Give me time to rest and eat! Anyone who dares to cry again will have their legs broken!" Battalion Commander Zhang looked at the crying soldiers around him and cursed angrily.

Under the command of Battalion Commander Zhang, the soldiers tried their best to calm themselves down again, clean up their emotions, eat and rest silently.Battalion Commander Zhang kept his face tense, and the bandage on his arm was somewhat bloodstained. He was also injured during the battle.

After seeing the soldiers calm down, Battalion Commander Zhang turned his head. He was facing the trench, and no one could see his face.

Suddenly, Battalion Commander Zhang's body shook twice, and there was a weak to inaudible cry, which was suppressing his own cry.After a while, Battalion Commander Zhang wiped his eyes vigorously. Due to the dust on his hands, there was a little more dust on his face that had just been wiped.

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and rest! Devils will definitely attack again! Don't relax your vigilance!" Sensing that many soldiers were watching him, Battalion Commander Zhang ordered loudly.

The soldiers didn't dare to look at Battalion Commander Zhang anymore, so they could only hide in the trenches, and at the same time looked vigilantly in the direction of the devil's troops, lest any devil soldiers come up to them quietly.What made the soldiers a little puzzled was that the devils seemed to be a little confused, and they didn't know what happened to the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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