Chapter 578

Chapter 560 Evacuation

On the devil's camp not far away, the squadron leaders of the two devils gathered together, their faces extremely ugly.

The shelling from the Eighth Route Army just now caused the captain and a squadron leader who were discussing the next battle plan to be directly killed. The two devil squadron leaders survived because they were not with the captain, otherwise they would definitely be directly killed. kill.

The squadron leaders of these two devils felt a little heavy. Coming to support Liulin County was not a difficult task in the eyes of these devils.It is even said that in the eyes of these devils, this kind of thing will not cause any disturbances, and they can reach Liulin County smoothly to complete this support mission.

But who would have thought that before they arrived in Liulin County, they would be blocked by the Eighth Route Army. The ordinary Eighth Route Army's firepower is not strong, and blocking them would not cause too many casualties.However, the blocking troops of the Eighth Route Army encountered this time were different. They actually had so many artillery pieces in their hands, and they not only killed their artillery pieces, but also killed the captain of their infantry brigade.

"Unfortunately, Captain Yu Sui, it may be difficult to break through the resistance of this Eighth Route Army with our remaining troops." Devil Squadron Leader Sakata Masao said.

Masao Sakata looked towards the Eighth Route Army's position, and he could see that there was no movement on the Eighth Route Army's position, as if the Eighth Route Army defending the position had disappeared.But Sakata Masao knew that was impossible, this Eighth Route Army unit could not leave easily, and it was not easy for them to break through the Eighth Route Army's blocking position.

When the troops were sufficient, it was impossible to break through the blocking positions of the Eighth Route Army. Now the captain was killed by the artillery of the Eighth Route Army, and the soldiers suffered so many casualties. Now it is too difficult to forcibly take down the positions of the Eighth Route Army. .

"Report to the headquarters! Ask for support, otherwise we will not be able to break through the defense of this Eighth Route Army."

"Before the order from the headquarters, Sakata-kun will take over the command first, and I will fully cooperate with you." The squadron leader Jiro Ono said directly.Jiro Ono didn't have any intention of taking over the command. He knew his own abilities clearly, and he couldn't do it yet if he wanted to be the captain of the infantry brigade.

What's more, it is not a good choice to take over the command of the infantry brigade now.

It is difficult to break through the blocking of the Eighth Route Army, so it is also extremely difficult to complete the task of supporting Liulin County.It can be said that after taking over the command of the infantry brigade, it is difficult to make certain achievements. When the battle is over, the headquarters will definitely send other people to take over.

Sakata Masao was a little helpless, and he didn't want to take over as the commander of the infantry brigade, but it was a pity that he didn't say it in advance, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

As the captain of the infantry brigade, Sakata Masao had thought about it. He had been the squadron leader for several years, and it was not that easy to get promoted.Now there is an opportunity to take over the infantry brigade, even though Masao Sakata knew that he could not sit in this position for too long, he still couldn't refuse the temptation.

"Then please be sure to cooperate with Ono-kun." Sakata Masao bowed.

Ono Jiro nodded with a smile, and said with a serious face: "Sakata-kun, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with your command."

After getting the promise from Ono Jiro, Sakata Masao relaxed a little. He was most worried that after he took over the command, he would not be able to get the cooperation of Ono Jiro. After all, there were only the two squadron leaders left.Once Ono Jiro did not cooperate, even if Sakata Masao wanted to do something, it would be difficult to have enough troops to support him.

"Very well, then we will wait for the command from the headquarters."

"Let the soldiers rest before the order from the headquarters is issued. The warriors of our Great Japanese Empire are also very tired after fighting." After a moment of contemplation, Masao Sakata ordered.

Sakata Masao wanted to launch another attack on the Eighth Route Army's blocking position, but thinking of the Eighth Route Army's firepower and artillery fire, he knew that organizing soldiers to attack the Eighth Route Army's position again would not have any effect.Without sufficient vitality and artillery support, it is impossible to successfully capture the Eighth Route Army's position.

In the previous battles, Masao Sakata had been waiting for the artillery of the Eighth Route Army to consume all the shells. Based on his combat experience with the Eighth Route Army, he knew that the Eighth Route Army probably did not have enough shells.It's just that Masao Sakata is a little puzzled. Judging from the performance of the Eighth Route Army's artillery, it seems that this Eighth Route Army has enough shells in its hands. Could it be that this is the main force of the Eighth Route Army?
"Ono-kun, which unit of the Eighth Route Army is this unit in front of you? The combat power is a bit too strong." Masao Sakata said with a frown.

Jiro Ono shook his head, and said helplessly: "I can't be sure, I can only confirm that it is the troops of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and only the troops of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army exist in this area."

"It's just that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army has an important task of defending Yan'an, and its main force should not be here. We are an infantry brigade, and it should not be worthwhile for the Eighth Route Army to use the main force to kill us."

Masao Sakata fell into deep thought. Up until now, he was still unable to determine the specific information of the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side, which gave him a headache.Masao Sakata realized more and more that it was not a good choice for him to take over the command of the infantry brigade. At least he couldn't think of any way to deal with this Eighth Route Army blocking force.


On the artillery battalion's position, the soldiers of the artillery battalion were quickly dismantling the mortar and preparing to evacuate the position.

The shelling of the devils' rear troops just now almost exhausted all the shells of the artillery battalion. Even if there were some shells left, it was not enough for the artillery battalion to fire a round of salvo.The artillery battalion was dispatched this time and brought a lot of shells, but unfortunately the artillery battalion participated in many battles, and the shells were consumed a lot.

Without shells, there would be no value in keeping the artillery battalion on the ground. Liu Gen planned to let the artillery battalion retreat before the devils could react.Otherwise, after the devils realize the intention of the artillery battalion to evacuate, they will inevitably be entangled by the devils. At that time, the artillery battalion will have to pay a considerable price if it wants to successfully evacuate.

"Battlemaster Wang, you take the artillery battalion and evacuate to Nuanquan Town first to strengthen the defense of Nuanquan Town. At that time, Battalion Commander Zhang and I will also retreat to Nuanquan Town for reconciliation." Liu Gen said to Commander Wang beside him. commanded.

Liu Gen was not going to evacuate with the soldiers of the artillery battalion. He needed to stay here and keep abreast of the movements of the devils' troops to ensure that the soldiers of the infantry battalion could evacuate safely.The evacuation of the infantry battalion was not that simple. The devils had paid such a high price here, so it was naturally impossible for the infantry battalion to evacuate easily.

Liu Gen can be sure that as long as Battalion Commander Zhang waits to reveal the slightest thought of withdrawing from the position, the devils will launch an attack immediately, bite the tails of Battalion Commander Zhang and others, and will not let Battalion Commander Zhang and others easily evacuation.

"Comrade Liu Gen, you take the comrades from the Artillery Battalion to Nuanquan Town, and I will stay!" Battalion Commander Wang said.

Liu Gen smiled wryly, and he knew that Battalion Commander Wang would say this, "Battle Commander Wang, you should evacuate first with the comrades from the artillery battalion, you know my ability, I will stay, if something unexpected happens , can help a little bit.”

"Comrade Liu Gen, it is precisely because I know your ability that I want you to evacuate with the artillery battalion." Battalion Commander Wang said very seriously.

Before setting off, Commander Wang was instructed by Master He to do his best to ensure Liu Gen's safety. At that time, Commander Wang still didn't understand.To be honest, in the view of Battalion Commander Wang, Mr. He's explanation would have no effect at all. On the battlefield, guns have no eyes, and no one dared to say that Liu Gen's safety could be guaranteed.

But after seeing Liu Gen's ability and Liu Gen's artillery skills, Battalion Commander Wang found that Master He's instructions were correct, that is, he should do his best to ensure Liu Gen's life safety.

As the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, Battalion Commander Wang clearly knew how difficult it was to find such a good artilleryman as Liu Gen. He dared to say that it was difficult to find such a powerful artilleryman as Liu Gen in the entire Eighth Route Army.Facts have proved that Liu Gen played an extremely important role in the battle, and these several battles had a great relationship with Liu Gen's superb artillery skills.

Battalion Commander Wang knows that Liu Gen has the value of protection, he would rather stay by himself than let Liu Gen stay here.Without the artillery support from the artillery battalion, no one is sure how long Battalion Commander Zhang and the soldiers can hold on in the position. Even if Liu Gen stays, it will not be able to play much role.

"I know Comrade Liu Gen that you want to stay and help, but now that we don't have enough shells, it's hard for you to stay and play a big role."

"It's even said that after knowing that Comrade Liu Gen is staying, Battalion Commander Zhang still needs to mobilize soldiers to protect you, and he can't maintain enough concentration during the battle. In my opinion, it is better for Comrade Liu Gen to evacuate first, so that Battalion Commander Zhang doesn't have to worry about anything when he evacuates the position." Seeing the helplessness on Liu Gen's face, Battalion Commander Wang had no choice but to say so.

Battalion Commander Wang knew that he had been ordered by Master He, so Battalion Commander Zhang must have received similar orders. It was not the right choice for Liu Gen to stay.Staying here will only cause trouble for Battalion Commander Zhang, it is better to evacuate directly, so that Battalion Commander Zhang will not consider the issue of Liu Gen's protection.

Liu Gen was a little silent. He had to admit that Battalion Commander Wang was right. Without enough shells, he would not be able to play a big role if he stayed.Even if Liu Gen's marksmanship is good, he can kill many devils by staying on the ground, but the devils cannot be killed. After all, Liu Gen's strength alone is limited and cannot play a decisive role.

"Okay, I'll evacuate!"

"But Battalion Commander Wang, you don't have to stay. If you want to evacuate, we will evacuate completely." Liu Gen took a deep breath and made a decision.

Battalion Commander Wang didn't object. Since Liu Gen agreed to evacuate together, he naturally didn't have to stay.It's not that Battalion Commander Wang is afraid of death, but that he clearly knows that there is no need for worthless sacrifices.Instead of staying and fighting for their lives, it is better to train more artillery soldiers and let them use precise shelling to take away the lives of more devils.

"Battle Commander Wang, let the soldiers prepare for the evacuation first, and lay traps and booby-traps on the road behind our position. Even if we evacuate, we must delay the progress of the devils as much as possible."

"I'll go to the front to find Battalion Commander Zhang and make the infantry battalion prepare to evacuate. Without our artillery battalion, Battalion Commander Zhang and the others don't need to stick around here," Liu Gen said.

Battalion Commander Wang nodded. He didn't have any opinion. Even if Liu Gen didn't go and tell Battalion Commander Zhang, he would still go.These ghost soldiers are not weak in combat effectiveness. If battalion commander Zhang and others continue to stay and stand firm, then the entire infantry battalion may have to pay here. This kind of loss-making business cannot be done.

The only pity is that after killing so many devils, there is no way to clean up the battlefield. In this way, this battle is still a bit of a loss.

When he came to the front line, Liu Gen could see many soldiers resting in the trenches. He tried to lighten his footsteps, not wanting to affect the rest of these soldiers.But even if Liu Gen took his steps lightly, the soldiers resting with their eyes closed would still notice it. Whenever Liu Gen passed by, they would open their eyes and take a vigilant look.

After confirming that they are their own people, the soldiers will close their eyes and rest again, saying that they are resting, but on the battlefield, how can they really fall asleep and rest?
"Comrade Liu Gen, why are you here again? Go back quickly, the devils may attack at some point." Battalion Commander Zhang frowned when he saw Liu Gen approaching.

The position is not safe, and Liu Gen is so important, Battalion Commander Zhang does not want Liu Gen to be in danger because he came to the position.On the battlefield, anything can happen. Now the devil seems to have no intention of attacking, but who can be sure that the devil will not attack in the next moment?

"The devils should not launch an attack in a short time. If I guess correctly, the devil commander should have been killed by our shelling." Liu Gen is not too worried. Judging from the performance of the devil troops, the devils The commander has a high chance of being killed by shelling.

Regarding this, Liu Gen was a little happy. It seemed that his speculation was correct, and the devil commander was in those areas.

"Did Commander Devil be killed by shelling?" Battalion Commander Zhang frowned, thinking seriously.

Liu Gen nodded with a smile, "Battalion Commander Zhang doesn't think that the several rounds of shelling by our artillery battalion are just a joke, does he? We guessed the area where the Devil Commander might be, launched the shelling, and killed the Devil Commander directly. "

"Judging from the changes in the devil's troops, the devil's commander has a high chance of being killed by us, otherwise the devil will not give up and continue to attack."

Battalion Commander Zhang suddenly realized that this was indeed the case. The devils had been attacking crazily before, and the intention of the devil commander was obvious, that is to continuously consume the ammunition and troops of the infantry battalion, and then win the battle.But now the devil doesn't seem to have the slightest idea of ​​attacking. Obviously, the devil's commander has changed.

"Battlemaster Zhang, I have already prepared the artillery battalion to evacuate, and your battalion will also prepare to evacuate."

"The Devils will definitely have more support troops coming. There is no need to stay and defend. According to the battle plan, the Daredevil Special Agents should withdraw from Liulin County tonight." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Battalion Commander Zhang nodded and said directly: "I will make the comrades in the infantry battalion prepare for the evacuation. When your artillery battalion evacuates, you will bring some wounded with you. We will evacuate an hour after the artillery battalion evacuates."

"Okay! Then we will meet in Nuanquan Town!" Seeing that Battalion Commander Zhang had no objection to the evacuation, Liu Gen was very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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