I am an artillery soldier

Withdrawing from the battle

Withdrawing from the battle
"Regimental Commander! The devil's attack is getting more and more fierce! Brothers can't stop it!" A soldier shouted towards Ding Wei.

As soon as the words fell, the soldier threw a grenade in his hand to the center of the devils who were rushing forward. Seeing the grenade flying, the devils scattered in horror.But there were still little devils who couldn't get out of the effective killing range of the grenade, and one fell down. He clutched his broken thigh and howled in pain.

Ding Wei shot out the bullets in the [-] rifle, and quickly changed the rifle in his hand, "I can't hold it! I have to hold it! Let the brothers hold on for another hour! The devil's attack is fierce, but their casualties are also heavy, brothers Hold on!"

Pulling the trigger again, he killed a light machine gunner with a headshot. Ding Wei looked tired, and the three or four hours of continuous fighting made him quite tired.Ding Wei gritted his teeth. He knew that he was exhausted, and the soldiers would definitely be even more exhausted.

Ding Wei looked at the devils charging forward, and he could see obvious fatigue on the faces of many devil soldiers, and the extremely standard tactical actions they used to do in the past were also a little out of shape.This let Ding Wei know that the battle between Xinyituan and the devils has become a protracted battle, and whoever can persevere will be the final winner.

The battle continued, soldiers on both sides continued to fall, and the soldiers of the new regiment were red-eyed.

The position on the right was breached, and Zhang Dabiao rushed up with the soldiers of the first battalion with a roar, and started a fierce hand-to-hand battle with the devils.Under the courageous fighting of the soldiers of the first battalion, all the devils who broke through were killed. Under the leadership of Zhang Dabiao, the soldiers of the first battalion also became wolf cubs with strong combat effectiveness.The devils were also red-eyed. Facing the death of each devil, the devil's offensive became more violent.

The battle between the Xinyi regiment and the Devil's two brigades lasted for a whole day. During this period, even though the Devil received several bombing support from the air force, the Xinyi regiment was still firmly nailed to this position and did not take a half step back.The continuous fighting during the day made the devil's two brigades and Xinyi regiment extremely exhausted.

In the middle of the night, under the leadership of the regiment leader Ding Wei, the new regiment withdrew from its position. If it continued to fight like this, it is very likely that the new regiment would all be lost here.

Ding Wei didn't want such a thing to happen, not to mention the two days of fighting had already had the effect of preventing the devils from encircling and suppressing them.According to the news from the headquarters, the friendly forces in Linxian and Fangshan areas have achieved good results, and the devil's encirclement and suppression this time is doomed to fail.Continuing to keep the soldiers of the new regiment stationed on the ground is completely irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers, and Ding Wei naturally would not do this.

In the middle of the night on March 3, Ding Wei quietly withdrew from the position with the soldiers of the new regiment, but the devils did not notice it at all.

The whole day's fighting consumed too much of the devil's energy, and last night Liu Gen led the soldiers of the artillery company to shell the devil's camp, but it made him sleepless all night.Devils are not made of iron, and their energy is limited after all.

As soon as he withdrew from the position, Ding Wei came to the medical department of Xinyi Regiment. Although there was only one doctor, there was still a proper name.Here, Ding Wei saw Liu Gen in a coma. After carefully examining Liu Gen's body, he was a little fortunate that Liu Gen's body was not injured in any parts, otherwise it would definitely affect Liu Gen's future battles.

It's all right now, Liu Gen's injury was not considered serious, and he was scratched by a few shrapnel. After a good rest, the problem will not be serious.

"Send the wounded soldiers of our regiment back to the border hospital at the rear. In the following battles, our regiment's actions must become more flexible, and the wounded will remain in the regiment. On the one hand, they will not receive good treatment. It will also affect the flexibility of our regiment's battle!" Ding Wei looked at the wounded in the medical department with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

There were not many wounded in the medical department, only dozens of wounded. Many soldiers were injured in the battle, but during the battle, the wounded could not withdraw from the position, resulting in many wounded dying on the position.Ding Wei once saw several wounded in the new regiment, unable to withdraw from the position, which led to the situation of sacrificing to the position.The wounded who died on the battlefield were the pride of Ding Wei. They used all their strength to fight and kill the devils as much as they could.

It is not the wounded who have not withdrawn from the position, so the soldiers of the new regiment must bear greater pressure when fighting.

"Zhang Dabiao, take a platoon of soldiers and send these wounded to the border hospital in the rear." Ding Wei looked at Zhang Dabiao, and he could see a few more bandages on Zhang Dabiao's body. It also requires timely treatment.

Zhang Dabiao's eyes widened, "Commander, how can this be done? I still have to lead the little bastards from the first battalion to fight! Besides, the devil killed so many of our comrades, and I still want to seek revenge from the devil! Now you want me to go to the rear? This is impossible!"

"Zhang Dabiao, do you still see me as the head of the regiment? Obey the order!" Ding Wei looked at Zhang Dabiao and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Dabiao shook his head, "Commander, if you want to go to the rear, you should let the commander of the third battalion take a platoon of soldiers there! Anyway, I, Zhang Dabiao, will not go, and I will take the soldiers of the first battalion to continue Kill the devil!"

"Zhang Dabiao, the commander is giving you an order. Why are you pulling me? As long as your battalion commander needs to stay and fight, I can't go to the rear. Our third battalion finally got a good opportunity to kill the devil. It's impossible for me to go to the rear!" The commander of the third battalion was anxious, with one hand hanging around his neck, but his face was still full of determination, it was impossible for him to go to the rear.

Ding Wei looked at these two people with some helplessness. He could tell that neither Zhang Dabiao nor the commander of the third battalion would easily withdraw from the battle.Looking at the two of Zhang Dabiao, Ding Wei was a little moved. If he wanted to drive the devils out of China as soon as possible, he needed fighters like Zhang Dabiao and the others.The soldiers of the artillery company were called, and Ding Wei asked the artillery company to retreat to the rear with the wounded. The two Type [-] infantry guns were blown up. It would not be of much use if the artillery company stayed here.

In Ding Wei's eyes, the soldiers of the artillery company are the treasures of the new regiment, so what if two [-]-type infantry artillery were blown up?Next, the new regiment will definitely have the opportunity to seize infantry artillery from the devils, even mountain artillery, field artillery, and howitzers!At that time, the soldiers of the artillery company will be able to play a greater role, and the soldiers of these artillery companies must be well protected.

The soldiers of the artillery company did not want to withdraw from the battle, but without Liu Gen, the company commander, the soldiers had no choice but to obey Ding Wei's order, withdraw from the battle with a new regiment of wounded, and head to the border hospital behind.

 ps: Ask for a wave of recommendations!The author has been having a fever for the past two days, and the high fever does not go away. If there is anything wrong with the writing, please forgive me


(End of this chapter)

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