I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 83 Offensive and Defensive Changes

Chapter 83 Offensive and Defensive Changes
On March 3, Ding Wei led the soldiers of the new regiment to entangle the devils in the mountains and forests, harassing the enemy with sparrow warfare, which annoyed the devils.

The speed of the devil's advance was not fast, and a new group of landmines planted in the mountains and traps made it impossible for the devil's advance speed to increase.The whole morning's entanglement made the devils lose their fighting spirit, but under the pressure of the two captains, Oda Liying and Inoshita Wada, the devils still did not give up advancing.

"Mr. Xiaotian, have you noticed that these earth-eight roads are a bit poor? They have only a single way to stop us from advancing. They are nothing more than setting traps and planting mines. It seems that our victory is in sight!" Xiaotian Liying said proudly.Keeping advancing, Oda Liying could see that the devil soldiers under him had learned how to deal with the traps set by these Tuba Roads!

At the beginning, the traps set by the new group of soldiers could still cause a lot of casualties to the devils, but now the traps do not cause much damage to these devils. When the devils are on guard, they want to deal effective damage to the devils. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill.That is to say, the landmines planted by the new group of soldiers are more threatening to the devils. If the devils step on them, they will either die or be injured.

"That's right, the fighting power of these Tuba Routes is not weak, but compared with the army of our Great Japanese Empire, they are still too weak!" Inoshita Wada said in a deep voice.


The sudden explosion made Oda Liying and Inoshita Wada's faces look a bit ugly. The newly planted mines still posed a big threat to them.Seeing a few devils howling in pain, Oda Liying and the others looked at each other and could see the cold light in each other's eyes.The two just said that these earth-eight roads are poor, and some devils were injured by these earth-eight road mines. Isn't this a slap in the face?
"Baga! Baga! These dirt roads are disgusting! They are like gutless mice, not daring to continue to confront us head-on!" Oda Liying scolded extremely angrily.

The corner of Inoshita Wada's mouth curled slightly, and he quietly distanced himself from Oda Liying, standing too close to Oda Liying, he worried that he would be infected by Oda Liying's stupidity.Inoshita Wada looked at the new group of soldiers who were flickering in the mountains and forests, but he admired the commander of this army. With the fighting power of these dirt roads, it is undoubtedly quite good to be able to delay for several days. .

If Inoshita Wada and the commander of this Tuba Road were swapped, then his way of dealing with it would definitely not be so good. In his heart, Inoshita Wada had some admiration for the commander of this Tuba Road.If it wasn't during the war, then Inoshita Wada wouldn't mind making friends with the commander of the Tuba Road. Unfortunately, the two sides are now fighting, and they will never be friends.

In the mountains and forests, Ding Wei led the soldiers to use mobile warfare and sparrow warfare to change places with one shot, which caused a lot of trouble for the devils.It's just that even so, the devils are still advancing, and it is because there are many hills and mountains in this area that the new group of soldiers can move around in it.In order to be able to find out the soldiers of the new regiment and cause effective damage to the soldiers of the new regiment, the devils were very scattered, which gave the soldiers of the new regiment many opportunities to effectively kill the devils.

"Da Biao, take the first battalion of soldiers to ambush on that hill, and when the devil catches up, hit him hard! After three rounds of shooting, immediately retreat!" Ding Wei told Zhang Dabiao beside him.

Now there are less than forty soldiers in the first battalion that can fight, but under the leadership of Zhang Dabiao, these soldiers have quite good fighting will.Moreover, choosing to do this is only to delay the time for the devils to advance, and to cause certain damage to the devils!
"Okay! Those from the first battalion will follow me!" Zhang Dabiao shouted.

Soon, Zhang Dabiao took the soldiers of the first battalion to prepare for the mountain pointed out by Ding Wei. With Zhang Dabiao's character, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't set some traps on it.

"Commander, where is our third battalion? What is our third battalion doing?" The third battalion commander couldn't help asking.

Seeing that Zhang Dabiao's first battalion had a mission again, the commander of the third battalion was a little anxious. The third battalion was not raised by his stepmother, so why didn't their third battalion get any mission?

Ding Wei was a little helpless. On this kind of matter, the commander of the third battalion took the initiative to ask for a fight.With the injury of the commander of the third battalion, it is best to heal his wounds, but facing the gaze of the commander of the third battalion, Ding Wei couldn't bear it, "How about this, commander of the third battalion, you take the soldiers of the third battalion to do battle behind the mountain. Prepare, if the devils catch up, cover the retreat of the soldiers of the first battalion."

The commander of the third battalion curled his lips. He was a little dissatisfied. If the devils couldn't catch up, wouldn't the third battalion be unable to fight and kill the devils?However, the commander of the third battalion also knew that this was an opportunity given to the third battalion by Ding Wei, the commander of the third battalion. The combat effectiveness of the third battalion could not be compared with that of the first battalion. It was undoubtedly impossible to grab the combat mission of the first battalion. .

Watching the commander of the third battalion lead the soldiers away, Ding Wei looked solemn. The advance of the devils has not stopped. I don't know how long the battle with the devils will last!Drilling into the depths of the forest with the rest of the soldiers, Ding Wei had enough patience to compete with the devils, and he also wanted to see how patient the devils were.

The devils are constantly advancing, and the landmines they step on from time to time make the devil soldiers a little frightened!No one wants to be the next person to step on a landmine, but there are not enough engineers to clear the mines, and the devils can only grit their teeth and use their bodies to detect mines, and then continue to advance.

"Baga? What? Let us retreat?" Oda Liying couldn't believe it!After finally taking the positions of these Tuba roads, and not killing them all, now they are going to retreat?

Inoshita Wada's expression was not very good. When he received this order, he was a little puzzled, but after the captain gave an explanation, he knew that in the past two days, not only the progress of the battle between their two brigades in Gedonggou Mountain It's not going well, and the attack in the area around Linxian County is also not going well. If you continue to fight, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out. It is the most sensible choice to retreat.

"Obey the order! You know the captain's temper, don't let him get angry!" Looking at Oda Liying, Inoshita Wada said helplessly.

When they came to Fangshan and Linxian to encircle and suppress the two areas, Inoshita Wada was optimistic when he first set off, but in the battle with the Xinyi regiment, Inoshita Wada was a little worried.It would be fine if they were the only ones who were unfavorable in the attack on Gedonggou Mountain, but in other directions, they were also frantically blocked by these Tuba Roads. retreat.

Looking at the Tuba roads in the forest, Inoshita Wada's face was ugly, and he had a feeling in his heart that he would fight these Tuba roads again soon, but there might be a change in offense and defense at that time, and these Tuba roads might become the offensive side!
 ps: Please ask for recommendations again, these two days are during the PK period, the more everyone recommends, the better the results will be.

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(End of this chapter)

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