Chapter 84
"Hey, what's going on with the devil?" A soldier asked with some doubts when he saw the devil retreat.

Zhang Dabiao just took out the cigarette he touched from the devil, and wanted to take a puff, "Just wait, the devil should arrive soon, let our comrades in the first battalion get ready, and when the devil arrives, he will hate you very much." beat the fuck up!"

"Battalion Commander, that's not right, the devil seems to be retreating!" the soldier said again.

Zhang Dabiao was stunned, the devil wanted to retreat, isn't this a joke? "Now the devil has the upper hand. It took the devil two days to take down the new group's position, and now they want to retreat. How is this possible? Turning his head and looking at the devil's position, Zhang Dabiao was stunned. The devil really wanted to retreat. ?

"Damn it! The devil wants to run! Comrades, run with me! Leave these little devils behind!" Soon, Zhang Dabiao came to his senses and shouted loudly.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Dabiao took his box cannon and rushed out first.The soldiers of the first battalion hurriedly followed Zhang Dabiao's footsteps, rushing towards the devils screaming, trying to keep the devils behind.

The commander of the third battalion who was waiting behind was stunned when he saw the first battalion rushing out, and quickly ordered his soldiers from the third battalion to also rush forward.Based on the understanding of Zhang Dabiao by the commander of the third battalion, it is not a good thing. Can Zhang Dabiao rush up like this?It's just that the third battalion is behind the hill. When the commander of the third battalion rushed to the hill with the soldiers, he could see Zhang Dabiao returning with the soldiers of the first battalion.

"Damn, there is no chance to drink soup!" The third battalion commander cursed secretly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The commander of the third battalion may have seen the soldiers of the first battalion led by Zhang Dabiao kill several devils again. If the devils did not want to fight back, then Zhang Dabiao might not easily bring the soldiers back.Zhang Dabiao didn't want to suffer. Seeing that the devil was going to fight back, he decisively led the soldiers back and let the devil suffer a dumb loss.

"First Battalion Commander, damn you, it's really comfortable. It would be great if our Third Battalion could be this comfortable anytime soon." The Third Battalion Commander came to Zhang Dabiao and said enviously.

Being able to lead the soldiers to kill devils is something the commander of the third battalion has always wanted to do. Now it is all right, except when fighting the devils, the third battalion killed some devils.In the withdrawn position, the third battalion's damage to the devils was limited, far inferior to that of the first battalion, which made the third battalion commander somewhat dissatisfied.

"It's a fluke! Who knew that these little devils would suddenly retreat? If they hadn't retreated, our first battalion would have killed more little devils!" Zhang Dabiao said with some regret.

The third battalion commander was a little speechless, mother, he just said casually, now it's all right, Zhang Dabiao just floated up.Damn, the third battalion commander is a little envious. If he can achieve such a record, then he can also float.With the first battalion around, the commander of the third battalion felt that he might never be able to float.

"Did the devils retreat? Damn, these little devils are very shrewd, and they retreated decisively!" Ding Wei rushed over with the soldiers, and the news he got from the headquarters let him know that the devils' attack was not going well, and they would retreat sooner or later, but he I didn't expect the devils to retreat so early.

Ding Wei was a little helpless. It seemed that he could not continue to kill the devil's vitality. He ordered the soldiers of the new regiment to repair on the spot and waited for the next order from the headquarters.


In the border hospital, Liu Genyou woke up and saw that he was in a strange place. He was startled and looked around vigilantly.After seeing the other wounded in the room, Liu Gen was relieved. It seemed that he was not captured by devils.Just where is this?Wanting to get up from the hospital bed, Liu Gen only felt a sudden pain in his body, which made him grit his teeth.

"Hey, Genzi, are you fucking awake? Come and drink some water." A familiar voice came, making Liu Gen slightly taken aback.

Looking at the door in surprise, Liu Gen saw Li Yunlong's figure, how could it be possible?Why is Li Yunlong here?
"Leader? Why are you here?" Looking at Li Yunlong, Liu Gen was extremely surprised.

Li Yunlong laughed, "Since you have a lot of questions, come on, drink your saliva before talking."

"Your injuries are not serious, and there are no missing parts on your body. After a period of recuperation, you can return to the front line to fight. Lao Ding sent you wounded to the border hospital for treatment. They were sent in time. Most of the soldiers received timely treatment."

"Several shrapnel from your body have also been taken out. I learned about your artillery company's affairs from the comrades of the artillery company. You have done a good job. The artillery company is in your hands. The combat effectiveness is very good. Not bad, I'm very satisfied."

Receiving Li Yunlong's appreciation, Liu Gen's face did not show the slightest joy, but was full of bitterness.Liu Gen took a sip of water and said in a low voice: "Regimental Commander, I'm sorry for you. The three [-]-type infantry artillery we finally seized were destroyed in this way. I didn't consider it when I was commanding the soldiers of the artillery company. Be thorough, otherwise our three [-]-type infantry guns will definitely not have any problems."

"Leader, punish me!"

"You boy! It's just the Type [-] infantry artillery, what's the point? If I can lead a new regiment to capture three of the Devil's Type [-] infantry artillery, then I will definitely be able to capture more in the future! Besides, the Artillery Unit of the Devil is better than your artillery." The company is so powerful, your artillery company is already fighting very well!" Li Yunlong said with a smile.

The artillery company's performance in the battle was good enough, and Li Yunlong began to appreciate Liu Gen more and more. Damn, Liu Gen is really a talent, but he doesn't know how long he can stay by his side.Does Li Yunlong know that the Eighth Route Army still values ​​a powerful artilleryman like Liu Gen, not to mention that Liu Gen is still so young and has great potential for development.

"Genzi, you should recuperate in the border hospital. I will go to the little nurse in the hospital to get you something good. You are doing so well with the artillery company on the front line. You must eat some good supplements!" Li Yunlong Looking at Liu Gen, he said with a smile.

Liu Gen shook his head quickly, "Leader, don't be like this, the boss transferred you to the rear just to grind your temper, if you do something bad again, maybe you will spend more time here Long, you have to pay attention."

"Don't worry, my old Li is reasonable. During the time I stayed in the rear, my ideological realm has improved. Besides, the good things I got for you were brought from the quilt factory. Don't worry, there will be no problems. " Li Yunlong laughed and said.Li Yunlong is a smart person, so he naturally knew that he needed to keep a low profile when he came to the rear. If he hadn't known that Liu Gen was injured and sent to the border hospital, then he might still be embroidering in the clothing factory.

 ps: Please recommend, collect!Please do what you can to reward everyone, and don't affect your quality of life.

  Thank you for being very on-point before, secretly-ah, brother Li Ge, smiling and cute, and the reward of spring dawn, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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