Chapter 88

Breakfast is very simple, each person has two eggs, a bowl of porridge, a white flour steamed bun and pickles.

This is a breakfast exclusively for the wounded. Li Yunlong worked so hard to get it. The white flour is still very precious.Most people can't afford white noodles, and even if they get a little white noodles occasionally, they are reluctant to eat it.Li Yunlong didn't eat as well as Liu Gen and the others. He ate corn bread and porridge with whole grains.

However, at least Wowotou can control his fullness, and Li Yunlong is still very satisfied.

"Genzi, how do you feel now? If you don't feel well, I'll call the nurse to show you." Li Yunlong came to Liu Gen's bed and asked.

Liu Gen shook his head, "Head, I feel fine, there is no problem. Go and see if the other comrades in the ward have any problems. I think some comrades are not in a good condition."

Li Yunlong was slightly taken aback, when did Genzi have such ability, but he still turned around and walked quickly towards the beds of other injured soldiers.Soon, Li Yunlong found the soldiers who Liu Gen pointed out were not in the right condition. After inquiring about their conditions, he found that they were indeed in a wrong condition. Li Yunlong did not dare to stay, and quickly rushed out of the ward. Go to the nurse.

Looking at the injured soldiers who were obviously in a bad state, Liu Gen's eyes flashed with sadness. These soldiers were all seriously injured. Even if Li Yunlong got some good things, it didn't hurt them too much. big help.Liu Gen didn't know whether the medical conditions of the border hospital could save the lives of these soldiers. It would be fine if they could be saved successfully, but if they couldn't, Liu Gen fell silent.

In the ward, the other injured soldiers seemed to have sensed something, and they couldn't help but look at the soldiers who were in a bad state with sad expressions.But even these fighters are extremely worried about these fighters who are obviously in a wrong state, but they can't do anything. The hand that can kill devils can't save the lives of these comrades at all!
Soon, nurses came in a hurry, and after checking the condition of these wounded soldiers, they went to treat them immediately.

It's just that the consciousness of these wounded soldiers became blurred when they were sent for treatment, and they couldn't say anything to Liu Gen and others.Liu Gen and the others looked at the soldiers who were taken for treatment, hoping that they could return to the ward again, hoping that they could receive timely treatment and go to the frontline to fight the enemy again with their comrades.

After the wounded soldiers were brought to the hospital for treatment, the atmosphere in the ward became a little heavy, and there was no trace of joy on the faces of the soldiers.

Li Yunlong looked at the soldiers in the ward, his face was also a little ugly, he could naturally see the state of the soldiers.At the same time, a shadow was cast over Li Yunlong's heart. The soldiers who had no serious problems last night were injured so suddenly that he was a little worried that the soldiers in the ward would not be able to survive.

Although Li Yunlong only knew Liu Gen among the wounded soldiers in the ward, facing these wounded soldiers, Li Yunlong felt that he should do something for them.Only in this way can Li Yunlong feel better in his heart, and he can try his best to stabilize the injuries of these injured soldiers.

"Genzi, I'll go get some good things. You can persuade everyone for me, don't let everyone have negative thoughts about treatment. The organization has never given up on everyone, but everyone can't choose to give up on themselves." Li Yunlong explained to Liu Gen road.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, he understood Li Yunlong's meaning, "Don't worry, leader, I will definitely persuade everyone."

"Okay! You can do things right now, I don't worry!" Li Yunlong wanted to pat Liu Gen on the shoulder, but he gave up thinking about Liu Gen's injury.At this time, let's play it safe, in case there is any problem with Liu Gen, then Li Yunlong will not know what to do.

Observing the situation of the soldiers in the ward, Liu Gen could see that no one wanted to talk. There was a soldier beside him who was seriously injured. He had been taken for treatment for so long and hadn't been sent back yet. How could the soldiers not think too much about it? Woolen cloth?

Liu Gen watched all this in silence, he didn't know what to say, he believed that the soldiers knew to live well, and returned to the front line after the treatment was over.The possibility of being sent to this ward and being able to lie on the hospital bed can only show that everyone's injuries are relatively serious.

In this ward, Liu Gen should be the one with the least injuries, but even Liu Gen needs a few days to move his body.It is undoubtedly impossible for the fighters to recover without more than a month.

And in this one month's time, I don't know what kind of things will happen. Besides, with the mentality of these fighters, whether they can last until their injuries are fully recovered is still a bit uncertain.

"Comrades, it is fate that you all come to this ward. Although I am young, I have joined our Eighth Route Army for three or four years. I can barely be regarded as a veteran."

"Now everyone is a bit bored, why don't everyone report their own backgrounds."


Under the leadership of Liu Gen, the soldiers in the ward reported the numbers of their respective units, which surprised Liu Gen. He found that there were quite a few soldiers from the 386th Brigade.Among them, the soldiers of the 771st and 772nd regiments accounted for one-third of the number. Looking at the wounded soldiers of these two regiments, Liu Gen could see that these were veterans who had fought many battles, and they were treasures in the army.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the devils, not only the new regiment is fighting, but also the 771 regiment and the 772 regiment are constantly fighting against the devils. As the first two regiments formed by the 386 brigade, the 771 regiment and the 772 regiment, these two regiments The fighting power is not weak.When facing the Sakata United, if these two regiments come forward, it will be no problem to block the Sakata United.

771 Regiment and 772 Regiment, the leaders of these two regiments are all from the old Red Army, and most of the soldiers under them are also from the old Red Army.After fighting the devils, through the command of their respective regiment leaders, both regiments had a lot of good things in their hands.

From the mouths of these wounded soldiers, Liu Gen also learned some things that he did not understand. The most important thing is that through talking with each other, the state of the soldiers in the ward has improved a lot, at least not so much anymore. funeral.

At lunch, the nurse brought lunch, which was fish soup and two cakes.

As soon as the nurse entered the ward, some soldiers couldn't help but ask how the soldiers who were taken for treatment are doing now. The nurse didn't answer, and her face was a little ugly.And Liu Gen looked at the silent nurse, and immediately understood that the condition of those soldiers might be quite bad, which made his heart sink.

 ps: Please recommend!Ask for collection!All kinds of requests!

  Thank you Qidian book friend for the world I imagined, button reading book friend happy single Wang, u204088303, seven seconds of memory for the reward, thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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