I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 89 Well done

Chapter 89 Well done
The lunch was good, and the fish soup was fine, but Liu Gen didn't like it very much.

After eating a cake, Liu Gen subconsciously wanted to hide the cake in his hand, but when he noticed that other soldiers seemed to be making such small movements, Liu Gen knew that the cake could not be hidden.The other soldiers were more seriously injured than themselves, and now their first task is to eat well, even if they left the cake to give to Li Yunlong, Liu Gen would not allow them to do so.

"Everyone take out the cake! Everyone is a veteran! Don't you know what is the most important thing when you are sick? Take out the cake and eat it!" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers and shouted loudly.Due to too much force, Liu Gen felt a slight pain from his body, but it was still within the tolerable range.

The soldiers in the ward looked at Liu Gen helplessly. They didn't expect that this young man Liu Gen would point out this matter. The key is that the nurse is in the ward now.Such things as hiding the cake must not be known by the nurse. Now that it is all over, facing the nurse's gaze, each soldier has no choice but to bite the bullet and take out the hidden cake and eat it.Only some fighters who haven't acted are a little lucky. It would be too embarrassing if they did the same.

Feeling the eyes of the soldiers looking at him, Liu Gen felt a little helpless. He knew that these veterans would definitely remember him in their hearts. Maybe they would have to discuss with him after they recovered, but even if they knew this, Liu Gen He didn't regret doing this at all, he did the right thing, it was very necessary for these soldiers to eat up their lunch if they wanted to recover.

You can't think that you can recover if you don't eat enough, right?This is undoubtedly impossible. Without taking in enough nutrients, it may be a bit difficult to recover.


At this time, in the brigade headquarters of the 386th brigade, Li Yunlong met the brigade commander.

"Li Yunlong? What do you have, boy? Tell me! Looking at the smile on your face, I know that it must be good for you to come!"

"Tell me! What's the matter? You'll be exempt from going to the front line. You've only been in the rear for a long time. It's impossible to send you back to the front line. If you're here for this matter, I advise you to leave as soon as possible!" Looking at the smile on Li Yunlong's face, Chang felt a little panicked.Every time I see Li Yunlong showing such a smile, something good must happen.

Li Yunlong hurriedly apologized, and filled the empty teacup for the brigade commander with a smile, "Brigade commander, you underestimate me too much, I didn't come to return to the front line. It's so comfortable in the rear, the quilt factory is just me As a factory manager, I have the final say, it’s really comfortable there.”

"Now our old Li is still learning how to embroider in the quilt factory. When will our old Li embroider a quilt for you, brigade commander, to ensure that you will be very warm in winter."

The brigade commander laughed, damn it, Li Yunlong doesn't know yet, but he can learn to embroider in a quilt factory, and dogs can climb trees!The brigade commander is also very strange, this guy Li Yunlong is staying in the quilt factory, why did he come to the brigade headquarters for nothing, could it be that he hasn't heard his reprimand for a while and wants to hear a few words?
"Only you, Li Yunlong, can still embroider? Look at your hand, it doesn't look like a hand that can embroider! Tell me, what is your son looking for me? So much time to spend with you." The brigade commander took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile.

Li Yunlong laughed, "Brigade Commander, it's actually not a big deal, but I'm a little nervous right now, can you lend me some? When I return to the front line, I will definitely return it to you!"

"I want money? I don't have money. Go find someone else." The brigade commander snorted coldly. Seeing Li Yunlong like this, he felt that Li Yunlong must have spent all his allowances, otherwise he could have borrowed from himself. money.Is there anything to spend the big bucks on in the rear?No, Li Yunlong is the director of the quilt factory. He has to eat and drink every day. Now that he has no money, can he spend it in a proper place?

The brigade commander's expression became serious, and he asked in a cold voice: "Li Yunlong, where did you spend your money? You have been a soldier for so many years, and you don't have any savings in your hands. Now that it's all right, you should borrow money from me. Here it comes! Today, if you don’t give me a reason, I will not lend it to you! I will punish you! Damn it! I knew nothing good would happen if you came!”

Seeing the resolute attitude of the brigade commander, Li Yunlong smiled helplessly. The brigade commander is too shrewd. In front of the brigade commander, there is no room for his cleverness.

"It's not that the soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment were injured when they fought against the devils in the Fangshan area and were sent to the border hospital. I just wanted to get some good things for them to replenish. You know, I usually like to drink a little wine, I don’t have much money in hand, so I found a lot of old comrades yesterday and borrowed some money. I know you are a good brigade commander, and I wanted to come to you to see if I could borrow some money from you.” Li Yunlong scratched his head, somewhat Said helplessly.

The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and nodded, the seriousness on his face disappeared, he could tell that Li Yunlong was not lying.With Li Yunlong's temperament, he would not lie about this matter, the brigade commander is still sure.Besides, if there is a problem, the brigade commander can find it out with a simple search.

"Okay! You kid just say no, tell me, how much do you want." The brigade commander said.

Li Yunlong rubbed his hands, for some reason, he was still a little excited, "Of course, the more the better, you also know that good things are quite expensive, what I bought yesterday was only enough for the soldiers to eat three meals .”

The brigade commander realized that something was wrong. Li Yunlong had no money, but he shouldn't spend it so fast.

"Stop, now tell me how many people there are?" the brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and said.

"Not many, less than a hundred people. This does not include the lightly wounded of our regiment. There are also some brothers from other regiments. I, Li Yunlong, must take care of them? I am an old Red Army, and I still have this awareness. .” Li Yunlong said in a deep voice.

The brigade commander has a headache, damn it, there are so many people, no wonder Li Yunlong can't make it through, even he, the brigade commander, can't make it through.

"Well, I have fifty side coins here, and I'll give you another ten yuan. You can take it back first. I'll figure out what to do with the rest." The brigade commander opened the drawer. There was not much money in it, so he gave it to himself. After leaving the ten-billion coins, the brigade commander gave all the money to Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong's eyes lit up, and he hurried forward, grabbed the money and put it in his pocket, "Thank you, Brigadier, thank you, Brigadier!"

"Brigade Commander, I'll go back first, the soldiers are still waiting to eat."

"Go back, mother, nothing good will happen when I see you." The brigade commander cursed.Watching Li Yunlong leave, the brigade commander laughed. He was very satisfied to see Li Yunlong's changes. He just liked Li Yunlong's temperament.

The guard came to the brigade commander and looked at the brigade commander with some concern, "Brigade commander, aren't you being too generous? Aren't you going to send the money to Yan'an?"

"As long as you talk too much, you should give this little money to Li Yunlong. The wounded soldiers in the border hospital need this money even more."

"In addition, I am going to call the division headquarters immediately, and say that my 386 brigade has important matters to report, and I will rush to the division headquarters immediately!" The brigade commander ordered in a deep voice.

The guard was a little surprised. The previous brigade commander's arrangement did not have this, but there was no other way. He needed to carry out the brigade commander's order. He quickly ran towards the telegraph room and asked the telegraph operator to send a report to the division headquarters!
When returning to the brigade commander from the telegraph room, the guards were a little surprised to find that Li Yunlong seemed to have forgotten to take the package brought by him. He opened it curiously, and inside was a pair of cloth belts embroidered with flowers, but the flowers were crooked. , somewhat ugly.

"Brigade Commander, this is left by Captain Li, it should be for you." The guard returned to the brigade commander with a cloth belt.

The brigade commander was slightly taken aback, took the cloth belt, and looked at the embroidered flowers on it, he knew it must be from Li Yunlong's handwriting, "This kid has done a good job in the quilt factory!"

 ps: Please recommend!Border currency is the abbreviation of the currency issued by the Bank of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the Anti-Japanese War


(End of this chapter)

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