I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 92 Too Strict

Chapter 92 Too Strict
"You boy! I have yours! Well, I'll take you for treatment. I've been here for a while, and I'm almost familiar with it." Li Yunlong said with a smile.

Liu Gen watched the two leave, and turned his attention to the soldiers of the artillery company again. Even the conversation between Li Yunlong and Zhang Dabiao failed to affect the training of the soldiers of the artillery company.In particular, after the soldiers of the artillery company were praised by the brigade commander, they made the soldiers work harder and earnestly in training. Seeing such serious soldiers, Liu Gen wanted to thank the brigade commander a little bit.

If it weren't for the brigade commander's praise, then the soldiers of the artillery company would definitely not have been so serious in training, and some people would inevitably be a little bit slack.As soon as the battle ended, the soldiers of the artillery company needed to re-enter the training state. Liu Gen's requirements were even higher than before, that is to say, the soldiers of the artillery company knew how powerful Liu Gen was.In the battle of Gedonggou Mountain, the artillery company had a good record, and many soldiers of the artillery company felt that they were quite good, and they were already qualified artillerymen.

Only a few fighters remained calm enough. They knew that being able to achieve such a record had a lot to do with Liu Gen, the company commander.The soldiers of the artillery company did not play a big role in the battle. To be precise, every soldier of the artillery company could be replaced, and the achievements of the artillery company were not something to be proud of.

Three hours later, Liu Gen frowned when he saw that some of the soldiers trained by the artillery company were deformed.

"Stop!" Liu Gen shouted suddenly.

The wounded around looked at Liu Gen with interest, wanting to know what this young man Liu Gen wanted to do. The soldiers of the artillery company had been training here for a few days, and the wounded naturally knew that this young soldier Liu Gen was an artillery soldier. Company commander.But Liu Gen was a wounded person, and the other wounded people couldn't see Liu Gen's display of abilities, so they would naturally suspect that Liu Gen, the commander of the artillery company, was a bit inaccurate.

"First squad leader, second squad leader, third squad leader, Huang Da, Li Chun, five of you rest! The rest continue training!" Liu Gen ordered.

The five people whose names were called by Liu Gen were a little surprised, hesitated for a moment, walked out of the team, and came to rest beside Liu Gen.The other fighters looked at these five people with ugly faces. They also wanted to rest, but facing Liu Gen's gaze, these fighters dared not say anything, so they could only continue to train hard.These fighters all understood why Liu Gen asked them to continue training, they all understood their respective states, and knew clearly whether they were serious in training.

"The five of you are the best trained in the artillery company, and you have performed well in actual combat. Next, the artillery company will be expanded into five squads. Huang Da and Li Chun, you two will be the fourth squad leader and squad leader respectively. The position of the fifth squad leader. I hope you can lead your respective artillery squads well, and don’t think that our two Type [-] infantry guns are blown up, and the artillery company is useless.”

"The artillery company is of great use. The achievements of our artillery company have already demonstrated all of this." Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Seeing that the five people became serious, Liu Gen nodded in satisfaction. Compared with the infantry artillery, the soldiers of these artillery companies are more important.Liu Gen doesn't think that the artillery company will have no artillery in the future. Even if there is no infantry artillery, mortars will still be used.After successfully regaining Fangshan Town, Xinyituan will not gain anything. How is this possible?

"Next, you each choose four fighters to form the members of your squad, and the rest will be used as backup." Liu Gen said in a deep voice with a cold light in his eyes.

The first squad leader and the other five looked at Liu Gen in surprise. When they saw the seriousness on Liu Gen's face, they immediately realized that Liu Gen was somewhat dissatisfied with the soldiers of the artillery company.The squad leader and the others also knew that after the battle, the soldiers had slacked off in training, but they didn't take it too seriously.During the battle, the soldiers of the artillery company were under a lot of pressure. Shouldn't it be normal for them to relax after the battle?

"Do you all think I'm too strict?" Liu Gen asked softly, feeling the gazes of the five people looking at him.

The squad leader and others were silent. They didn't speak, but the attitude they showed already showed that they really felt that Liu Gen was too strict.At the end of the battle, even the soldiers of the new regiment did not conduct training directly. It should be considered normal for the soldiers of the artillery company to be slack.

Liu Gen looked at the first squad leader and the others in disappointment, with deep helplessness in his eyes. He didn't expect that even the first squad leader thought the same way.Can the soldiers of the artillery company really do it?They are not even qualified artillerymen. If they are put on the battlefield alone, how many of them can hit the target with enough confidence?Liu Gen was very worried that these soldiers would not only fail to hit the enemy accurately on the battlefield, but might also cause danger to their own side.

"Do you think you are qualified?" Liu Gen asked, looking at the squad leader and others.

"No, we don't."

"Yeah, we're still a long way off."


The squad leader and others shook their heads quickly. They didn't dare to think that they were qualified. After seeing Liu Gen's performance on the battlefield, they didn't think they could do what Liu Gen did.Now it's okay to let the first squad leader and the others hit targets with a large range. It is undoubtedly difficult to let them hit targets with high enough accuracy.Even the squad leader and the others couldn't do it, let alone the other soldiers in the artillery company.

"No? No training yet? Do you think we will have a lot of time for training? Let me tell you, this is impossible! Now the devils are retreating! But the devils will definitely come back, I don't want that time, you still can't Go to the battlefield independently." Looking at the squad leader and others, Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

Without waiting for the squad leader and the others to say anything, Liu Gen picked up his crutches, rejected the idea of ​​the squad leader and the others wanting to help him, and Liu Gen went back to the ward directly.Continuing to stay here to watch the training of the soldiers of the artillery company, Liu Gen was very worried that he would be even more angry. He hoped that the soldiers of the artillery company could understand their good intentions. In terms of danger, the artillery is actually much more dangerous than ordinary soldiers.

Back in the ward, Liu Gen greeted the soldiers in the ward, many of them were able to get out of bed, but there were also more than a dozen vacant beds, and those more than a dozen soldiers could not survive their injuries better.It's just that compared with before, the soldiers undoubtedly looked away a lot. So what if they don't look away from this kind of thing?

Flipping through the books in his hand, they were some books that Liu Gen found from the hospital to pass the time.In this era, there are no mobile phones or computers, and the only way to pass the time is to read books.

 ps: Please recommend!Thank you Bi An YY for your reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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