Chapter 93

"Genzi, the artillery company is very good. Are you asking too much of them?" After dinner, Li Yunlong chatted with Liu Gen.

Liu Gen shook his head, "Commander, you also know how powerful the Devil's artillery is. Do you think the soldiers in the artillery company can compare with the Devil's artillery?"

Immediately, Li Yunlong fell silent and gave up the idea of ​​interceding for the artillery company.

Compared with the devil's artillery, the artillery company is much weaker. Weakness means being suppressed, and it means that it is easy to be easily destroyed by the devil's artillery!If the artillery company wants to compete with the devil's artillery, it either chooses to add more artillery, or the soldiers of the artillery company train harder, so that they can have higher combat effectiveness with limited artillery!
It is impossible to increase artillery, the artillery of the Eighth Route Army is limited, the artillery in any army is a treasure, who will take the initiative to send it to the artillery company?Then if you want to increase the battle of the artillery company, there is only one solution, and that is continuous training, so that the soldiers of the artillery company can become real artillery elites.

It's a pity that the artillery company could understand that Liu Gen's soldiers did not exist. The victory of the anti-encirclement and suppression made the soldiers relax.There is no need to fight devils in the short term, which makes the soldiers subconsciously relax during training.In the eyes of others, the soldiers of the artillery company were trained well, but in Liu Gen's eyes, there were too many problems, many of which Liu Gen had pointed out to the soldiers.

It was precisely after noticing this that Liu Gen was so angry. He had great expectations for the soldiers of the artillery company.But now, the soldiers of the artillery company disappointed him a little. Perhaps Liu Gen really shouldn't have too high demands on them.

Time passed by, except that Liu Gen would set aside an hour every day to watch the training of the soldiers of the artillery company, and the requirements for the soldiers of the artillery company were still very high.The first squad leader each selected four fighters as members of their own squad. After the selection, there were still seven fighters left.The artillery company has nearly fifty soldiers, but the artillery battle with the devils and the defense on the position still caused the artillery company to suffer certain casualties.

The artillery company with less than 30 people is a bit small, but in Liu Gen's view, it is enough.Fifteen soldiers were in charge of each infantry artillery before, which seemed to be a waste of manpower.The devil's setting is to ensure the rapid transfer and safety of the Type [-] infantry artillery.

The artillery company does not need to be compared with the devils, and now the Xinyi regiment does not have the Type [-] infantry artillery. Only by reducing the size of each squad can the artillery company be more effective.

In Liu Gen's opinion, five classes are very good, and he plans to use this model in the future.

Li Yunlong returned to the quilt factory. He is the director of the quilt factory. He has been away from the quilt factory, which is somewhat affected.After handing over the money to the border hospital, Li Yunlong didn't have to worry about the treatment of the injured soldiers. Here, he didn't have much to do, it was too boring.

From time to time, Liu Gen would go to Zhang Dabiao and chat with Zhang Dabiao, but Zhang Dabiao didn't spend much time in the border hospital. He came later than Liu Gen, but left much earlier than Liu Gen.Most of Zhang Dabiao's injuries were on his upper body, which did not affect his actions. He was the commander of the first battalion and needed to go back to replenish his troops and other things.

The first battalion suffered a lot of casualties in this battle. Zhang Dabiao didn't want his first battalion's combat effectiveness to decline. He chose to return to the new regiment to take charge of the first battalion's affairs to ensure that the first battalion's combat effectiveness would not be affected.

Liu Gen was somewhat envious of Zhang Dabiao. He could return to Xinyituan, but he had to stay in the border hospital for treatment.Even if Liu Gen's physique is very good, it will take a few days to fully recover.In the past two days, Liu Gen threw away his crutches and returned to his original appearance when he walked. This satisfied him a lot. It seemed that he was about to return to Xinyituan.


"Company Commander, someone is looking for you." The squad leader came to Liu Gen, followed by an uncle in a Chinese tunic suit.

Liu Gen was stunned for a moment. In the border area, only Li Yunlong knew him. Who would look for him?
"Liu Lianchang, I am the one who is looking for you. I am from the arsenal in the border area, and I want to ask you for some information." Looking at Liu Gen, the uncle said politely.

The first squad leader left quietly. Knowing that this man came from the arsenal, he knew that he needed to keep a certain distance. There were some things that he could not know.Even though Liu Gen and this man didn't say anything, the squad leader didn't want to stay here. He had long lost his curiosity and just wanted to fight the devils.

"Can you let me see your relevant certificates?" Looking at the uncle, Liu Gen asked.

The uncle laughed, took out his ID card from his pocket, and showed it to Liu Gen. After receiving the ID card, Liu Gen pretended to read it, but he was still not sure that this uncle belonged to the arsenal.Liu Genke never thought of someone from the arsenal before, but now that the uncle said he was from the arsenal, he couldn't believe it directly.

"Sorry, I'm not sure if you are from the arsenal. How about we go find the dean together? I believe the dean should be able to tell." While speaking, Liu Gen stood up and stared at the man in front of him. If something is wrong, then he will take this man down without hesitation.

Sensing the vigilance in Liu Gen's eyes, the uncle smiled wryly. He realized that Liu Gen had regarded him as a bad guy, but he really wasn't such a bad guy.

"Don't be so nervous, let's go, let's go to the director of the border hospital." The uncle said with a wry smile.

Ten minutes later, Liu Gen looked at the uncle with some embarrassment. He was really from the arsenal. He came to find Liu Gen because of the Type 10 63mm mortar paper that Liu Gen had asked Li Yunlong to bring.When this drawing entered the arsenal through various parties, it caused quite a shock in the arsenal. Based on the identification of the experts in the arsenal, the mortar drawn on this drawing is still very feasible.

However, there are many problems on the drawings, and the data is also wrong.The experts in the arsenal tried to correct it, but found that after they corrected it, certain problems would appear in each data. After trying many times, there were still many problems on the drawings that could not be solved.It is precisely because of this that the arsenal thought of looking for Liu Gen and getting some explanations and answers from Liu Gen.

"Liu Lianchang, now that I'm sure I'm from the arsenal, can I ask some questions?" The uncle looked at Liu Gen and asked with a smile.

Liu Gen nodded quickly, confirming the identity of this person, he will naturally have no more questions.

 pa: Please recommend!I'm a little confused...


(End of this chapter)

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