Chapter 205
The blood around the blood hole had turned black and was obviously poisonous.

Xiao Jingshui got up and asked everyone: "Who has a dagger? Lend it to me, it doesn't have to be too good."

Several people looked at each other, and finally a female monk spoke first: "Use mine."

This person is well-dressed, and his appearance can only be regarded as handsome. He seems to have a low sense of presence, but he is silent and resolute.

The female cultivator directly pulled out a dagger from her boots. It was extremely small, the blade was only as long as an adult's palm, but it shone coldly, and it looked extremely sharp.

Xiao Jingshui took it and said with a smile, "Thank you."

The female cultivator nodded coldly, without much emotional change.

A flash of appreciation flashed in Xiao Jingshui's eyes, she was a girl with an extremely tough mind.

She has always admired this kind of person.

But Xiao Jingshui didn't say much, took the dagger, squatted down, and cut open the bloody hole.

Not long after, everyone saw Xiao Jingshui take out a silver needle from it.

The silver needle glowed with a cold blue light, obviously, it was poisoned.

Everyone was shocked.

Xiao Jingshui stood up dragging the silver needle, smiled and said: "Don't tell me, who does this silver needle belong to?"

Everyone shook their heads, of course it wasn't them!
If they have such skill, they can directly assassinate monsters, why would they need a group of people to form a group!
At this moment, everyone realized that Ming Yuan, who volunteered to be a "scout" back then, should have concealed something.

Moreover, these things he concealed almost harmed them.

The monks who realized this had a bad face.But everything has not yet come to light, they are not in a hurry to accuse Mingyuan of anything.

Xiao Jingshui looked at Ming Yuan with a livid face, and smiled slightly: "What about you?"

Ming Yuan looked stern, and snatched the silver needle from Xiao Jingsai's hand: "This is mine, can't it?!"

But because of his hasty movements, Mingyuan's palm was scratched by the tip of a needle, and suddenly, Mingyuan's palm felt numb.

Because Mingyuan was too nervous, he ignored the abnormality in his palm.

But Xiao Jingshui and the other onlookers could see clearly.

A trace of compassion flashed in Xiao Jingshui's eyes.

To be a human being, you must be sincere, otherwise, you will suffer retribution.

Just like Mingyuan now.

Ming Yuan was horrified by Xiao Jingshui's gaze, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "What are you looking at? I just took back my own things!"

Xiao Jingshui's eyes were a little more ironic:
"I didn't know that the majestic young master of the Winged Snake Clan would let his snake venom spread to the outside world. This friend Mingyuan is really capable."

Obviously, it is impossible for Gongyepan to spread his snake venom, so there is only one possibility, that is, Mingyuan is lying.

As soon as these words came out, the others were shocked, they didn't expect the poison on the silver needle to be so powerful, it was the poison from Gong Yepan himself!
They didn't know Gong Yepan's identity before, but now that they knew it, they broke out in a cold sweat.Fortunately, Gongyepan and the others were too lazy to argue with them before, otherwise...

Suddenly, a group of people hated Mingyuan to death.

Mingyuan was so frightened that his hands trembled and he threw out the silver needle in his hand.

It was this movement that made Mingyuan finally realize that his palm had been cut.

Looking down, it was already black and blue.

Mingyuan didn't care about other things, and knelt down in front of Xiao Jingshui with a "plop": "Mr. Huayue, I was wrong! Please help me!"

Mingyuan is completely spineless now.

What kind of backbone do you need if your life is gone!

(End of this chapter)

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