Chapter 206 Exiting the Trial

Mingyuan knew that Xiao Jingshui was a world-famous alchemist, even the alchemists in Danxingu were much inferior.

As long as Xiao Jingshui is willing to save him, he will be fine!
Xiao Jingshui's eyes were cold, he didn't say a word, he just raised his hand, and the silver needle thrown away by Ming Yuan fell into his palm, a wisp of fire ignited on his fingertips, and even the poison and the silver needle were completely burned.

"The sins I made, I will naturally swallow the bitter fruit."

Xiao Jingshui's tone was cold and his expression was indifferent. She didn't have any affection for Mingyuan, so naturally she wouldn't help him.

Seeing Mingyuan's face turned slightly blue due to the toxin, he finally kindly reminded him:
"After you quit directly, you will be sent to a safe place, where there should be a tutor from the academy to support you. I believe the academy will not abandon you."

Mingyuan gave Xiao Jingshui a resentful look.

Doesn't he know this?

But he doesn't want to quit!

He hasn't got enough spiritual cores yet, so he must be at the tail of the crane if he goes out like this!

Isn't Mr. Huayue cultivating the way of forgetting love?Why are you so preoccupied with small-bellied chicken intestines?
As for the fourth son of the Immortal Dao, can't you be considerate of the difficulty of these small sect monks?

Mingyuan wanted to say something to fight for himself, but when he touched Xiao Jingshui's eyes as cold as water, he couldn't help but feel withdrawn.

Looking at the other four people, they all looked indifferent, and their hearts were completely cold.

No one would speak up for him, Mingyuan knew this very clearly.

Angrily glaring at Xiao Jingshui, Ming Yuan got up from the ground, then with a gloomy face, he crushed the teleportation talisman that everyone in Hongchu Academy had before they came.

The instructors who stayed outside talked about this trial together in twos and threes.

At this moment, the light of the teleportation formation flickered.

A tutor wondered: "It's strange, it's only been a few days?"

Another tutor lost interest: "Maybe it's bad luck."

Although they are recruiting students widely this time, the quality of the students is not bad.The student who came out at this time must be an unlucky child.

Several other mentors nodded.

A figure appeared, it was Ming Yuan.

With a pale face, Mingyuan clutched the wound on his right hand, with a panicked look on his face. Before the other instructors could ask, he knelt down with a "plop":

"Teacher, please save me!"

Several instructors present looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of disdain in each other's eyes.

Why are you so spineless?
But you have to read it after all, after all, the academy still has a reputation.

Wu Wenrui, a mentor with good medical skills, stepped forward and said to Ming Yuan, "What kind of poison did you get? Let me see the wound."

Mingyuan hastily stretched out his hand.

Wu Wenrui asked people to get up first, then frowned after seeing Qing Mingyuan's palm.

This kind of poison is not common. In the middle of Biqiong Forest, there seems to be no monster poison like this, right?

Wu Wenrui couldn't solve it for a while, so he could only seal several large acupuncture points on Mingyuan's body with silver needles to prevent the toxin from spreading, and at the same time, he also gave Mingyuan a sixth-level detoxification pill.

"What kind of poison have you been poisoned by?"

Wu Wenrui frowned fiercely, the wound on Mingyuan's palm was extremely small, and there was not much toxin on it.Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

It's just weird, this wound is not bitten by some kind of monster, and it doesn't look like someone injured it with a hidden weapon, but it looks like... like I accidentally touched something sharp.

Ming Yuan choked, is it true that this mentor can't even recognize any poison?

Wu Wenrui's cultivation level was higher than Ming Yuan's, but he could see his suspicion at a glance, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

 Let me tell you an unfortunate news, the author has a lot of mid-term assignments recently, and he has to prepare for the Putonghua test and the CET-[-] exam, but... a while ago, he was recommended to empty out the manuscript, so... In order to keep updating, the author can only do it for one day Two updated QAQ
  Believe me, little cuties, I will restore the fourth update as soon as possible!


(End of this chapter)

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