Chapter 108 Brother Tian Said
As soon as Dongfang Shaojie finished speaking, he immediately embraced Dongfang Tongxi into his arms, and whispered softly: "Xiao Xi, you are really Xiao Xi."

Although Dongfang Tongxi couldn't see his expression, but with his body clinging to her and constantly trembling, Dongfang Tongxi could understand his excitement.

However, Dongfang Tongxi rolled her eyes vigorously in Dongfang Tongxi's arms.

You said that Dongfang Shaojie is really strange. Counting the time she spent with him was only about twenty days in total. Is the relationship between them strong enough to make him so excited when he sees her again?
Not to mention that they haven't seen each other for eight full years. Time and space are the number one killers of so-called eternal feelings. What's more, between them, no, there is only his one-sided brother-sister relationship for twenty days.

As soon as she was so confused, Dongfang Shaojie let go of her and said softly: "Xiao Xi, I am your brother Dongfang Shaojie. I think I hugged you when you were just born."

As if thinking of something interesting, Dongfang Tongxi put a smile full of reminiscence on his gentle face.

"But..." Dongfang Tongxi's voice awakened Dongfang Shaojie's memory.

Seeing Dongfang Tongxi looking at her, Dongfang Tongxi bent his lips into a malicious arc, and said, "Brother Tian said, Tong'er is the only elder brother, you must be lying!"

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Tongxi looked at him firmly.

In her opinion, Dongfang Shaojie and Xue Qingyi are the same type of people, who use a gentle mask on the surface to cover up their inner indifference.

Because of the long-term invisible emotions, this kind of person is often difficult to irritate.However, the facts proved that Xue Qingyi could vomit blood from her anger, so how could Dongfang Shaojie, who was younger than him, be an exception?
I saw an elusive anger flashing in Dongfang Shaojie's eyes, and thinking of Ye Feitian's repeated obstruction of his request to see Xiao Xi, Dongfang Shaojie couldn't help but slightly clenched his fist under his sleeve , and said to Dongfang Tongxi, who was as well-behaved as he had imagined all these years: "How can Xiao Xi only have one brother? Besides, I am here this time to take you home."

"Take me home?" Dongfang Tongxi raised his lips playfully, "But Brother Tian said this is Tong'er's home."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, your home is not here, the Dongfang Mansion in the capital is your home. There is also your mother, grandfather and uncle at home." Dongfang Shaojie said softly, but the slightly trembling eyebrows let Dongfang Tongxi see There is a clue.

"But Brother Tian said..." Dongfang Tongxi continued his efforts, preparing to provoke Dongfang Shaojie's anger.

"He's talking nonsense!" Before Dongfang Tongxi could finish speaking, Dongfang Shaojie interrupted with a vicious expression.

Dongfang Tongxi heard the words and looked at Dongfang Shaojie with a surprised expression.

Seeing the child looking at him in shock, Dongfang Shaojie couldn't help turning his head annoyed, took a deep breath, and turned his head after calming down the inexplicable irritability in his heart, and said softly as if afraid of scaring the child beside him: "I'm sorry, Xiao Xi, brother shouldn't kill you."

When he was very young, maybe nine years old, he held the newborn baby in his arms and teased him carefully.

In the many years since then, what Dongfang Tongxi can never forget is the initial joy and emotion in his heart when Dongfang Tongxi put his finger in his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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