Chapter 109
In the many years since then, what Dongfang Tongxi can never forget is the initial joy and touch in his heart when Dongfang Tongxi put his finger in his mouth.

That's why, in the following years, he kept imagining what the little baby looked like now; that's why he always squeezed beside his grandfather and daddy when they received letters from Linzhou, trying to be the first Knowing the little girl's recent situation in time; therefore, when he found out that his aunt was seriously ill, what he had always been filial to immediately felt was not sadness but excitement...

Because... his aunt was sick, and he could finally use this as an excuse to pick up the little baby who was deeply rooted in his heart and go home.

Even Dongfang Shaojie himself didn't know why he cared so much about his little cousin who had only been together for twenty days; he also didn't know why he, who had always been polite to others, would fall in love with Ye Feitian the first time he saw Ye Feitian. He hated him intuitively; he didn't even know where the irritability in his heart came from when Dongfang Tongxi uttered the word "Brother Tian" in a sweet and soft child's voice.

It should be because of the guilt of not taking good care of her for so many years, right?
After contemplating for a long time, Dongfang Shaojie finally thought that he had found the answers to many questions in his heart.

Putting aside the unanswerable question, Dongfang Tongxi looked at the child who had planted uneasy factors in his heart, and said with infinite expectation: "Xiao Xi, can you go home with your brother?"

Thinking that maybe Dongfang Tongxi was about to lose his mother, he felt sad again.

Dongfang Tongxi heard the words, but did not answer immediately.

According to the news from "Yin" from the capital, the capital has not been very peaceful recently. Why did the Dongfang family, who have always been cautious, come to pick her up at this time?

Could it be that something happened that made them have to take her back?

Seeing Dongfang Shaojie's obviously unhappy face, Dongfang Tongxi frowned and asked, "Why?"

"Because..." Dongfang Shaojie said sadly, "Because my aunt, who is your mother, is seriously ill and may not last long."

Her mother is seriously ill?

Dongfang Tongxi recalled the woman who gave birth to her and was the first woman in the world who gave her warmth but was also weak and tough. She couldn't help being silent for a while.

I don't know if her medical skills, which were praised by her master before, can be used. If so, she hopes to use her strength to save her mother's life, because...she doesn't want her to die.

"Xiao Xi, can you go home and see your aunt?" Dongfang Shaojie asked again seeing that Dongfang Tongxi hadn't answered for a long time.

"Okay." This time, Dongfang Tongxi replied without thinking.

Dongfang Tongxi lowered her head inadvertently, but met Ye Feitian's deep black eyes filled with anger, pain, pity, reluctance and many other emotions...

In the middle of the night, Nie Wushang, who was already sound asleep, suddenly woke up from his dream.

Looking back around, nothing is different from before.

But for some reason, the empty room always gave him the illusion that something was watching him.

Is it really just his illusion?Or, was there really something lurking around him that he hadn't noticed?

Nie Wushang flipped over and jumped off the bed, his eyes kept shooting around: "Who is it?"

"Hehehehe..." As soon as Nie Wushang finished asking, a low-pitched laughter resounded in his room...

(End of this chapter)

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