Chapter 112 Arrangements before leaving 2
Hearing the words, Dongfang Tongxi returned Nie Wushang with a confident smile that everything was under control, held a piece of black paper that shone slightly fluorescent under the moonlight between his fingers, and handed it to Nie Wushang, saying: "Brother Wushang , Just give this to Wu Qingshan, he will naturally know what to do after seeing this."

Nie Wushang looked at Dongfang Tongxi and nodded.

Dongfang Tongxi said, paused, and said: "Also, let the Great Elder go to the capital in the next few days, and let him find a quiet house, I have my own use."

After all, the capital is still the territory of the Great Elder, so it is very appropriate to send him to preside over the affairs there.

"Yes, Miss Tong!" Nie Wushang took the rather peculiar piece of paper from Dongfang Tongxi with a little surprise, and bowed his head after looking at it for a while.

"Brother Wushang, as the leader of 'Yin', you should have a token or something? Lend it to me first." Dongfang Tongxi looked at Nie Wushang and said.

Although Nie Wushang was somewhat puzzled by Dongfang Tongxi's request, Nie Wushang still took out a metallic plaque from his pocket and handed it to Dongfang Tongxi without saying a word.

Dongfang Tongxi reached out to take the sign, walked to the window and looked at it under the bright moonlight.

The brand, which was at most the size of a palm, was quite heavy, and Dongfang Tongxi thought it was made of metal, but after careful observation, it turned out that it was not.

The style of the brand is extremely simple, only a simple "Ling" character is engraved on the front.

"This is... golden wood??" Dongfang Tongxi asked hesitantly.

Wood like metal, after all, Dongfang Tongxi had only seen it in books before, but had never seen the real thing.

A flash of admiration flashed in Nie Wushang's eyes, and he said: "Yes, my late father found this by accident during a trip, and later he simply used it as a token of 'hidden'. Just take this token, You can use all the power of 'hidden'."

"Hehe, you just hand it over to me with such a big background? Are you not afraid that I will use this thing to do something that you will never regret?" Dongfang Tongxi raised an eyebrow at Nie Wushang. He took the token in Yang's hand and said half-jokingly.

Nie Wushang bowed slightly to Dongfang Tongxi, and said respectfully, "Because this subordinate believes that everything Miss does is right."

Dongfang Tongxi looked at him silently. Is this... the so-called blind trust?

She Dongfang Tongxi is not a god, how could she do everything right.

Really, it turned out that she had unintentionally deified herself, so she didn't know if this was considered an achievement.

Withdrawing his brief exclamation, seeing that the matter was almost explained, Dongfang Tongxi greeted Nie Wushang and was about to leave.

After being tired for so long, Dongfang Tongxi, the sleepy bug that disappeared before, has also returned, she should go back to sleep.

"Miss Tong." Seeing that I was about to leave, Nie Wushang called me as if he suddenly remembered something.

Dongfang Tongxi turned around suspiciously and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Nie Wushang said with a confident face: "Miss Tong, it's like this. Senior Qianjizi said a few days ago that he wanted to go back to visit the juniors of Qianjimen. Before he left, he asked his subordinates to give you a word." Nie Wushang looked at Dongfang Tongxi, and said: "At first, my subordinates almost forgot about this matter, but I didn't remember it until now. Finally, I know that Senior Qianjizi really deserves his reputation."


(End of this chapter)

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