Chapter 113 About Winter 1
Nie Wushang looked at Dongfang Tongxi, and said: "At first, my subordinates almost forgot about this matter, but I didn't remember it until now. Finally, I know that Senior Qianjizi really deserves his reputation."

"Oh? Qianjizi have something for me?" Dongfang Tongxi raised her lips with interest, signaling Nie Wushang to continue.

"He asked me to tell you, my lord, that the national teacher who has no power in Ling country but has a high appeal among the people is a disciple of Qianjimen." Nie Wushang said.

Is that so?Perhaps, her trip to the capital will become more interesting again.

Turning her head to look at the full moon still silently pouring faint light in the sky, Dongfang Tongxi also smiled silently...

In the middle of winter, the howling cold wind blows to the earth with a biting chill, bringing the earth a bleakness.In such weather, most people will probably choose to stay in a warm home instead of going out.

However, there was an exception for a group of people outside the east gate of Linzhou City.

Speaking of this group of people is really a bit strange, except for some people who can be recognized as guards at a glance, the most prominent person among them is the little prince Ye Feitian of the famous Yewang Mansion in Linzhou City.

However, Ye Feitian, who is usually the protagonist, seems to have changed roles today, but the real protagonist is a little girl less than ten years old.

I heard that not long ago, Ye Feitian celebrated the eighth birthday of his righteous sister in the Yewang Mansion, during which someone disrespected the child, which made Ye Feitian furious.I don't know, is this child the one in the legend?

While working hard, the curious guards secretly looked sideways at the children surrounded by everyone in the crowd.

Among the passers-by who aroused infinite curiosity, Ye Feitian had been silently looking at Dongfang Tongxi whom he had guarded with all his heart for eight years since he came out in the morning.

In the end, could he still not be able to keep her?

Could it be that his unspoken love is about to end here?

Ye Feitian gently pressed his chest, feeling the faint pain coming from there, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

If possible, he really wanted to show his unwillingness to keep the treasure in his heart by all means.But……

Ye Feitian turned his head slightly, staring at Dongfang Tongxi who was looking at him with eyes full of worry and reluctance, even though he was extremely reluctant to let her go, even though every inch of his body was desperately clamoring to take Dongfang Tongxi away. Tong Xi was locked by his side, but none of these could defeat the deepest wish in his heart to let her have the innocent smile that she had when they first met for the rest of her life.

Such small pupils are the most beautiful, right?
It turned out that he is still a soft-hearted person who never leaves anyone behind when he does things on weekdays.Ye Feitian stared at his tightly clenched fists with a wry smile.

It's really ridiculous, if this is known to those who have been humiliated by him in the mall, I don't know how surprised they will be.

For Ye Feitian, who is extremely powerful, the only weakness that countless people can't find is his little pupil, right?

It's just that until now, this only weakness has to leave him.

"Brother Tian..." Dongfang Tongxi pulled the corner of Ye Feitian's clothes and whispered.

Seeing his current appearance, Dongfang Tongxi realized that perhaps she had underestimated Ye Feitian's feelings for her from the very beginning.Maybe, his love for her is not just what she thinks he likes deeply...

(End of this chapter)

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