Chapter 118 Returning to Beijing
Because he wanted to take Dongfang Tongxi to see her mother for the last time, Dongfang Shaojie took Dongfang Tong on the road day and night.

Along the way, not only did they eat, drink, and scatter in the carriage, but even the best horses were run away to death.

Finally, after ten days, the two arrived in the capital.

With this experience, Dongfang Tongxi thought that she would probably suffer from carriage phobia for the rest of her life, and the carriage almost knocked her to pieces.

Fortunately... Fortunately, I have already arrived in the capital.Otherwise, she really didn't know if she would be ordered to return to Dongfang Mansion.

Seeing the eye-catching snowflake logo on the carriage, the soldiers guarding the city hurriedly backed away.

After the carriage entered the city, they returned to their original places with admiration.

Even after entering the city, the carriage was still rampaging through the streets at full speed—fortunately, it was early in the morning when they entered the city, and there were very few pedestrians.

When the carriage arrived outside the Dongfang Mansion, the carriage stopped abruptly without warning.

The unprepared Dongfang Tongxi was almost thrown out of the carriage, but fortunately Dongfang Shaojie caught her in time with sharp eyesight and quick hands, which prevented Dongfang Tongxi from returning to Dongfang Mansion in such a strange way that she could laugh to death.

Dongfang Tongxi smiled gently at Dongfang Tongxi, and then carefully helped her out of the carriage like holding a fragile porcelain doll.

When he left eight years ago, Dongfang Tongxi didn't see what the Dongfang family was like at all, and this time he was finally able to see the true face of Lushan.

The first thing that caught Dongfang Tongxi's eyes was a vermilion lacquered gate with two bronze lion rings on the gate.

There are two majestic stone lions outside the door. The overall feeling is that the majesty does not lose the nobility. It is worthy of being the first family of Lingguo. This graceful and luxurious bearing is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Master, you're back!" A little old man who appeared to be indifferent at first glance, but looked extraordinary at a closer look, came out of Dongfang Mansion and said, bowing towards Dongfang Shaojie.

However, although the little old man was speaking to Dongfang Shaojie, his eyes were on Dongfang Tongxi, and he didn't turn away until Dongfang Tongxi smiled at him brighter than the sun.

Dongfang Shaojie nodded politely at the little old man, and then said to Dongfang Tongxi: "Xiao Xi, this is Uncle Fu, the housekeeper of our Dongfang family. Uncle Fu, this is Xiao Xi, please go and inform Grandpa and father."

Uncle Fu nodded, looked at Dongfang Tongxi probing again, then turned and left.

Dongfang Shaojie let go of Dongfang Tongxi's hand, and explained: "Uncle Fu has been in Dongfang's house for many years, and even grandpa and father are courteous to him." After speaking, Dongfang Shaojie led Dongfang Tongxi Go to the door of Dongfang's house.

Dongfang Tongxi nodded indifferently, followed behind Dongfang Tongxi while looking around curiously, while stepping into Dongfang's house after eight years of absence with a very complicated mood.

Not long after entering the door, Dongfang Tongxi was watching the plum blossoms planted by Dongfang's family when she suddenly felt locked by two sharp eyes.

There are two people in Dongfang's family who have such eyes, and they should know who they are.

Although Dongfang Tongxi already knew that they were looking at her in the dark, she continued to look at her plum blossoms pretending not to know, and it was not long before she heard footsteps approaching behind her that Dongfang Tongxi turned her back to everyone and smiled silently smiled.

"Grandpa, father." Dongfang Shaojieli's polite voice sounded first...

(End of this chapter)

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