Chapter 119 Dongfangyan 1
Hearing Dongfang Shaojie's voice, Dongfang Tongxi turned her head pretending to be surprised, and saw her grandfather Dongfang Yi and uncle Dongfang Yu standing not far behind her, looking at her with some emotion.

Dongfang Tongxi looked at them with timid eyes that suited her age, then reached out and gently pulled Dongfang Shaojie's sleeve, and said, "Brother, who are they?"

After leaving Yewang Mansion, Dongfang Tongxi changed his name to Dongfang Shaojie's "brother", of course, at his strong request.

Dongfang Shaojie patted Dongfang Tongxi's head reassuringly, and said softly, "Xiao Xi, these are your grandpa and uncle, call grandpa and uncle quickly."

Dongfang Tongxi hid behind Dongfang Shaojie in a dramatic way, covered his face with his clothes, and said in a lower voice than a mosquito: "Grandpa, uncle."

Not to mention Dongfang Shaojie's surprise, just the sudden blue and white complexions on the faces of grandpa and uncle made Dongfang Tongxi secretly laugh in his heart.

Hmph, what kind of family affection, in this case, it has not revealed its unbearable side.

If Dongfang Shaojie hadn't said that her mother was seriously ill, and she herself wanted to take this opportunity to leave Yewang Mansion, she wouldn't want to come back here.

However, everything was beyond Dongfang Tongxi's expectation. Although Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu were a little disappointed at the beginning, afterward, they showed a strange look of relief or relief.

This made Dongfang Tongxi confused by them, they, what does this mean?
Before Dongfang Tongxi could figure it out, Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu had already walked to her side. Dongfang Yu touched Dongfang Tongxi's head with emotion, and said, "Eight years have passed, Xiao Xi, who was so young back then, has grown so Big. If..."

Dongfang Yu seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said, but was interrupted by Dongfang Yi's sudden cough, he came to his senses and hurriedly said: "Xiao Xi, let's go see your mother, she But there's not a single day that I don't miss you."

Speaking of her mother, Dongfang Yu couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness between his brows and eyes.

Seeing this, Dongfang Tongxi nodded, and then followed Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu to Dongfang Yan's bedroom.

Not long after, the group of them came to a room with the door tightly closed.

Under Dongfang Yi's signal, Dongfang Yu stepped forward and opened the door first.

As soon as the door opened, Dongfang Tongxi smelled a very pungent medicinal smell.

But... Dongfang Tongxi frowned indiscriminately, it's not surprising that it smells like medicine, but the smell inside the medicine...

"Xiao Xi, let's go in." Dongfang Shaojie urged Dongfang Tongxi standing outside the door.

Hearing Dongfang Shaojie's voice, Dongfang Yi and Dongfang Yu also turned their attention to her.

Dongfang Tongxi realized that it was not a good idea to be in a daze at such a time.So, she hurriedly responded and stepped into the door.

The room was dark, and it probably hadn't seen sunlight for a long time.

There is not only a strong medicinal smell that cannot be dissipated, but also a damp musty smell.Dongfang Tongxi was so smoked that she almost couldn't help but want to cover her nose.

Going further inside, there is an embroidered bed with pink curtains in the inner room. Looking in from the lowered curtains, you can vaguely see the quilt bulge slightly upwards. The person lying there should be my mother, right?
Dongfang Yi, Dongfang Yu, and Dongfang Shaojie walked a few steps away from the bed, and stopped coming forward...

(End of this chapter)

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