Chapter 120 Dongfangyan 2
Dongfang Tongxi stopped on the spot and looked in, and finally involuntarily walked a few steps forward to the bed. She lifted the curtain with one hand and looked inside. In the dim light, she saw a woman lying on the bed. oriental color.

However, just after she saw Dongfang Yan, doubts also appeared in her heart.

Originally, Dongfang Shaojie said that her mother was seriously ill, so she was mentally prepared before she came in, thinking that she saw a pale mother with a weak breath, but now what she saw with her eyes was——Even though Dongfang Yan's breath Faint, but her complexion is...

Dongfang Yan didn't look like a seriously ill patient at all. Her complexion was healthy and ruddy. If it wasn't for her faint breath that could almost be described as gossamer, no one would believe that she was sick.

She seems to have heard of this kind of situation before, but if that's the case...

Thinking of this possibility, Dongfang Tongxi couldn't help but frowned. If it was as she thought, then her mother's illness might not be simple this time!

In the end, who is fighting against the Dongfang family in the dark?
Moreover, even if he wants to fight against the Dongfang family, the target of his attack should be grandpa or uncle, no matter how bad it is, it should be Dongfang Shaojie. How could it be the turn of Dongfang Yan, who always doesn't care about anything? ?
Dongfang Yan, who was not moving at first, moved slightly at this moment, and then slowly opened her eyes under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing Dongfang Tongxi beside the bed, her originally dull eyes suddenly burst into a frightening brilliance, and her expression suddenly became agitated.

A pale and slender hand from not seeing the sun for a long time also stretched out from under the quilt, trying very hard to grab Dongfang Tongxi's hand that had been placed on the bed.

In a moment of shock, Dongfang Tongxi didn't respond at all.

"Xiao Xi, hurry up and call your mother." Seemingly feeling that Dongfang Tongxi lacked the response she should have, or maybe because she couldn't see her sister struggling so much, Dongfang Yu couldn't help but walked up to Dongfang Tongxi and pushed her.
Dongfang Tongxi looked at □□exhausting all her strength and wanted to touch her Dongfang Yan, she lowered her eyelids slightly to cover the incomprehensible eyes, and called softly: "Mom!"

In all honesty, Dongfang Tongxi didn't show the slightest bit of reluctance or hypocrisy in this "mother".

After all, this woman who gave birth to her but didn't raise her for some reason deserves this title, and she deserves to be called that.

Perhaps for Dongfang Tongxi this "mother" is a kind of recognition for Dongfang Yan, but for Dongfang Yan, the meaning of Dongfang Tongxi's "mother" may not be understood by her.

Dongfang Tongxi's eye sockets that were sunken due to illness suddenly filled with crystal clear teardrops, and her bloodless lips kept moving, as if she was so excited to finally achieve something she had been waiting for for a long time.

Seeing Dongfang Yan like this, even though Dongfang Tongxi didn't have much extra affection for others, she couldn't help but feel a little sour.

Dongfang Tongxi hastily stretched out his hand to tightly hold Dongfang Yan's trembling hand in mid-air, and put it on his cheek.


"Mother...Mother..." Dongfang Tongxi called "Mother" several times in a row, which caused the teardrops in Dongfang Yan's eyes to roll out finally.

Dongfang Tongxi took advantage of the fact that everyone was moved by the scene of mother's kindness and filial piety, but she didn't pay attention to her, she quickly put her finger on Dongfang Yan's veins, but the result made her heart sink...

(End of this chapter)

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