Chapter 125

Want to kill someone?But, did she really think that she, Dongfang Tongxi, could be killed so easily?
Dongfang Tongxi sneered in her heart, but there was a sweet smile on her face, and Long Die'er threw herself into her arms unexpectedly.

Long Die'er was startled, and suddenly raised her drooping hands, and then, after a long while, Long Die'er hesitantly placed them gently on Dongfang Tongxi's head.

Feeling the gentle touch from her head, Dongfang Tongxi raised her head to look up at Long Die'er, but in her eyes she saw the expected murderous intent and unexpected...hesitation?
So, does this mean that her feelings for Dongfang Yu have exceeded what she thought?Moreover, she didn't actually do it voluntarily when Hong Chen laughed at the mother's meeting, but there was another story behind this matter?

With the intention of probing, Dongfang Tongxi put away the innocent smile on his face, and asked softly: "Aunt Long, are you hesitant to kill Tong'er to silence it?"

The hand that was caressing Dongfang Tongxi's head suddenly stopped because of her understatement. Afterwards, the hand slid all the way down, and finally changed to lightly pinch Dongfang Tongxi's neck very bluntly.

Probably confirming that Dongfang Tongxi's life was completely under his control, Long Die'er took off her perfect mask.

She gently squatted down in front of Dongfang Tongxi, looked at me with his murderous eyes, and slowly uttered a word that was so cold that a timid person would not be able to stop shivering : "Little Tonger, do you know that sometimes, being too smart will only make people die earlier?"

At the same time, her hand on Dongfang Tongxi's neck tightened a little bit, as if to explain her words.

However, if she wanted to scare Dongfang Tongxi, then he was doomed to be disappointed.

Dongfang Tongxi didn't feel that her life was held by others and might be lost at any time. She winked at Long Die'er mischievously and said, "Aunt Long, there will be something like that you said. This result is only because those people are not smart enough, and really smart people don't let themselves die because of being smart."

Long Die'er's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was thinking about the deep meaning in Dongfang Tongxi's words.

Before he could think of a result, Dongfang Tongxi made another move that surprised Long Die'er: he took Long Die'er's hand and removed it from her neck.

Seeing the unconcealable shock on Long Die'er's face, Dongfang Tongxi smiled and said the words hidden behind: "So, Tong'er didn't die so easily."

"What did you do, why can't I move now?" Long Die'er, who tried to move but failed, shouted at Dongfang Tongxi in shock and anger.

"Aunt Long, you will really surprise Tong'er." Dongfang Tongxi looked at Long Die'er in feigned astonishment for a long while, until the shock in his eyes turned into anger, and then she pointed her index finger at herself. The nose continued: "Aunt Long, with your ingenuity, you probably don't think that I know the secret you can't let outsiders know, but I still come to you at this time just to want you to kill me, right? Hitomi I haven't lived enough yet."

"Hehehehehehe..." After staring at Dongfang Tongxi for a long time, Long Die'er suddenly couldn't stop laughing, and that low laughter spread far and far in the silent night... …

(End of this chapter)

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