Chapter 126
Dongfang Tong raised his lips sympathetically, and said happily: "Aunt Long, if you want to attract those secret sentries you arranged in the dark, then I have to say regretfully, It's a waste of effort!"

Dongfang Tongxi's eyes turned cold, and he continued: "Tong'er has already come here, how can I let those people wait to catch me? Aunt Long, your idea is really interesting."

After listening to Dongfang Tongxi's words, Long Die'er stopped laughing, looked at her sullenly and said: "A truly smart person will not let himself die because of being smart, what Xiao Tong'er said is really good. It seems , I'm not smart enough, the really smart person should be Xiao Tonger."

Dongfang Tongxi pursed her lips, as if she was afraid of getting angry and said: "Aunt Long has won the award, Tonger is ashamed."

"Hmph!" Long Die'er was obviously very angry, her face was so dark that even Bao Gong could not compare.

However, she couldn't and couldn't vent at this time, so she had to change the subject and said: "Since you already know so much, let's talk about it, what is your purpose for coming to me this time? Would it be fun to find Aunt Long?"

"Aunt Long is really smart!" Dongfang Tongxi sprinkled a handful of salt on her wound, and after admiring her pale and pale complexion, she said again: "Whether you admit it or not, the red dust smile in your mother's place It has nothing to do with you, and, moreover, the most likely thing is that Aunt Long personally planted the poison. I don’t know, is Tong’er right?”

Long Die'er smiled wryly, and said with emotion: "What else do you not know? It's really hard to believe that you are just an eight-year-old child like this! That's right, your mother's poison is indeed I made it myself."

This is an answer without any surprises!

Dongfang Tongxi thought for a while, and then said: "After discovering the poison of Hongchen Xiao in my mother, the first suspicious person I thought of was you, Aunt Long. But judging from your hesitation about killing me just now , I'm afraid you didn't do it voluntarily."

Dongfang Tongxi shocked Long Die'er again.

Ignoring the shock in Long Die'er's eyes, Dongfang Tongxi continued: "Then, please ask Aunt Long to clear up Tong'er's doubts. Since it was not voluntary, why did you poison my mother? My uncle, but grandpa objects to the matter between you and uncle, mother doesn't seem to hinder the matter between you and uncle, right?"

I thought that Long Die'er had already admitted that she was responsible for the poison, so it would be easy to find out from her who is behind the scenes.

However, I didn't expect that upon hearing Dongfang Tongxi's question, Long Die'er's mouth suddenly turned into a clam, no matter how much she asked, she would not open her mouth again.

Dongfang Tongxi frowned in trouble, and finally she couldn't help but use the trump card she hadn't shown all along: "Aunt Long, tell me, with how much uncle loves mother, if you let him know that mother is not sick It was poisoned, and Aunt Long personally placed the poison on you, what kind of reaction would he have?"

"Are you threatening me?" Long Die'er narrowed her slender eyes, and a cold light flashed quietly from her eyes.

Dongfang Tongxi looked at Long Die'er, and sneered in his heart: Hehe, even in this situation, why don't you admit defeat?

(End of this chapter)

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