Chapter 127
However, if Long Die'er thought that she would give her a chance to stand up, then she was very wrong.Therefore, Dongfang Tongxi didn't care about her potential danger, and said with a smile: "Since Aunt Long said yes, so be it. However, Tong'er thought, Aunt Long would be happy to accept this threat from Tong'er." .Is it right?"

"Are you so confident?" Long Die'er calmed down and said with a slightly stern look.

"Of course!" Dongfang Tongxi tilted her head and looked at Long Die'er: "Ever since you gave up everything in the Yewang Mansion for your uncle a few years ago - including Brother Tian, ​​Tong'er knew that in Long Die'er In my aunt's heart, I can live without everything, but I can't live without my uncle."

Dongfang Tongxi said, paused, and said: "And the reason why you poisoned my mother is that the person behind you must have caught your weakness, which is not a weakness. Otherwise, Aunt Long I will do something that will make uncle sad. I don’t know, is Tong’er right?”

Hearing this passage, Long Die'er stared at Dongfang Tongxi in surprise for a long time, as if to see if she was just perfunctory.

After a long time, Long Die'er sighed in relief, and said: "Forget it, with descendants like you in the Dongfang family, I'm afraid no matter how difficult it is, it won't be a problem." After speaking, Long Die'er continued: "Then I won't hide it from you, the person who made me laugh at the world and forced me to poison your mother is none other than Prime Minister Ling."

Cold tea?
Dongfang Tongxi frowned when she heard this unexpected name.

If the information Nie Wushang gave her is correct, this prime minister who is as famous as grandpa in civil and martial arts in Ling country should be a close friend of grandpa Dongfang Yi.That being the case, why did he go out of his way to let Long Die'er poison Dongfang Yan?
Even if his usual friendship with Dongfang Yi is all fake, and he just wants to use this to attack Dongfang Yi and the Dongfang family, but he shouldn't attack Dongfang Yan, right?

After all, if Dongfang Yan passed away, Dongfang Yi would be very sad at most, but this would not affect the foundation of the Dongfang family in Lingguo at all.

So, why is he doing this?
It seems that the inside story is really complicated.

"Then, Aunt Long, do you know why Leng Mingjue asked you to do this?" Dongfang Tongxi asked Long Die'er this puzzled question with an attitude of giving it a try.

Speaking of this, Long Die'er also seemed confused, shook his head blankly, and said: "I don't know about this, he just threatened me that if I don't do this, he will use all his strength to kill Yu. "

Threatening Long Die'er to kill uncle?Then this is even more unreasonable. It seems that if you want to know the truth of this matter, you have to meet this famous Prime Minister Leng in person.

However, the most important thing right now is not this, she should first get rid of the red dust smile that Dongfang Yan is in.As for this method, hehe...

With a wave of his hand, he removed the silver needles that had just been pricked on Long Die'er's big holes, Dongfang Tongxi didn't look at her anymore, turned his head and left.

"Little Tong'er, where are you going?" Long Die'er called Dongfang Tongxi from behind and asked.

Looking back, Dongfang Tongxi saw the genuine concern in Long Die'er's eyes.It was also because of his concern for Dongfang Yan and her that she let her go so easily, right?

(End of this chapter)

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