Chapter 129
Shopkeeper Qin smiled "hehe" and said, "It would be great if it was really as good as Boss Zhao said. I don't know what happened. A few days ago, people in the capital went to various restaurants in the capital to buy fine wine at high prices."

The shopkeeper Qin Qin said, and then said: "I saw that person was so generous, I thought it was because everyone had some happy event, so they only wanted good wine. Who knew that after buying all the fine wine in the capital, that person would start again. Buying second-class wine, until now, I am afraid that any restaurant in the capital has lost a single drop of wine. So, Boss Zhao, I am really sorry."

After talking about it, shopkeeper Qin couldn't help but feel apologetic. Boss Zhao often patronizes Ruguilou, and he is very easy-going. Now it is not easy to find someone like him who is rich and doesn't think he is superior.

Where shopkeeper Qin didn't pay attention, the corner of Boss Zhao's mouth twitched slightly, as if he was trying his best to suppress certain emotions in his heart.

After a while, Boss Zhao said calmly: "Is there really no place that sells wine??"

Shopkeeper Qin was very embarrassed and said: "I forgot, Boss Zhao, you can't do without drinking for a day, but it is really impossible to buy wine in the capital, because even all the wine-making workshops in the capital are blocked by that man. I bought it. I really don’t know why that person bought so much wine?”

is not that right?Now the only people who can drink alcohol are probably those masters in the palace. A few days ago, these many alcoholics had been arguing for a long time because of this incident, but until the end of the arguing, there was still no alcohol.

It's only been a few days, and the price of wine in the capital has risen to an unprecedented height, and there is still a price but no market. If this continues for a long time, I don't know what will happen!

The power of this alcoholic should not be underestimated!
"Then... shopkeeper Qin, do you know who that person is? It's not something ordinary people can do to buy all the wine in the capital with such a big sum. He must be a descendant of a certain dignitary in the capital, right?" Boss Zhao tentatively , asked.

Speaking of this, Shopkeeper Qin was also a little puzzled: "It should be so, but that person is not a child of any big family I know at all, as if that person appeared in the capital out of thin air."

Shopkeeper Qin paused for a moment, and then said: "And the purpose of showing up in the capital is to buy all the wine in the capital and prevent others from drinking it. People really don't know what to say."

This was a casual sentence from shopkeeper Qin, but Boss Zhao sounded like a muffled thunder. His expression changed suddenly, and he got up quickly and walked out without even saying hello to shopkeeper Qin.

Shopkeeper Qin was stunned, and called several times from behind but got no response.

"What's wrong with Boss Zhao? Could it be that you can't live without drinking?" The bewildered shopkeeper Qin shook his head and muttered as he looked at Boss Zhao's back that was getting farther and farther away.

And Boss Zhao, who walked out of the building, jumped into the carriage parked outside as fast as he could, and then urged the driver to drive the carriage. When the carriage began to walk steadily, he put down his right hand that had been covering his chest, "Wow!" " spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

"Who the hell? They set up this trap on purpose?" Boss Zhao muttered to himself.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and there was no sound in the carriage except the wind from outside the carriage. No one could answer Boss Zhao's question...

(End of this chapter)

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