Chapter 130 Letter

As night falls, even if it is as prosperous as the capital, under the cover of this deep night, it is inevitable that the hustle and bustle of the day will be suppressed and return to the original tranquility.

There are no other sounds on the wide street except for the occasional watchman's beating, but in the dead of night, there are still people who like to be active at

A black shadow flashed past like lightning, and went straight to a relatively secluded corner of the capital.

There, a flickering light is particularly eye-catching at night.With the light on, it can be clearly seen that this dilapidated old house looks like other houses except that it is a bit dilapidated than other houses.

Although it looked dilapidated from the outside, the inside of the house was completely different from the outside. Although the furniture and furnishings were not considered luxurious, they were not affordable by ordinary wealthy families.

Different from ordinary houses, there is only one chair in the huge hall in this house and nothing else.

After a gust of wind, a small figure appeared in the empty hall.

I saw that person leisurely walked to the only chair and sat down, and what came out of his mouth was a surprisingly immature childish voice: "Ling Yun!"

"Your subordinate is here." A person walked out from the room, and after seeing the child, that person knelt down to him without hesitation: "What is Miss Tong's order?"

That's right, that little person sitting on that chair is Dongfang Tongxi.

"Get up!" Dongfang Tongxi flicked his sleeves to signal Ling Yun to get up, and then said casually, "Are you wondering why I have spent so much time designing to embarrass Boss Zhao?"

In fact, it's no wonder that he would be surprised. If she hadn't read the information that she let Nie Wushang exhaust all available "hidden" resources, I'm afraid she wouldn't have noticed that besides her unique love for drinking, Boss Zhao, who has nothing to shine.

Ling Yun didn't deny it either, just lowered his head and said softly: "This subordinate is stupid, please let me know."

"That Boss Zhao..." Dongfang Tongxi touched his chin and said, "He is just an irrelevant bait. I just want to use him to catch the big fish I want. Besides, that It’s a big fish, and I’m sure I’ll be willing to catch it! Hehe!”

Maybe it was because Dongfang Tongxi's explanation was too vague. Not only did Ling Yun feel relieved when he heard that, but the doubts on his face were even heavier than before Dongfang Tongxi didn't explain.

Dongfang Tongxi didn't bother to explain anything, took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to him, saying: "You don't understand, do you? Read this survey and you will know why I did this."

Ling Yun took the letter and looked down. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was. After reading it, he looked up at Dongfang Tongxi in amazement and said, "Miss Tong, this..."

Ling Yun has always been an old and steady person, if he were to show such open surprise, the content of this letter...

"Surprised by learning, right?" Dongfang Tongxi smiled slightly, and said again: "If I hadn't been very sure about Wushang's ability to handle affairs, I wouldn't have believed it was true. Heh, I didn't expect it. So, in Jianghu Xiao Hongchen, the long-renowned "old man" of the Three Wonders, is actually such a person."

"It's true that I didn't expect it, and I'm afraid no one in the world would have thought of it." Ling Yun still had a shocked face on his face, and said, "Is it because of this that Miss is embarrassing Boss Zhao? Then Xiao Hongchen will definitely appear?"

(End of this chapter)

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