Chapter 140
The handsome man in red was about to speak again, but the girl in blue cut him off: "Okay, we'll tell you! Big Brother Lan, if you want to make someone who is afraid of even the Minister of War want to know about us, even if we don't tell you, They can also find out by themselves. And, tell her, maybe he has a way to help us."

The latter sentence was for the handsome man in red, and after the handsome man in red acquiesced to her words, she continued, "The thing is like this..."

Oh I see.

After hearing the girl in blue's story, Dongfang Tongxi also knew why they treated her so badly when they mistakenly thought she was someone whose surname was Wen.

However, now it seems that this matter is not only very interesting, but also has a certain relationship with what she plans to do next.

Such an interesting thing, if she doesn't get involved, won't she be in trouble with herself?Hehe, old man of the Leng family, just wait for the move!
The beautiful boy in red, named Lan Xian, both of his parents died shortly after he was born.However, he was lucky enough to be adopted by the parents of Ye Chen, a girl in blue.

After Ye Chen was born, feeling the kindness of his parents' upbringing, Lan Xian treated Ye Chen like his own sister. For Ye Chen, even if it took his life, that's why this later thing.

Two years ago, Ye Chen's father was killed by robbers when he was out doing business, and Ye Chen's mother was too sad because of this incident and soon died of depression. Since then, Lan Xian and Ye Chen have been left alone.

When Ye Chen's parents were alive, they didn't need to worry about their livelihood at all, but after Ye's father and mother passed away, Lan Xian had to take on the responsibility of earning money to support the family.

Originally, with the income from Lan Xian's hard work, although the two of them could not be well-off and well-fed, they could still live comfortably.

But the bad thing is that Ye Chen has been seriously ill since a few months ago, and he has seen many doctors to no avail, and he has spent all his savings for the past two years.Seeing Ye Chen's illness getting worse and worse, although Lan Xian was anxious, he had nothing to do.

Ye Chen couldn't bear Lan Xian running around because of his illness, so he dragged his seriously ill body to Tianxiang Tower without telling Lan Xian and became a servant.

Unexpectedly, this would lead to disaster.

A well-known playboy in the capital—the prime minister Leng Mingjue's grandson Wenlie fell in love with Ye Chen after a chance encounter, and promised Ye Chen that as long as Ye Chen followed him, he would find the best doctor to cure Ye Chen's illness .

Although Ye Chen was close to a dead end, he would never agree to such a request.Unexpectedly, Wen Lie actually investigated Ye Chen's situation after several times of entanglement to no avail, and threatened that if Ye Chen didn't agree, he would "invite" Lan Xian to the Prime Minister's Mansion as a guest!

In the end, this incident was known to everyone, and of course it reached the ears of Lan Xian, who was exhausted because of Ye Chen's illness.

Lan Xian was adopted by the Ye family since she was a child, and even regarded Ye Chen as her own sister, so how could she let Ye Chen fall into such a situation?Especially because of my own reasons.

After inquiring about it several times, Lan Xian got the news that Wen Lie would come to Tianxiang Tower today, so she came here to negotiate with him, and was mentally prepared to agree to his request.

Unexpectedly, because of a servant's vague words, he found the wrong place and ran to the fourth floor, and because Lan Xian only heard Wen Lie's name but didn't see her, that's why he recognized her as Wen Lie...

(End of this chapter)

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