Chapter 141 I Want You...

However, Dongfang Tongxi felt that he was really innocent, not to mention that she didn't look like a pervert, is there anyone in this world who is as old as her and whose name is spread all over the capital?Really!
After talking about the backgrounds of himself and Ye Chen, Lan Xian stared at Dongfang Tongxi expectantly with his beautiful eyes wide open, hoping to hear what he wanted to hear from her.

Such a handsome man, of course Dongfang Tongxi would not disappoint him, would he? ?
Dongfang Tongxi lifted his lips and smiled, and said: "I can help you solve this Wen Lie, and I can also let someone cure this little girl's illness, but I have one condition."

After all, she Dongfang Tongxi is not a helpful person, so of course she has to get some interest back.

After exchanging glances with Ye Chen, Lan Xian cautiously asked, "What conditions?"

Perhaps it was because of the lesson learned by Wen Lie, when they heard that Dongfang Tongxi wanted to raise conditions, guard and... disdain suddenly appeared in their eyes?
Heh heh heh, Dongfang Tongxi suppressed the slight anger in his heart, and said angrily: "I want you..." Dongfang Tongxi pointed at Lan Xian.

Dongfang Tongxi's intentional pause made Lan Xian and Ye Chen almost stare at her to death with their beautiful big eyes.

Dongfang Tongxi secretly smiled inwardly, feeling a little out of breath before she continued, "I want you to manage Tianxianglou!"

Unexpectedly, Dongfang Tongxi would propose such an unexpected condition, Lan Xian and Ye Chen opened their mouths wide at the same time, staring at Dongfang Tongxi blankly.

Dongfang Tongxi was very satisfied with their reaction, she stretched out her hands kindly, closed their mouths that were so wide that they almost flew into the little bird's mouth, and said happily: "Don't doubt, you heard me right!"

It is not without consideration that I want Lan Xian to manage Tianxianglou. Tianxianglou is a brothel after all. If Ling Yun, a "hidden" elder, is really in charge, not to mention burying him, it would be a bit weird.

But Lan Xian is different. Not only is he young, but he is also a great beauty who can accommodate both men and women. If he is there, I believe Tianxianglou will definitely have many more guests. Of course, there will be more sources of news. This is good for the current For Dongfang Tongxi, it was much bigger.

"How is it? Do you agree or not?" Dongfang Tongxi looked at them with a smile and asked.

"We..." Lan Xian blinked: "It seems that we have no other choice, right?"


Dongfang Tongxi smiled with satisfaction, and she always only likes smart people.

"In this way, the matter here is settled." Dongfang Tongxi stretched her waist, and continued: "You go to Boss Ling yourself later, and let him arrange the two of you as I just said. As for that Wen Lie, you can rest assured and leave it to me, what I promised will naturally be done."

"Can you tell us your identity?" Lan Xian looked at Dongfang Tongxi with some hesitation.

identity?It seems that they still have doubts about her ability, Dongfang Tongxi smiled, took out the fiery red jade pendant that her grandfather gave her when she was born, and handed it to him.

"Oriental family!" The two said with shock in their eyes.

It seems that this jade pendant is more famous than she imagined. Lan Xian and Ye Chen exclaimed in surprise when they saw the jade pendant, and then looked at Dongfang Tongxi with a little more amazement.

"Now you won't have any questions, right?" Dongfang Tongxi looked at them and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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