Chapter 148 Test
In fact, although the Zuiyixuan is very tall, the Zuiyixuan, which is known as "making friends through literature", does not have to pass the test even to enter the door.

Originally, the young man also saw that although Dongfang Tongxi was a little girl dressed in ordinary clothes, she had an aura of dignity that could not be concealed by the cloth clothes on her body, and she also carried two girls who knew it at a glance. A simple follower, so I didn't underestimate him because he was a child.

However, no matter how powerful this child is, he is still just a little girl less than ten years old.

"Zuiyixuan" is not something that a child can enter casually!

Therefore, in order not to hurt the little girl's self-esteem, he brought out the test that Zuiyixuan only used when the guests challenged the Xuan master once a year, in order to let the little girl retreat.

However, what he didn't expect was that the girl actually said that she wanted to try Zui Yinxuan's countless tests?Hmph, since he looks down on Zui Yi Xuan so much, then don't blame her for being rude!The doorman thought bitterly in his heart.

Although his heart was about to explode with anger, there was no trace on the boy's face, but the flash of anger in his eyes after listening to Dongfang Tongxi's words revealed what he was thinking.

After thinking for a while, Dongfang Tongxi knew the reason why the boy was angry, but she didn't care.Her purpose is to go to this fun-looking Zuiyinxuan to have fun, as for him, he is just an insignificant servant, and she doesn't bother to care what he thinks in his heart.

Therefore, facing the boy's anger, Dongfang Tongxi just gave him a slight smile that was like adding fuel to the fire, and then nodded to him confidently, indicating that the test can begin.

The boy's face was flushed with anger because of Dongfang Tongxi's two simple actions, but he calmed down the anger in his heart when he thought that he would see the embarrassment of this ignorant little girl failing the test later , regained his composure.

However, he was so angry that he never thought of using this test to embarrass Dongfang Tongxi. After thinking for a while, he chose one of the tests Xuanzhu had set for those who wanted to challenge him over the years. One said: "Listen well, this test is the couplet."

"En!" Dongfang Tongxi nodded after listening.

In order to prevent Dongfang Tongxi from losing so ugly, he also slightly changed the rules, pointing at the people who sat down to drink tea in Zuiyi Xuan, or looked around at the famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, and said: "As long as If you can write a couplet that makes anyone inside agree to let you in, you can go in."

Speaking of this, the boy still gave Dongfang Tongxi a gloating look.

Of course, the test of Zuiyixuan would not be so simple, but the boy thought that these talented scholars would definitely not lose to the brat Dongfang Tongxi.

The boy's reaction made Dongfang Tongxi feel a little funny.

For couplets, this is really not something she is good at.

However, of course she is not worried that she will fail this test. Thinking about the essence of Chinese culture over the past 5000 years, how can one underestimate it?How could she be afraid of this?

Thinking about it this way, Dongfang Tongxi looked around the servant who was waiting to see her joke, and looked in...

(End of this chapter)

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