The little black-bellied princess: the bewitching demon pupil

Chapter 149 Ask Uncle to Propose a Question

Chapter 149 Ask Uncle to Propose a Question

Zuiyixuan is really extraordinary, not to mention the famous calligraphy and paintings on the wall, but the seemingly leisurely and polite people inside are enough to let people know its standard.

The young man over there wearing a glaring white gown, according to Dongfang Tongxi's "hidden" information, was the number one scholar praised by the emperor last year; on the other side was a handsome man with a folding fan But it's not an unknown person, it is Lu Wushuang, who is known all over the world as a unparalleled talent; the two men with extraordinary temperament in their forties who are sitting at the table over there...

Huh?I narrowed my eyes slightly. If she remembers correctly, that person should be... I really didn't expect to meet him here.Dongfang Tongxi originally thought that they would meet again for a while, but this is really a big surprise!

Thinking of this, Dongfang Tongxi walked towards the two with an innocent smile in the eyes of others.

"Hello, two uncles!" Dongfang Tongxi greeted them politely.

Hearing Dongfang Tongxi greet them, the two looked at her suspiciously.Among them, the gentle man dressed in snow-white clothes, who seemed to be more talkative, glanced at the other man, and said with a smile: "Hello, kid, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, this brother..." Dongfang Tongxi pointed to the boy who came here with her to monitor whether she had passed the test, and to see her jokes, and continued: "He said Tong'er is too young to enter this drunken hall, unless..."

When saying this, Dongfang Tongxi stared straight at the man who had been drinking tea without saying a word.

The man was dressed in a light blue robe, and there was a slight smile on Fang Zheng's face, but even though he was smiling, people could still feel the invisible majesty coming from him.

Seemingly aroused by Dongfang Tongxi's words, he put down the empty tea cup in his hand, looked at Dongfang Tongxi for the first time since she came here, and finally said, "Unless what?"

"Unless Tonger can write a couplet that the two uncles agree with. But Tonger believes that with the openness of the two uncles, Tonger will not embarrass Tonger, right?" Dongfang Tongxi glanced at the little girl from the corner of her eyes. After listening to her words, the boy wanted to have an attack but had to hold back because of the presence of the two men.

While she was secretly laughing in her heart, she deliberately smiled at him triumphantly.

What she said just now is equivalent to blatantly asking them to release water. It would be strange if this boy was not angry.

"Is your name Tong'er? You're such a smart kid!" the man in Tsing Yi asked Dongfang Tongxi with great interest.

Dongfang Tongxi nodded immediately after hearing the words.

Seeing this, the man in Tsing Yi continued, "As long as Tong'er's couplet can make us agree, of course we won't intentionally make things difficult for Tong'er."

The implication is that he will not intentionally embarrass or release water on purpose, what he said is really watertight.

However, anyway, Dongfang Tongxi had no real hope from the beginning to the end, and there was no need for him to release water at all, so he just smiled indifferently to his words that made the boy beside him secretly laugh.

"Then ask uncle to come up with a question!" Dongfang Tongxi looked at the man in Tsing Yi and said.

(End of this chapter)

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