Chapter 150
"Then ask uncle to come up with a question!" Dongfang Tongxi looked at the man in Tsing Yi and said.

Surprise flashed across the eyes of the man in Tsing Yi, and then he nodded. After thinking for a while, he stretched out his right hand and placed it in front of Dongfang Tongxi, saying: "In that case, let's use my hand as the subject." ,how?"

Of course, Dongfang Tongxi didn't have any objections, so after lightly nodding her head, she focused her gaze on his hand with the palm stretched upwards.

This hand is very slender and fair, and it can even be described as beautiful, but it is not as weak as the hands of those useless scholars who can't lift their shoulders and have no strength to restrain a chicken.

Every knuckle on his five fingers protruded slightly, and there were some cocoons on the upper edge of his palm that seemed to have been formed by holding the sword for many years.It seems that the person in front of him is not as unskilled in martial arts as outsiders think.

Turning his eyes slightly, Dongfang Tongxi said with deep meaning: "Hold the sky with one palm..."

Just halfway through the conversation, a servant with his head bowed, holding a small tray with two cups of tea in his hand, said, "Guest, your tea!"

While speaking, he quickly and neatly replaced the hot tea for the two men, and then took away the empty tea cups on the table.After doing this, he politely bowed to the two men and stepped back.

What interested Dongfang Tongxi was that from the beginning to the end, the boy kept his head down so low that he never even raised his head to look at them.

As for his footsteps when he left, no matter how calm it seemed, she could still see an invisible anxiety in it.It seems that this uncle who has been famous for a long time but is meeting him for the first time is not very lucky.

Enlarging the upward curve of her lips, Dongfang Tongxi continued the words just now: "Five fingers, three long and two short!"

Consciously or unintentionally, Dongfang Tongxi glanced at the man in Tsing Yi, biting the words "three long and two short" very hard, then smiled as if nothing had happened and watched the man in Tsing Yi say nothing.

The man in the blue shirt had already picked up the freshly served hot tea and was about to put it in his mouth. Hearing Dongfang Tongxi's overtones, he was stunned for no reason at first, and then slowly put down the teacup.Looking at Dongfang Tongxi again with surprise on his face, the man in the blue shirt had a flash of thought in his eyes, and said, "Tong'er, uncle doesn't quite understand what you said, can you explain it more clearly?"

Dongfang Tongxi smiled slightly and sat down beside him.He stretched out his hand to hold the cup of tea and blew lightly. The fragrance of the top-quality tea spread out with the thin layer of hot mist: "The two uncles are smart people. What is Tonger talking about? Are you still talking about it?" Don't you understand? This tea is really fragrant!"

If not long ago, these two men only regarded Dongfang Tongxi as a child who was a bit clever but also very ignorant, then now they have the idea that they should not underestimate her.

Especially the man whom Dongfang Tongxi thought was easy to talk to before, as if he suddenly thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, he stood up abruptly and snatched the tea set from Dongfang Tongxi's hand, and then took out a tea set from his bosom. A slender silver needle was inserted into the tea, and he was greatly relieved when he saw that the silver needle did not change color when it was taken out.

"This uncle," Dongfang Tongxi put his right hand on the table, rested his chin with his palm, and said lazily, "You are too naive, aren't you? How could you be able to try this with a small silver needle? come out" If this is the case, the poisonous son will have to drink the northwest wind. "


(End of this chapter)

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