The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 112 Make Your Family Worse than Death

Chapter 112 Make Your Family Worse than Death

After hearing Nanny Zhong's shameless words, Ai Lan opened the bead curtain and walked in.

"Second miss, since this old slave lets you figure it out, then you can figure it out!" Ai Lan looked at Yan Xiaofan and said, seeing Yan Xiaofan crying in anger, Ailan was half sympathetic, and half felt that she was still too weak inability.

"Erlan..." Yan Xiaofan's reaction to seeing Ai Lan was similar to that of Tianxing and Xiangguo, "She is so deceitful!"

Yan Xiaofan only had this one sentence to vent his anger. Xu Shi himself felt that he was too incompetent, so he bit his lower lip and clenched his fists so tightly that his whole body was shaking.

Ai Lan sighed secretly, after all, Yan Xiaofan has been wronged for more than ten years, and it is not something she can correct in just one month.

"Second miss, you don't need to take action against this kind of slave, just leave it to the servant!" Ai Lan looked down at Nanny Zhong with a half-smile as she spoke.

When Nanny Zhong heard this, she immediately said angrily: "What right do you have for Second Miss... ah!" loud noise.

"You said that the second lady's things were all pawned by you, so bring the tickets!" Ai Lan said.

Nanny Zhong raised her head: "Why do you..." As soon as she spoke, she saw Ai Lan's soles had reached her face. She was really afraid of this girl, she was like a girl, she was always punched and kicked, she was a barbarian, At this point, I want to say awkwardly, "You, take your feet away first..."

"Say." Ai Lan didn't take her foot away, she stood on one foot, and she didn't feel unstable due to stretching out her foot for a long time.

"The pawn tickets are all ruined... Besides, it's useless for you to ask for the pawn tickets, all of them are dead pawns..." Zhong Nanny said in a low voice.

When Yan Xiaofan heard that it was deadly, thinking about where her mother's things were lost at the moment, she became more and more angry, and wished she could tear Nanny Zhong up with her own hands.

Ai Lan withdrew her foot: "Destroyed? Then write down everything that you should leave."

"I, I can't read, and it's been so long, who can remember..." Zhong Nanny's eyes flickered.

Ailan was not angry, and smiled more gently: "Mother Zhong, I think you still don't know your situation very well, do you think our second lady went to find Mother Yan to come to the Sanskrit House to scare you? You Thought you tore up the records of the things you were greedy for in the account book, and we had nothing to do with you? Don’t forget, it was the dowry of the second lady’s mother. The dowry was collected by the old lady herself. The backup account book must be Yes. If you usually bully the maids and women in the courtyard, you can get some benefits from them, but you moved the things of Mrs. Xian, I have to say, you are very courageous..."

"Then what do you think?" Nanny Zhong was a little panicked. If the Second Miss didn't pursue this kind of thing, it would be fine if she just let it pass without a sound, but there was Erlan who didn't know what to do and always regarded her as a thorn in her side. Suddenly she felt hopeless again.

"It's not what I want, but what you want, go back and send me back the things you hid outside the mansion intact, otherwise, not only your life, but your family..." Ai Lan suddenly moved closer to Nanny Zhong You can fool others, but you can't fool me. Your man Du Laifu is one of the managers in charge of purchasing in the mansion. He is a fat job. Your daughter Zihan is in the old man's house. You don't need to worry too much about being a second-class maidservant in the Human Court. The only one who doesn't live up to expectations is your son who is not stingy. He is eighteen. He eats, drinks, prostitutes, and gambles all day long, so he is also a porter in the mansion. There is a fixed monthly payment, and besides that, you can also collect some rewards from time to time, your man is in charge of you and you are not allowed to give your son money, so you still keep those things you greedy secretly..."

Nanny Zhong's face was pale, she stared at Ai Lan in horror, her lips trembled for a long time but couldn't say a word, who the hell is this girl?Why did she know so clearly about her family's affairs?

"Have you thought about it? If you think about it, do it quickly. What you take is light, valuable and easy to carry. It's the second quarter of Shenshi. You are limited to return the things before Xushi, and you must record it clearly in the account book, otherwise , I can make your family’s life worse than death, do you believe it or not?” Ai Lan still whispered in Nanny Zhong’s ear, Yan Xiaofan, Tianxing and Xiangguo couldn’t hear what she was saying at all, they just Seeing Nanny Zhong's face change from pale to ashen, her eyes were full of fear, and she trembled uncontrollably.

"Don't try to find a solution to your man. I know all about your man's corruption. Once your man makes a move, I will tell the other manager Fu who is in charge of the purchase. You know the secret, right? , is your man's deadly enemy. You said that if he caught your man's handle, he would not stop your man to death? And your daughter, is the lady's person, and if there is any disturbance in the charity garden, it is your daughter Informing the madam, just like you, a spy who eats inside and outside, you said that if I inform the old lady, what will happen? The old lady will definitely not blame the lady, and the end of your daughter is death! And you Son, it is extremely easy to make something happen to him, I heard that your son is coveting Aunt Luo, you said Lord Hou..."

"Don't, stop talking..." Nanny Zhong suddenly covered her ears and shook her head violently, screaming, "Please, stop talking... Can't I do what you say?"

"That's right! We are all serving the second lady's servants, and we should share weal and woe together. Don't worry, if I intercede for you, the second lady will not drive you out of the Sanskrit residence." Ai Lan smiled Patted Nanny Zhong on the shoulder.

Nanny Zhong moved a few steps aside as if bitten by a snake, thinking, Second Miss might as well drive her out of Sanskrit House, she really can't stay here for a moment!
"Don't try to escape, and don't seek death, or your whole family will be buried with you!"

"Ah!" Nanny Zhong screamed and ran out of the main room, and then ran out of the yard under the gaze of sweet apricots, fragrant fruits, grapes, pears and licorice.

Yan Xiaofan stared blankly at Ai Lan: "Erlan, what did you say to her, why do you feel like she has seen a ghost?"

Ai Lan smiled: "It's nothing, just knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion."


"The matter is settled, and the second lady's things will be returned intact before Xushi. Uh, by the way, the pair of red gold bracelets belong to the servant girl, right?"

When Yan Xiaofan heard that the things could be returned, his heart was filled with joy, and when Ai Lan mentioned the pair of red gold bracelets, he couldn't help laughing: "That's natural, it belongs to you in the first place!"

(End of this chapter)

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