The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 113 Miss 2 is thin and the eldest miss is jealous

Chapter 113 The second young lady is thin and the young lady is jealous (1)
When Nanny Zhong respectfully presented the completed account book to Yan Xiaofan with both hands, Yan Xiaofan couldn't help but secretly thought that Nanny Zhong's work efficiency was also very fast, and her previous behavior obviously didn't take her master seriously .

Yan Xiaofan looked at the account books and compared them with the items returned by Nanny Zhong. Although they were exactly the same, she was afraid of being deceived by Nanny Zhong and worried that she would still be tricky, so she unconsciously looked at Ai Lan.

Ai Lan took the account book from Yan Xiaofan's hand, saw the completed records in it, the handwriting was neat and the entries were clear, and said, "You wrote it?" At this time, Aunt Zhong was so afraid of Ai Lan that she was scared to death, and when she heard Ai Lan's question, He trembled unconsciously.

"No, although my servant can read a few words and understand the account book, but I can't write it well. This is written with the help of my servant..."

Ai Lan smiled suddenly, and slammed the account book on Nanny Zhong's face: "Guan Du is shrewd, did he tell you that I am just an eight-year-old girl, although I have a good tongue, I can't find anything Feng Lang, there is nothing you can do about old people who have stayed in the Hou Mansion for more than ten years?"

It was said that Grandma Zhong was sweating like rain. Her husband Du Laifu did indeed say so, but the books and things were not faked. Except for the ten or so high-quality silks and satins that she had snatched away privately in the past ten years, she kept everything else intact. The movement is back, including the pair of Dongzhu the size of pigeon eggs, which even her men are so rare to die. Every night before going to bed, she will sneak a look at it to sleep soundly.

"No, no, how dare he say that? Miss Erlan, the slaves have returned all the things stolen by the servants intact, do you think it is..." Zhong Momo kept wiping the cold sweat from her forehead, while Stealing glances at Ai Lan's face, it's a pity that Ai Lan's face has been wearing a faint smile, she can't see anything at all, so she can't help but curse in her heart, this little girl is so scheming at such a young age, it is really a success Fine!
"Forget it, let me trust you for now, but the high-quality silks and satins you took away are worth hundreds of taels of silver, and the second lady's monthly bill of silver is only 20 taels, so what you owe the second lady is not A small amount. I won’t force you to pay it back now. I’ll give you an IOU, and I’ll use your monthly bill to pay it back. Before you pay it off, the key to the warehouse will be yours. You’re still the second lady’s babysitter. Mother, look, how are you?"

Nanny Zhong knelt down on the ground in despair. She had been lucky before, but she didn't want this girl to really know everything. So, can she say it's bad?Of course not!

Yan Xiaofan couldn't hide his excitement, and the hand holding the pen to write the IOU was shaking with excitement.

There were two copies of the IOU, and after Madam Zhong signed and adjourned the IOU, she tremblingly put one of them into her sleeve, and kowtowed to thank her. Since then, she has never been arrogant in the Sanskrit House.

Grapes and Shui Li are also good players at observing the situation and adapting to the wind. Seeing that Nanny Zhong was being manipulated by Ai Lan, they also surrendered to Ai Lan one after another. It was shown that they served their rice bowls to Ai Lan graciously. Ai Lan, all the good dishes are placed in front of Ai Lan. Before going to bed at night, they sneakily stuff purses into Ai Lan's hands. Of course, the purses they put in are not like the empty purses that Ai Lan sent out before. It's a tael of silver.

The monthly allowance of a second-class maid is one tael and five hundred cash, which is to give the bulk to Ai Lan, which shows that they have spent a lot of money.

Ai Lan weighed her purse and said with a smile: "You two sisters are too polite. We are all servants of the Sanskrit House. We should take serving the second lady well as our top priority. The second lady is well. It's hard for us to think about it. , are you right?" Saying that, he returned the two purses to them, and turned back to the house.

(End of this chapter)

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