Chapter 115
Today it was Ai Lan and Shuili's turn to go to the kitchen to get lunch, and on the way back, they saw the servants of Wanqing House burrowing around in the garden looking for something.

Ailan stopped involuntarily, and glanced around.

Shuili is very respectful to Ai Lan now, and when she saw Ai Lan stopped, she stopped, and smiled at Ai Lan flatteringly: "Erlan, what are you looking at?" Not feeling embarrassed, he glanced at the servant who was looking for something in the garden, curled his lips, and said in a low voice, "Erlan, what kind of moth are you talking about in Wanqingju? If you want me to tell you, the eldest lady is Too arrogant and arrogant, every time I look at people with my nostrils..."

Ai Lan ignored Shuili's self-talk, and just handed her the food box in her hand: "Sister Shuili, please take this food box back with me, and tell Second Miss that I have something to deal with."

Shuili subconsciously wanted to ask "what's the matter", but she swallowed the words abruptly, although no one said it clearly, but now Erlan speaks the same in Sanskrit, even the second lady is very dependent on her. Erlan, if she doesn't hug Erlan's thigh tightly, she will have a hard time in the future!

"Success, Erlan, hurry up and go to work, I'll take the food box back first, don't worry, I'll keep the rice warm in the pot for you!" Shui Li said with a smile.

Ai Lan waved her hand, and Shui Li tactfully left with two food boxes.

Seeing that Shuili was gone, Ai Lan sneaked into a neatly pruned and beautiful holly bushes not far away, and found a ball of snow under a holly tree, which was Yan Xiaowan's pet dog Snow Ball. .

At this moment, Xuetuan's beautiful and white long hair was cut in a mess, and there were bloodstains on his tail. Xuetuan groaned in pain.

Seeing Ai Lan's appearance, Xue Tuan immediately whimpered at Ai Lan as if seeing a relative, and his big glazed eyes gleamed, looking very pitiful.

Xuetuan saw that Ai Lan didn't approach it, so it took the initiative to walk in front of Ai Lan, whimpered at Ai Lan twice, then stretched its head to reach its own tail, presumably wanting to use its tongue to clean the wound on the tail, but was helpless His small body couldn't bend over, so he could only chase his tail around in place, and after a while he got tired, collapsed on the ground and continued whimpering towards Ai Lan, his injured tail swayed from side to side, that small appearance seemed to be acting coquettishly. Like calling for help.

Seeing Xuetuan in such a mess, Ai Lan couldn't help but feel distressed. From the voices of the servants who were looking for Xuetuan just now, she learned that Yan Xiaowan was bitten by Xuetuan, and now she is going to capture her alive and kill her. Biting Yan Xiaowan, Ai Lan could guess with her toes, it must be that Yan Xiaowan hurt Xuetuan's tail when she was shearing Xuetuan's hair.

"Look at this hair cut, it's disfigured! Little guy, go back with your sister!" Ai Lan took out a silk handkerchief that was exactly the same style as the one sold to Leng Ping from her sleeve, neatly wrapped it up for the snow ball, and hugged Qixuetuan intends to avoid the servants of Wanqingju and return to Sanskritju.

Just as Ai Lan was about to pass through the holly bushes, she suddenly heard the sound of branches and leaves rubbing behind her, and then a seven or eight-year-old girl with a double bun came over.

The girl was startled when she saw Ai Lan, then put her index finger on the cherry mouth and gave a "hush", then ran to Ai Lan's side and pulled Ai Lan to squat down, whispering: "Shut up, the nurse is here Looking for me!"

The girl was half a head taller than Ailan, wearing a peach-pink satin jacket on her upper body, a goose-yellow thread skirt on her lower body, and a pair of peach-pink satin embroidered shoes on her feet.The girl's facial features are very delicate and beautiful, her eyes are big and round, her eyes looking at Ai Lan are clear and energetic, her nose is small and straight, her small cherry mouth is rosy, and her white and tender cheeks are very cute and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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