Chapter 116
At this time, Ai Lan heard a middle-aged woman's call, and learned that the girl was Yan Xiaoshi, the daughter of the second wife who had just returned from Yunzhou with the second master.

After the woman's voice faded away, Yan Xiaoshi patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief, then smiled at Ai Lan and said, "Which yard girl are you from? You're so small, you're not as tall as me!"

Yan Xiaoshi was outspoken, but unexpectedly mentioned Ai Lan's flaws. Although she had grown a little taller recently, it was not so obvious after all.

Ai Lan glanced at the child in front of her and asked, "How old are you?"

Yan Xiaoshi opened his mouth and said, "I'm eight years old, how about you?"

Ailan raised her eyebrows: "I'm older than you."

Yan Xiaoshi was surprised: "But you are not taller than me?"

Ai Lan asked without answering: "Have you seen the old lady and Lord Hou?"

Yan Xiaoshi nodded, but her face was full of doubts, she didn't understand why Ai Lan asked this.

"Then who do you think is taller, the old lady or Lord Hou?"

"Of course it's Uncle Hou Ye!"

"Then who do you think is older, the old lady or Lord Hou?"

"Of course grandma is old!"

"In the same way, although I'm not as tall as you, I'm older than you, understand?" Ai Lan didn't feel guilty about misleading the children at all, and said it in a serious way.

Yan Xiaoshi frowned and thought about it. Before she could figure it out, she saw Ai Lan was about to sneak into the gap between two holly trees, so she stretched out her small hand and grabbed Ai Lan's sleeve: "Hey, where are you going?"

"Sanskrit House, I'm working there." Ai Lan broke away from Yan Xiaoshi's pull, and went straight through the holly bushes, but she didn't want Yan Xiaoshi to follow her.

"Don't go, play with me for a while!" Yan Xiaoshi begged.

"I'm not free, I have to go back to wait on the second lady, you go to the servants in your yard to play with you." Ai Lan hurried forward, she hugged the snow ball, her wide sleeves covered the snow ball In his arms, Yan Xiaoshi didn't notice it.

"They are not fun at all. They will only salute me respectfully when they see me. The whole yard is full of boring gourds!" Yan Xiaoshi was able to keep up with Ai Lan's pace by jogging, and said while running, "You are the girl in the second sister's yard, Then I'll ask Second Sister to ask you to go back, so that someone will play with me in the future!"

Ai Lan ignored her, and continued to speed up along the secluded path, gradually leaving Yan Xiaoshi behind. Yan Xiaoshi chased and chased, accidentally tripped and lay on the ground, and when she got up again, Ai Lan could no longer be seen. Figure up.

Yan Xiaoshi suddenly felt extremely wronged, and pursed her small mouth, whether the tears did not flow down after all.At this time, Yan Xiaoshi's nurse ran over anxiously from a distance, Yan Xiaoshi sighed helplessly, and could only obediently follow the nurse back.

When Ai Lan arrived at the Sanskrit House, everyone had already had their lunch. Seeing her coming back, Putao and Shuili were eager to bring her the lunch warmed in the pot. Ai Lan stopped them and hugged the snowball into his room.

Because there was no alcohol for disinfection, Ai Lan asked the wine-loving Nanny Tao for a small bowl of soju, and took some Jinchuang medicine from Yan Xiaofan.

When Ai Lan took out the scissors and wanted to cut off the hair on the injured part of Xuetuan's tail, Xuetuan seemed to be very afraid of the scissors, screaming and struggling.After Ai Lan smoothed its fur for a while, it calmed down, thinking that Ai Lan felt that Ai Lan had no malice towards it, so he honestly asked Ai Lan to cut it.

Ai Lan was asking for both wine and Jinchuang medicine. Yan Xiaofan's master and servant were naturally curious about what she was doing, so they came to her door one after another and looked inside through the crack of the door.

When Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing, and Xiangguo saw Ai Lan holding a puppy, the three of them turned pale with fright and left quietly, fearing that they would disturb the puppy inside by making a noise.

(End of this chapter)

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