Chapter 117
Ai Lan bandaged the wound for Xuetuan, and by the way, trimmed its hair again, so the long hair became short hair, except for the color of the coat, which was still white, which looked different from the original puppy at first glance. Far away, it can be regarded as changing Xuetuan's appearance.

"Hey, Erlan, where did you get the puppy? Let's send it away quickly, I'm scared!" Seeing Ai Lan carrying the puppy into the main room, Yan Xiaofan immediately hid behind the bead curtain in fright. He waved vigorously to Ai Lan to keep her away, while Tian Xing and Xiang Guo also ran away in fright.

"This is Missy's Snow Ball. She hurt Snow Ball's tail, and Snow Ball bit her, so she wanted to capture Snow Ball back and beat her to death." Ailan paused at this point, with her hand Petting Xuetuan's head, Xuetuan let out a coquettish hum, and stretched out his tongue to lick Ailan's hand, "I'm sorry for looking at it, or else, let's take it in!"

"No, I'm afraid of dogs!" Yan Xiaofan resolutely objected, and Tianxing and Xiangguo also agreed.

"Erlan, even if we are not afraid of dogs, we can't keep it. It is the eldest lady's pet dog. If she finds out, it will be troublesome. Then we can say that our second lady has robbed her baby? "Xiang Guo said in a rare tone of elders with sincerity, she felt that although Erlan was very smart, she was still a child after all, and it was understandable for her to like kittens and puppies.

Yan Xiaofan and Tian Xing also nodded in agreement with Xiangguo.

"Should we go back, Erlan?" Yan Xiaofan looked at Ai Lan eagerly, always vigilant about the puppy in her arms.

"If the eldest lady agrees to give it to me, can she keep it?" Ai Lan asked.

Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing, and Xiangguo looked at each other. They felt that Yan Xiaowan would never give the snow ball to anyone, especially a Sanskrit dweller, so they nodded at Ai Lan with certainty.

Ailan smiled, didn't say anything, and walked out of the yard with the snowball in her arms.

Ai Lan went to Wanqingju with the snow ball in her arms, and came out after a while, and then went to the embroidery room as usual to learn embroidery from the dumb girl.

After Ai Lan came out of the embroidery room, she walked towards the Sanskrit House. On the way, she happened to meet Leng Ping and two young servants. She saw several maidservants with shy faces and tender eyes following them not too far behind them. It was attracted by Leng Ping.Leng Ping was expressionless, but the two unattractive young men behind Leng Ping were proud and complacent. They walked with their chins high and their nostrils upturned.

Seeing the three of Leng Ping approaching, Ai Lan automatically retreated to make way for them. She thought that Leng Ping, who was not looking sideways, would not notice her, but she didn't expect that guy to stop, and looked back at her inexplicably, and The next mental activity made her roll her eyes at him involuntarily, cursed loudly: "Pervert!", then turned and left.

Leng Ping was taken aback by Ai Lan's scolding, but the two young men were furious on the spot. This little girl was so bold that she dared to insult their master, Steward Leng, in person. She was about to roll up her sleeves and teach Ai Lan a lesson. After a pause, Leng Ping slammed his hand before closing his hand embarrassingly.

Leng Ping was walking ahead, thinking of Ai Lan's disdainful eyes when he scolded him just now, he was a little annoyed, but more of that was embarrassment. The two servants who followed had to trot to catch up.

When Ai Lan returned to the Sanskrit House, Xiangguo glanced at Ai Lan and said suddenly, "Erlan, you, when did your breasts grow so big?"

Ai Lan rolled her eyes again, Xiangguo was actually the same as Leng Ping, her first reaction when she saw her chest swell was not that she was hiding something on her body, but that her breasts had grown bigger, what is it? What brain circuit?

(End of this chapter)

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