The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 126 I Didn't Expect It

Chapter 126 I Didn't Expect It (3)
Soon Jingwen was called in by Yan Xiaowan, thinking that Yan Xiaowan was offering a gift to Mrs. Chen.Immediately afterwards, the third miss Yan Xiaoting's maid, Ting Yu, went in holding a gift, followed by the fourth miss Yan Xiaorui's maid painting fan, and the fifth miss Yan Xiaoyu's maid Ruoyan. Those who had entered all came out happily, but Yan Xiaofan still didn't call Ai. Lan goes in.

Ai Lan knew what was going on inside without going in. Mrs. Chen felt strange when she saw Yan Xiaofan. Later, she found out that she was the second daughter of the Hou Mansion under the introduction of Mrs. Yan. The respected and respected old lady Gui showed her face in front of her, so she was naturally very nervous, so that she was a little uncomfortable even speaking, and she committed the old habit of keeping her head down all the time.

Mrs. Yan originally thought that Yan Xiaofan had lost weight and lived a lot, but when she saw that she had changed back to her previous appearance, she was naturally a little unhappy.Chen didn't care and didn't ask, so Yan Xiaofan was stunned in front of everyone for a while, not knowing what to do.

Ai Lan sighed secretly, and then talked enthusiastically to a girl from Shouxi Garden beside her, and stuffed a purse in the past without any trace. The girl was also a smart person, and looked at the wooden box in her hand with a smile, and asked: "Is this a congratulatory gift from your young lady to our old lady?"

Ai Lan nodded, the girl smiled, went in to report, and soon came out and patted Ai Lan on the shoulder and said, "Go in, your lady is so nervous!" People start talking.

Ai Lan was holding the red lacquered wooden box. She had a calm face at first, but after stepping through the threshold, she suddenly smiled brightly. Jingwen Jingshui couldn't help being stunned when she saw Ai Lan's face-changing inadvertently, and she was quite accepting. bad.

Ai Lan walked to Yan Xiaofan with a smile and presented the red lacquered wooden box. As soon as Yan Xiaofan saw Ai Lan, the previous panic disappeared instantly, and his head became clear. He raised his head and smiled and said to Mrs. Chen: "Grandmother, today is On your birthday, Xiaofan personally made a congratulatory gift for you, wishing grandma, you are as blessed as the East China Sea, your longevity is longer than that of Nanshan, you will always smile, and enjoy the family forever!"

Yan Xiaofan's birthday greetings were ordinary and not as ingenious as Yan Xiaowan's and the others', so Yan Xiaowan curled her lips secretly with disdain in her eyes.

Although Mrs. Chen was not very interested in the congratulatory gift from Yan Xiaofan, she couldn't be too indifferent in front of everyone, so she smiled and said, "Oh? Did you do it yourself? Could it be embroidery too?"

When Yan Xiaowan heard that it was embroidery, her eyebrows frowned, and she secretly slandered, hum, picking up people's teeth, things that are beyond their capabilities!
In addition to Yan Xiaofan, Yan Xiaowan sent six screens of embroidery with different patterns. The embroidery is very good, but there are not many parts that Yan Xiaowan did; The words are quite a bit of everyone's style; Yan Xiaorui sent clothes, dark red embroidered cranes, auspicious grasses, five bats holding clouds, and a crimson purple embroidered dark golden auspicious cloud skirt; Yan Xiaoyu sent a hand-copied Diamond Sutra, Although the handwriting is a little naive, it is clean and neat.

It can be said that in view of Yan Xiaofan's inappropriate performance before, everyone present did not look forward to her congratulatory gift.

Yan Xiaofan also hated herself for not living up to expectations, but it was too late, and now she had to do the rest well.

Yan Xiaofan walked forward with the red lacquered wooden box in her hand, and held it with one hand, while pulling the copper buckle on the box with the other. When she slowly opened the lid, she saw two naked buttocks wearing red embroidered koi bellybands inside. The fat baby appeared in front of everyone holding a huge flat peach.

The facial features of those two dolls were all embroidered, with pink cheeks, small mouths grinning, a big red dot on the center of their foreheads, and only a small piece of fetal hair left on their foreheads, which looked particularly lively and cute.And the flat peach that the two dolls held in their hands was bigger than themselves and was rosy in the white. The peach was embroidered with the words "I wish the old birthday star will always smile, and the family will enjoy it forever". There is a green peach at the bottom of the peach. The leaves set off and look lifelike.

(End of this chapter)

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