The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 127 I Didn't Expect It

Chapter 127 I Didn't Expect It (4)
Not only Mrs. Chen, several other old ladies including Mrs. Yan were also attracted by the two dolls.

"Oh, this congratulatory gift is good, the workmanship is good, and the meaning is good, old sister, your granddaughter really puts her heart into it!" Mrs. Ren said with a smile, and she couldn't wait for the servants to pass it on, so she got up and came In front of Mrs. Chen, she touched the baby's face for a while, and the flat peach for a while, obviously she couldn't put it down.

"Don't touch it, let's see how you can compensate me if your nails scratch the baby's face!" Mrs. Chen slapped Mrs. Ren's hand off, pretending to be angry.

"Tch, look at your baby, you won't let me touch it, I will touch it!" As he said that, he really touched it.

Seeing the two old children bickering together, everyone laughed.

Mrs. Jiang saw that Mrs. Yan had been staring at the two dolls with envy, so she couldn't help but joked: "Old sister, why are you envious? There are your granddaughters on the left and right. Let her be as much as you want." Do as much as you want!"

Mrs. Yan took a deep look at Yan Xiaofan, and joked: "Of course I envy her. Although this child Xiaofan is my own granddaughter, she has never seen her make such a lovely gift for me. It can be seen that she is still with her. Grandma is close!"

Mrs. Yan just said that, it is strange that Yan Xiaofan, a grandmother who has never met and is not a relative, would get close. Love to hear it!

Mrs. Chen couldn't hide the smile on her face at the moment, and her attitude towards Yan Xiaofan became more kind. In addition to the initial greeting gift, she also rewarded Yan Xiaofan with a pair of red agate bracelets.

Mrs. Chen didn't speak, but always smiled, only occasionally when she looked at Ai Lan, there would be a flash of disgust and cruelty in her eyes.

The smile on Yan Xiaowan's face was very stiff, jealousy made her extremely manic, she wished she could go up and tear the doll in Madam Chen's hand to pieces, and what she especially wanted to do was It was to step on Yan Xiaofan and listen to her cry and beg for mercy!

Yan Xiaoting has the loftiness of a literati in her bones, and she dismisses the doll that Yan Xiaofan gave her, feeling vulgar.

Yan Xiaorui looked enviously at the pair of red agate bracelets in Yan Xiaofan's hands. They were bright red and crystal clear. They were worth a lot at first glance, and wearing them on fair wrists would definitely complement her complexion.

Yan Xiaoyu also looked down on Yan Xiaofan's congratulatory gift, but she didn't think it was tacky, she just felt that she was being compared and was not reconciled.

At this time, Mrs. Chen saw Mrs. Ren lifted the doll's bellyband and looked down, she couldn't help asking: "What are you looking for?"

Old Madam Ren opened her mouth and said, "Let me see where this doll's little bird has gone..."

Before Madam Ren could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Madam Chen angrily, and cursed: "You are not serious, the children are still here!"

Yan Xiaofan, Yan Xiaowan and the other little girls didn't understand, but the other old ladies held back their smiles. Mrs. Chen was also a little embarrassed and asked Yan Xiaofan and the others to go play in the garden by themselves. Mrs. Chen nodded and let them go out .

When Ai Lan followed Yan Xiaofan out, she noticed that Mrs. Chen was staring at her viciously. She smiled and turned her face sideways, just in time to meet Mrs. Chen's gaze. Mrs. Chen was startled, and then turned her eyes away.

Ailan's two hands were intertwined in the wide sleeves, twisting back and forth, making a clicking sound.

When Yan Xiaofan heard the sound, he thought something was wrong with Ai Lan, and turned to look at her quickly. Seeing that she was fine, he was relieved, and said in a low voice: "Ai Lan, it's lucky that you came to me today, otherwise I will give the Houfu Disgraceful!"

(End of this chapter)

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