The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 128 I Didn't Expect It

Chapter 128 I Didn't Expect It (5)
Several people walked out of the yard, Tian Xing and Xiang Guo rushed up to meet them, surrounded Yan Xiaofan and asked, "How is it? Does the old lady like that congratulatory gift?"

Yan Xiaofan made an "OK" gesture, which he learned from Ai Lan, and only a few people who participated in the morning run could understand it.

Tianxing and Xiangguo immediately hugged each other and cheered, after all, the gift was the result of all of them' hard work, and it was of great significance.

"It's so noisy, it's your own yard, it's embarrassing to yell!" Yan Xiaowan rudely taught Tianxing and Xiangguo who were hugging and cheering together, and after the training, she took Jingwen Jingshui to a distance not far away. Going to a gazebo, there were already a few young ladies sitting there, seeing Yan Xiaowan's obsequious smile, it seemed that the status of those people was not low.

At noon, Yan Xiaofan went to the banquet living room to eat, Tian Xing and Xiangguo went to the dining room dedicated to servants with the steward of the Duke's Mansion, and Ai Lan accompanied Yan Xiaofan.

The banquet hall is very large, and both the female guests and the male guests dine in it, but the male guests and the female guests are separated by a large screen in the middle. Peeping at the men's side, but the men's side can't see the women's side, this is also for the convenience of many noble ladies in choosing a partner for their daughters of the right age at home.

At this time, the male guest didn't know who had teased Chen Guangyao, but he heard the man say: "Brother Yao, you will be seventeen this year. I think your uncle will be able to walk on the ground when I am seventeen. You said that you are handsome and talented, you have the reputation of Little God of War, and you have the nickname of the five sons of the capital, which girl is not rushing to beg you to marry, why are you not tempted?"

The female guests were naturally very interested in this topic, and they were strangely quiet for a while, and they all listened to Chen Guangyao's answer.

Presumably the male guest was also very concerned about this issue, so Chen Guangyao was pushed a little hard by the crowd, but seeing him frowning, drinking from the glass, and pursing his lips into a line, everyone waited for a long time. Only then did I hear him say: "You guys really don't care about eating radishes, I don't need you to take care of my life's important affairs!"

"Crack", Chen Guangyao was slapped on the back of the head: "Stinky boy, you hate me for caring about you, do you have a conscience?"

Chen Guangyao got angry, and said with a stiff neck, "Third Uncle, if you have time to care about me, why don't you care about your own son, your son is sixteen, just married this year, and the child will be able to run away in the next year or so! Ah Bai , let's go!"

Chen Guangyao pulled away a young man in a blue-colored brocade robe. In the eyes of everyone, the young man didn't seem to exist. He directly stepped forward to hold Chen Guangyao, and squeezed the young man into a corner.

Ai Lan wanted to laugh, thinking, it's really strange, such a big living person, and a beauty, how come no one noticed?
Unexpectedly, Ai Lan thought so, and responded to the convenience.

Ren Bai: Sister Erlan praised me absurdly!

Ailan: Who is your sister?Don't marry indiscriminately, the little girl can't bear it.

Ren Bai: Miss Erlan and Zaixia were originally predestined, since they met that day, Zaixia has never forgotten...

Ailan: Sour!

Ren Bai: ...

Ren Bai wanted to continue playing the heart-reading game with Ai Lan, but suddenly seeing Chen Guangyao being cornered by those men, he suddenly shouted: "Don't worry about me, I already have a sweetheart!"

As soon as Chen Guangyao said this, the entire banquet hall fell silent. Everyone was suspicious, and soon one person asked, "Don't fool us!"

"My own lifelong event, why should I fool you?" Chen Guangyao was very angry. These people are full of food, so what does it matter to them whether he marries or not?
"Then tell me who your sweetheart is?"

Chen Guangyao frowned, hesitated for a long time before putting on a desperate expression: "I can't tell you her name now, because she is only eight years old..."


The banquet hall was boiling, and everyone was guessing who this eight-year-old girl was?What's more, he checked in his own home and the homes of those around him one by one to see if there was a girl who was only eight years old.

Ai Lan twitched the corners of her mouth, thinking, Chen Guangyao actually used her as a shield, he really isn't a man!
Ren Bai over there responded immediately: Oh, I never expected that brother Guangyao actually likes young children? !

Ailan: Get out!
(End of this chapter)

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