The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 130 Ren Bai's Advice

Chapter 130 Ren Bai's Advice (2)
The other young ladies all ran away to the beautiful men with spring hearts, but Yan Xiaofan and Tian Xingxiangguo did not. Although they had heard the nickname of the five young masters of the capital, they only knew that there were so few people in the capital who were admired by everyone, but No other thoughts.

Yan Xiaofan glanced at the long corridor where there were no other people except their four masters and servants, and couldn't help sighing, thinking that she had been reborn, but it still didn't work, she was still the one who was excluded by everyone.

"Let's go and see if mother and grandmother are still in Shouxi Garden." Yan Xiaofan said.

Ai Lan, Tian Xing and Xiang Guo responded and followed Yan Xiaofan out of the corridor.

In the Shouxi Garden, Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Chen were playing horse hanging with Mrs. Chen. Yan Xiaofan asked Mrs. Yan's maid Zihuai. Can't tell when I will go back.

Yan Xiaofan didn't dare to disturb Mrs. Yan, for fear that Mrs. Yan would think she was petty and didn't understand the rules, so he took Ai Lan and the others out of the Shouxi Garden.Yan Xiaofan didn't dare to go too far, so he wandered casually along the main road of the blue-curtained car when he came.

Halfway, Yan Xiaofan suddenly felt an urgency to go to the toilet. It happened that there was a little girl sweeping not far away. Tian Xing went over to ask.

Fortunately, they arrived within a short distance. This room seems to be specially prepared for visitors. Men and women are separated. There is a little girl guarding the door of the women's room, while there is a young man at the door of the men's room.Gong's room was hidden in the green forest, surrounded by a circle of purple-blue flowers, and the room near Gong's room could not smell the slightest smell of urine, it was very clean.

Yan Xiaofan, Tianxing and Xiangguo all entered Gong's room, and Ai Lan was waiting at the door.The little girl guarding the gate couldn't help looking at Ai Lan, seeing that Ai Lan was a head shorter than her, and looked only six or seven years old, but her expression was indifferent, with a calmness that didn't match her actual age, and she couldn't help making a sound Said: "How old are you? Which house are you from?"

Ai Lan glanced at the little girl, she was twelve or thirteen years old, she was ordinary-looking, with a smile on her face, her thoughts were pure and kind, and she said, "Eight years old, from the Marquis of Wu'an."

"Oh, that's from our second aunt's house." After talking, there was no topic, so the two stood silently.

Ai Lan was looking at the dense bushes in the distance, and suddenly frowned slightly, and soon saw two people turning from a path.

The two got closer and closer, Ai Lan pretended not to see, and continued to look into the distance.

It was Chen Guangyao and Ren Bai who came. Today's Chen Guangyao is wearing a brocade robe embroidered with dark gold and auspicious cloud patterns in moon white, and a three-inch wide brocade belt of the same color is tied around his waist. His hair is tied up with emerald jade hoops. There was a bit of refinement and refinement in Yuxuan's voice.

The young servant guarding the door of the male servant's room hurriedly bowed to salute when he saw the two of them.

Chen Guangyao ignored the young man, but instead looked straight at Ai Lan. He did not expect that Erlan would come here with the masters of the Hou Mansion today. The last time he saw Erlan, Erlan was still dressed in an ugly bean-gray bijia He knew that it was the clothes of the third-class maidservant of the Hou Mansion. When he saw Erlan again today, he saw that the color of her clothes was much brighter. He thought she had been promoted to the first-class maidservant.

Chen Guangyao felt that this little girl was really capable, and she became a first-class maid in just two months, but he was very displeased when he found that Ai Lan was staring straight ahead and never looked at him. , opened his mouth and said: "Hey, little girl, is this how you treat your savior? You don't even say hello when you see your benefactor?"

The corners of Ai Lan's mouth twitched indiscriminately, and then turned to look at Chen Guangyao: "What a coincidence, Mr. Chen also came to show respect?"

Ai Lan did greet Chen Guangyao according to his request, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with what she asked, but Chen Guangyao always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly heard Ren Bai behind him laugh out loud , and then looked at the young man guarding the door, who obviously wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Chen Guangyao's face darkened, and he glared at Ai Lan immediately. This girl definitely did it on purpose, and after thinking about it, she turned her head and gave Ren Bai a hard look, who was still giggling, before striding into Gong's room.

Ren Bai didn't go in, and stood at the door waiting for Chen Guangyao.

In the eyes of the guards and the little girl, Ai Lan and Ren Bai just stood in silence, no one paid attention to the other, but they didn't know that the two had already talked to each other.

Ai Lan: I see a lot of women going into Gong's room together, but I don't want men to do the same. The relationship between Mr. Ren and Mr. Chen is really good!

Ren Bai: It's true that we have a good relationship, but it's not as bad as you think. The one I like is a woman.

Ai Lan: I didn't think it was so unbearable, it was you who thought too much.

Ren Bai: Your mouth is really powerful. If you don't restrain yourself, you will inevitably bring yourself into trouble.

Ailan: Why did you say that?

Ren Bai: When you go back today, you'd better persuade your young lady to sit with Mrs. Yan.

Alan: Did you know anything?
Ren Bai: This is all I can say. Also, I don’t want the same kind of people I finally met to be hurt. If it’s unavoidable, you can report my name, Erlan, and maybe I can save you in times of crisis. You die.

Ai Lan: Are you a tyrant in the capital?
Ren Bai: ...No.

Ai Lan: Or the boss of the rivers and lakes?

Ren Bai: ...No.

Ai Lan: You are neither a tyrant in the capital, nor a boss in the Jianghu. I doubt if I would die faster if I reported your name!

Ren Bai: ... Believe it or not.

Ai Lan suddenly turned to look at Ren Bai. At the same time, Ren Bai also turned to look at her. The two looked at each other for a long time before Ai Lan said in his heart, thank you!

Ren Bai's father is a concubine of Ren Xiang's mansion, because the cousins ​​born on the first line are very good, Ren Bai is basically a neglected existence in the Xiang's mansion, and the reason why he gives people an extremely thin sense of existence is that Presumably the main reason should be that the environment in which he grew up was too oppressive.

At three quarters later, Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Chen got into the carriage and left Xingguo Duke's mansion.

Although Ren Bai reminded Ai Lan to let Yan Xiaofan sit with Mrs. Yan, but Chen said that Mrs. Yan was lying down in the carriage to rest when she was tired, and Yan Xiaowan and others did not want to sit with Yan Xiaofan, so in the end Yan Xiaofan still sat with herself The three maids of the family sat alone in a carriage.

Ailan found out that the coachman who drove them was not the one who came in the morning, and thought, the one who should come is still here!
The carriage was moving slowly and wobbly. During this time, Ailan smelled a strange fragrance. She quickly pressed her face to the window and breathed in the fresh air outside through the gap in the curtains.And Yan Xiaofan, Tianxing and Xiangguo felt tired because they had been tense to deal with everything around them all day, and fell asleep after a short ride in the car, and smelling the strange fragrance, the three of them fell asleep even more deeply.

When there were no more strange scents in the carriage, Ai Lan tilted her head and fell into the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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