The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 131 The Wonderful Palace Master

Chapter 131 The Wonderful Palace Master (1)
There were five carriages in a row, and no one noticed that the last carriage gradually left the convoy and disappeared after turning a street.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Chen and sisters Yan Xiaowan arrived at the Hou Mansion and got off the carriage, but no one noticed that Yan Xiaofan's master and servant were not there.

Everyone embraced the old lady and entered the Hou's mansion. The old lady was tired and just wanted to go back to the charity garden to have a rest, while sister Yan Xiaowan chattered all the way about the people and things they saw in the Xingguo mansion, and the most talked about was Those outstanding beauties in the capital.

When Mrs. Chen got out of the carriage, she found that Yan Xiaofan's master and servant were not there. She was excited but couldn't show it. After entering the Hou's mansion, she pretended to be worried and said, "Huh? Why didn't you see the second lady and her three maids? "

Sister Yan Xiaowan naturally said that they hadn't seen her. In order to take the opportunity to step on Yan Xiaofan in front of Mrs. Chen, Yan Xiaowan smiled and said, "Maybe I'm tired. My grandma and mother went back to the Sanskrit residence to rest. Alas, it's no wonder , the second younger sister doesn't go out of the mansion very often, so I'm very happy to be here at Duke Xingguo's mansion this time, I heard that their master and servant have been wandering around, maybe they are tired from walking too much!"

Old Mrs. Yan frowned when she heard the words, she felt that Yan Xiaofan was still too petty, and went around in Xingguo Gong's mansion without talking and prudent. Lost it all?When she came back, she went back to the yard without saying anything to her and Mrs. Chen. There were no rules at all. Fortunately, she thought she was motivated before, and it was like mud that couldn't support the wall!
Seeing Mrs. Yan's anger faintly, Mrs. Chen felt more complacent, but on the surface she was quite virtuous and generous: "It's also my fault that I rarely take her out on weekdays to let her develop such a personality, maybe I will take her out more often in the future. It will be better to see the world!"

Mrs. Yan took a deep look at Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen has indeed been in charge of the family for so many years. She is worthy of being a lady from Xingguo's mansion. She is more virtuous and dignified than ordinary noble ladies, so she patted her The back of his hand said: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Chen shi smiled gently: "Look at what mother said, this is what a daughter-in-law should do!"

So Mrs. Chen helped Mrs. Yan to the Charity Garden, and the sisters Yan Xiaowan went back to their respective courtyards, and no one mentioned Yan Xiaofan again.

As night fell, a full moon hung high in the night sky, and the moonlight shone down on a small quiet courtyard. In the shadows, four men in black stood motionless at the door of the room like stakes.

In the room, Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing and Xiangguo were still asleep, even though their hands and feet were bound, and Ai Lan's hands and feet were also bound, and they were lying on the straw-covered floor in the room at the moment.

The straw seems to have not been replaced for a long time, exuding a damp and moldy smell. Ailan's five senses are sharper than ordinary people, and now she just feels that moldy smell going straight to her heart and lungs It made her want to vomit.However, this encounter was nothing compared to what she had suffered in her previous life, and she could bear it.

The moonlight shone in through a small round window on the wall, like the light of a searchlight projecting a circular light area on the dark ground.

Ai Lan knew that Mrs. Chen had hired someone to do it, and she had to say that Mrs. Chen did it boldly and thoroughly this time, and Mrs. Chen was right. What Ailan said before that if something happened to her, rumors would spread everywhere. Lie to Mrs. Chen, if Mrs. Chen gets rid of her this time, no one will really reveal the scandalous things Mrs. Chen did more than ten years ago, and Mrs. Chen can continue to be the head wife of her Houfu with peace of mind .

It's just that Ailan didn't expect that the Chen family would even get rid of Yan Xiaofan this time. It seemed that she was afraid that the matter would be revealed, and wanted to kill the grass. It was because of her appearance that the Chen family jumped the wall. After all, the Chen family was more than ten years old. He didn't kill Yan Xiaofan years ago, and he didn't seem to have any intention to kill Yan Xiaofan after that. He just made Yan Xiaofan into a fat man. He didn't lose Yan Xiaofan's food and clothing, and he didn't take the opportunity to covet the dowry of Yan Xiaofan's mother Shao Cuiyun. , it is also because the Chen family is the second daughter of the Duke of Xingguo's mansion, so she disdains the dowry Mrs. Yan bought for Shao Cuiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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