The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 132 The Wonderful Palace Master

Chapter 132 The Wonderful Palace Master (2)
Ailan moved the rope on her wrist. It was easy for her to untie it, but she didn't untie it, but just waited and watched.She tried to read the voices of the guards outside the door, but unfortunately, those people were obviously well-trained, and they only had one thought in their minds, which was to watch them and prevent them from escaping or letting others in.

Ai Lan remembered Ren Bai's reminder to her before, she knew that Ren Bai had something to hide, even she couldn't read the part he concealed, and Ren Bai was the same, if she didn't want to reveal, Ren Bai couldn't read it either of.

Ai Lan had already understood Chen's feelings before, even if Ren Bai didn't remind her, she also knew that Chen would deal with her when she went out to the Hou's mansion this time, but she didn't pay attention to Chen's tricks at all. , so she didn't deal with the coachman on the spot, but chose to pretend to be stunned by the incense, she wanted to see what Chen would do to them.

It seemed that she still underestimated the enemy. She did not expect Chen to find a group of well-trained professional killers to deal with the four weak women who were powerless. Obviously, she hated them to the extreme.

After about an hour, a man in a moon-white brocade robe and a crimson cloak floated down to the roof of the small courtyard. The night wind blew, the crimson cloak fluttered with the wind, and the moon-white robe fluttered. If you only look at these, you will feel like a fairy descending from the earth, elegant and elegant.However, look at the man's waist-length jet-black hair scattered unrestrainedly behind his head, as the hair flutters in the wind, the bright red mask shines brightly under the moonlight like blood stained and mixed into broken diamonds , Weird, mysterious, and terrifying, which makes people dread like ghosts and monsters.

When the four men in black saw the man, they stepped out of the shadows one after another, clasped their fists in a respectful salute, and said in a low and orderly voice: "See Palace Master!"

The man waved his hand, and the four men in black hid in the shadows again, but the man said: "Are you alright?" shiver.

"Return to Palace Master, it's all right!" A man in black replied.

The man stopped talking, just waved his sleeves, and the chains on the door that closed Ai Lan and the others were cut off from the middle, and fell on both sides of the copper ring of the door with a click. Immediately afterwards, the door slowly Slowly open to the inside.

The man floated in, his robe and cloak were so long that it dragged the floor, but he walked like floating in the air and stepping on snow, his clothes were clean, extremely noble and elegant.

Ai Lan glanced at it secretly, and gave an evaluation in her heart, two words: Sao Bao!

"So Erlan is you." The clear and cold voice flowed into Ai Lan's ears.

Ailan didn't pretend to be dizzy, twisted her wrist a little, and the rope became loose, and then quickly untied the tied rope on her feet.

The man quietly watched Ai Lan's neat movements, and suddenly said to the four men in black outside the door: "Who bound them?" There was a crack in the jade in the cold pool, and the coldness became more and more biting.

The four men in black suddenly trembled, and thought to themselves, oh no, the palace lord clearly told him to be healthy, but they forgot to untie him!

"Returning to the palace master, it's the second man!" The man in black who answered felt the cold sweat on his back, soaking his outer shirt after a while.Er Manzi was the coachman who was in charge of driving when Ai Lan and the others came back. He had recently joined the Shenji Palace and was good at picking locks. No matter how complicated the lock was, he could open it within a moment in his hands.

"Trash!" the man cursed.

"Yes, this subordinate knows his mistake, and I hope the palace lord will forgive me!" The man in black thought the man was scolding him, so he broke out in cold sweat. Uncertain, and their minds are even more difficult to guess. Although they are already counted as masters in the Shenji Palace, they still feel scared when facing the Palace Master.

(End of this chapter)

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