The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 133 The Wonderful Palace Master

Chapter 133 The Wonderful Palace Master (3)
The man in black was scared to death, but Ai Lan couldn't help laughing out loud. The conversation between the palace lord and the man in black was completely irrelevant. The girl couldn't even be tied up, but the man in black thought that the palace master was blaming him for letting Er Manzi tie up Ai Lan and the others, so he trembled and sweated profusely.

With Ai Lan's smile, the man in black suddenly felt bad. In the next moment, he heard the jade shattering in the cold pool. The overwhelming chill almost froze him. The man in black felt sorry for Ai Lan. The palace lord didn't intend to kill this little girl, but with her smile, the palace lord will definitely kill her!
"What are you laughing at?" Palace Master asked, although he was trying his best to endure, but his voice was clear and cold like an ice cone, oppressing the listener's heart.

Ai Lan was not frightened, she sat cross-legged on the ground, and said calmly: "My lord, don't get me wrong, I didn't laugh at you, I just thought that Mrs. Hou's mansion would deal with some of us weak women and ran to beg for help from Shenji Palace." The killers are dispatched, they really think highly of us!"

The gaze under the mask of the palace lord was as cold as his voice, and the darkness did not affect his vision at all. He looked at Ai Lan from head to toe, and finally gave a comment: "Ugly!"

Hearing this, Ai Lan's eyelids twitched. Although she is not very beautiful, she is definitely not ugly. This man's mouth is really poisonous!

"The little girl is naturally not as good as the celestial figure of the Palace Master!" Ai Lan choked lightly.

Ai Lan's words were meant to be sarcastic, but she didn't think that the Palace Master was also a weirdo, so she said without self-effacing: "You are very self-aware, you are not as good as me, even the lowest maidservant in my Shenji Palace It's not as good looking!"

Ai Lan's eyelids twitched again, and she didn't want to talk about her appearance with this strange woman, so she said, "Excuse me, my lord, when do you plan to send us back to the Marquis Mansion?"

"Someone pays for your life, but if someone asks for a lot of money to the Shenji Palace, and the Shenji Palace agrees to accept it, it will definitely satisfy the client's request. So far, it has never failed!" The palace owner said in a rare way. After a series of words, the four men in black outside the door opened their mouths in shock.

Ai Lan knew that the Palace Master was not trying to scare him. The Shenji Palace had obviously accepted Chen's heavy entrustment, and the reason why the Shenji Palace Palace Master in front of him came here in person was because he was curious about her. Curious, but also dangerous.

Ai Lan now knows that Ren Bai is familiar with the lord of the Shenji Palace, and that the lord seems to be in debt to Ren Bai, so he still values ​​Ren Bai's words very much.

Ai Lan thought to herself that she should quickly declare Ren Bai's name, so as to save her and Yan Xiaofan's lives. If she was confident that she could save the day when she found out that Chen's desire to find someone was not good for her, then she is not sure now. , maybe she could escape from those men in black by virtue of her skills in her previous life, but in front of this palace lord, she believed that she had no chance of winning, as he could cut off the chains with a wave of his sleeves Kungfu has already surpassed the realm of human beings. If you really do it, you don't know how shocking it will be!

The palace master saw that Ai Lan was very calm and calm despite his young age, and he was not at all like those people who were frightened when they heard that the Shenji Palace came to take their lives, so he said: "Are you thinking about how to persuade me not to kill you? I can It's not that useless stupid old woman in the Hou's mansion who doesn't even notice that someone has a hairpin on her head!"

Ai Lan was stunned, and then said: "It turns out that what happened that day was seen by the Palace Master. It really made the Palace Master laugh. The little girl is indeed a trick, but it's just to save her life!"

Hearing Ai Lan's "little tricks", the Palace Master was taken aback for a moment. He knew very well that Ai Lan had no internal strength, and he didn't seem to have practiced some magical skills. With his skills, if he didn't intend to expose his whereabouts, there are not many people in the world How could this girl who could sense his aura just say what he was thinking when he flew over the courtyard of the Hou Mansion that day?Is it a coincidence, or... this girl can read people's hearts like Ren Bai?
In order to verify his guess, the Palace Master deliberately said: "Little girl, if you can name my favorite dish and explain how to make it, I will send you back to the Hou Mansion safely, but You only have one chance, how about it?"

Ai Lan nodded, and did not intend to hide her ability to read minds in front of the mysterious palace lord, and said directly: "My lord likes to eat peach blossom soup the most. Blooming peach blossom petals, the water is the first snow in winter, sealed in the altar, buried in the peach tree, and taken out after the next year. The glutinous rice is finely ground and sifted through a fine-mesh sieve 81 times. No frosting is used. The royal jelly in the natural wild bee hive in Wuling Cave of Guishan Mountain needs to be boiled in a small-mouthed earthen jar produced by Jingyao in Yuncheng..."

Ai Lan said it in detail according to the palace master's thoughts, and secretly thought while talking, if the ingredients needed for a peach blossom soup are so delicate, then the palace master can only do it in February when the peach blossoms first bloom. She ate it a few times, and she was very skeptical that the peach blossom soup after such a toss actually tastes bad!
Seeing that what Ai Lan said was exactly what he thought, the palace owner knew that Ai Lan could really read minds, so the eyes behind the mask pierced coldly again, and after a long time said: "Dongfeng, send them back safely to the Marquis." Mansion, don't disturb other people!"

Hearing this, a man in black outside the door clasped his fists to accept the order, but couldn't help asking: "Palace Master, where is the client..."

"Return the original amount of money, and say that the lord of the palace is very busy, and such trivial matters will not be accepted!" After the lord of the palace said domineeringly, his figure flashed, and he had already floated away from the door for a long distance. The man flew straight to the roof, under the moonlight, the crimson cloak fluttered with the wind, and the man disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ai Lan saw it clearly this time, and couldn't help but click her tongue secretly. If this kind of god-man really wants her life, she really can only die!

Ai Lan felt lucky, but at the same time, she knew very well that this time the Shenji Palace didn't attack her, firstly because Ren Bai knew her well, and secondly because she had the ability to read minds, the palace owner thought she was useful.

In the middle of the night, four men in black sneaked into the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion without anyone noticing, and ran quickly on the roof as if walking on flat ground. I disappeared into the night in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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