Chapter 134
The servants of the Sanskrit residence have all fallen asleep, the courtyard door is fastened from the inside, the door of the main room is closed, the courtyard is quiet and there is nothing unusual.

Yan Xiaofan, Tianxing and Xiangguo had already woken up when the man in black was about to send them back to the Hou's Mansion. At that time, they were still ignorant of what had happened, and they were surprised when they realized that they were neither in the carriage nor in the Hou's Mansion. Something went wrong.

Ai Lan spent a lot of time telling them what happened, Tianxing and Xiangguo were immediately filled with righteous indignation, but Yan Xiaofan was stunned like a fool, until the man in black sent them back, she still didn't Come back to God.

Tianxing and Xiangguo originally thought that when they came back, the courtyard would be brightly lit, and the old lady and his wife would be waiting for them in the courtyard.

Moreover, they believed that no one would ask why they disappeared, and someone would only blame them for ruining the reputation of the Hou Mansion by virtue of the fact that they were sent back late at night by a few mysterious men in black.

As the second daughter of the Hou family, the second lady will naturally be grounded, and the maidservants who accompany the second lady will be killed with a stick, or sold to a remote place far away from the capital. Fall into those low places, and live in hell on earth from now on...

But fortunately, there was nothing unusual in the yard, which made Tianxing and Xiangguo recite Amitabha several times in their hearts excitedly.Regardless of other things, they lightly helped Yan Xiaofan, who was still in a daze, into the main room to rest. For fear of disturbing the other servants, they didn't even dare to light the candles, and they didn't dare to go into the small kitchen to warm up the heat. With only a handkerchief, he shook his face and roughly cleaned up Yan Xiaofan's face, hands and feet with the leftover tea in the morning, and helped her to sleep.

Tianxing and Xiangguo didn't go to the room in the west wing to rest either, they just lay down with their clothes on the couch in the tea room. I don't know if they slept in the carriage for a long time or they were frightened tonight. They couldn't fall asleep for a long time, and they were not in the mood Chatting, just lying on the couch with eyes closed and waiting for the dawn.

Yan Xiaofan didn't come back to her senses until Tian Xing and Xiang Guo lightly took the door out. The nervousness during the day, the fright and panic at night, and the helplessness she felt when she heard the terrible truth suddenly overwhelmed her. Come up and drown her in an instant.

Her hands holding the quilt trembled violently uncontrollably, her tears were unstoppable like a flood that burst a bank, but she bit her lips so that she would not make a sound, allowing the taste of rust on her lips to spread into her mouth... …

Ai Lan saw the reactions of Yan Xiaofan, Tian Xing and Xiangguo, and the despair in their hearts also strongly touched her. She didn't want to do anything to Chen, but since Chen had already made a murderous move towards them, Don't blame her for being ruthless and merciless if she only wants to put them to death. It doesn't matter if her mother's family is Xingguo's mansion, or her sister is the queen's empress. Even if the emperor wants to turn right and wrong and protect her personally, she will let Chen Pay the due price!
Ailan quietly entered her room, and as soon as she lay down on the bed, Licorice asked softly in fear and anxiety: "Yes, is it Erlan?"


"Puff..." Licorice fell off the bed in agitation. Immediately afterwards, she got up and walked to Ai Lan's bed in the dark through the little moonlight passing through the gap in the window, then slumped on the ground, holding the Ai Lan's little hand said: "Erlan, you are back, I, I'm scared to death..."

From Licorice's intermittent description and her panicked voice, Ailan has basically understood what happened in Sanskrit House during their kidnapping.

(End of this chapter)

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