Chapter 135
First, Putao and Shuili went to the kitchen to receive dinner, and when they came back, their expressions were a little strange. When Licorice casually asked the second lady why they hadn't come back, Putao immediately stopped Licorice, and pulled Licorice into the room and whispered Tell her not to mention the fact that Second Miss has not come back, if anyone asks, she will say that Second Miss has returned and is sleeping in the room.

Then that Bi Cai from the madam's courtyard came again, Nanny Zhong was called away, and when Nanny Zhong came back, she called the servants into the room and gave a secret warning, the words she said were the same as that of grapes warning licorice .Nanny Zhong's expression was strangely excited at that time, as if something good was about to happen, which made Licorice very scared.

Ai Lan touched the licorice's head to show comfort. The licorice was very useful, but after she realized it, she felt very embarrassed. After all, Ai Lan was four years younger than her.

At Maoshi the next day, Nanny Zhong woke up after a good night's sleep, and found that the door of the main room was open, and Grape and Shui Li were cleaning the main room with a rag.

Nanny Zhong was in a good mood, and said to Grape and Shui Li: "I've never seen you two being so active on weekdays, so you don't need to bother cleaning, and you will benefit from following my orders later!" After finishing speaking, she went to the small After fetching water from the kitchen to wash up, I didn't even notice that Putao and Shuili were hesitating to talk.

After Grandma Zhong tidied it up, she pretended to go to the main room to inspect it, and sure enough, she saw that the bedding was neatly folded on the bed in the inner room, apparently no one had touched it overnight.Nanny Zhong was relieved, and walked out of the main room swaggeringly, ignoring the appearance of Putao and Shuili who hesitated to speak again.

When Nanny Zhong came to the courtyard, she opened her mouth wide in feigned panic and was about to shout out, "It's no good, the second lady is gone." Suddenly, she saw that the courtyard door was pushed open, and Ai Lan was leading a group of people into the courtyard. , who is it not Yan Xiaofan standing behind Ai Lan?Grandma Zhong's words were stuck in her throat so abruptly, she opened her mouth arrogantly and forgot to close it, and felt her chest was about to explode for a while.

"Nurse Zhong is so energetic, what were you calling just now?" Yan Xiaofan smiled lightly, ever since she learned that Nanny Zhong had coveted her mother's things privately, she never called her a nanny again.

Grandma Zhong pounded her chest with her fist and coughed: "No, no, I didn't shout anything..." She also wondered when this second young lady came back, why didn't she hear anything?
"Since you didn't shout anything, you should quickly shut your mouth tightly, lest disaster come out of your mouth!" Yan Xiaofan said coldly.

Nanny Zhong nodded her head again and again, she was terrified, she turned her head and looked at the grapes and pears, those two girls were also trembling, so that the mother-in-law Tao Nanny and Shen Nanny shrank their necks and did not dare to show their anger .

But at Tianxiang Garden, Mrs. Chen and her nanny, Nanny Chen, were waiting for Nanny Zhong to pass on the news that Yan Xiaofan’s master and servant had disappeared. Yuju went to find out what happened, and then he heard Bicai inform the second lady to come over and say hello to his wife.

Hearing the news, Chen's whole body shook, causing Bi Tao, who was drawing her eyebrows for her, to shake her hands, and her eyebrows stretched a lot, causing her to kneel on the ground begging for mercy.

At this time, Mrs. Chen didn't care about Bitao at all, so she asked Mother Chen in disbelief: "What did the little girl just say?"

Nanny Chen was also frightened. She spent a lot of money to entrust Shenji Palace to get rid of Yan Xiaofan and Ai Lan. She personally did it for his wife. The Shenji Palace clearly accepted the commission, and Yan Xiaofan and the others were indeed kidnapped yesterday. Oh, why did it show up again today?Isn't this a hell of a life?

"Ma'am, Bi Cai said that the Second Miss is coming to greet you!" Nanny Chen tried her best to remain calm even though she was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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