Chapter 136
"Crack", Chen broke off a valuable agarwood hairpin in the jewelry box.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Look..."

"Let her in!" Mrs. Chen quickly calmed down.

Yan Xiaofan walked in generously, saw Mrs. Chen squatting down and gave a blessing, raised his head and smiled and said, "Mother, I'm here to ask you to pay my respects to grandma!"

Nanny Chen was a little surprised by Yan Xiaofan's current performance, her face was full of red, she was full of smiles, and she didn't have the slightest fear in the past. Seeing what she said just now, it was natural that there was a hint of intimacy and coquettishness. If you don't know, you might think that she is Chen's own son!
"It's rare for you to take the initiative to come to me, but I haven't packed up here yet, you should go first, lest the old lady will blame you for being late!" Said.

Yan Xiaofan looked at Chen's gentle, beautiful and dignified face, and couldn't believe that with this face, she would kill her and her three maids, but the truth was in front of her eyes, God knows how much she spent It took so much effort not to cry.

Erlan is right, crying is only useful for those who really care about themselves, for those who wish to die, crying will only make them more arrogant and more carefree!
"In this case, the daughter will leave, and the mother must hurry up!" Yan Xiaofan turned and left after speaking.

When Yan Xiaofan left the yard, Mrs. Chen glanced at Bitao, who tactfully withdrew from the door, leaving Nanny Chen alone by her side.

Seeing that there were no outsiders in the room, Chen said angrily: "It seems that she knows everything, and she came here just to demonstrate to me!" His chest heaved violently due to anger.

"Ma'am, why bother to get angry, that second young lady is just soft-tempered, so what if she knows, she can't touch Madam in the slightest!" Nanny Chen hastily cheered for Mrs. Chen.

"Yan Xiaofan, I really don't pay attention to it. Madam, don't forget that girl Erlan, she is very cunning. I really regret that I gave her to Yan Xiaofan by mistake at the beginning. She really led the wolf into the house!" Chen Mama listened. The reassurance not only failed to calm her anger, but made her even more angry. Suddenly, she turned her face and stared at Nanny Chen suspiciously, "Grandma, didn't you say that Shenji Palace has accepted the case? Why are they still fine?"

Mother Chen was suspected by Mrs. Chen, and her heart was a little hurt, but after all, she has been a master and servant for many years, so her feelings are not normal, so she said: "I dare to swear to God, that person did accept the bank note from the old slave at that time. , also agreed to accept it, as for why the second lady and the others are intact, the old slave does not know, the old slave is loyal to the madam and has no second thoughts, I hope the madam will learn from it!" Then he knelt on Chen's side before.

Mrs. Chen also felt that she was wrong in her suspicions, and hurriedly said: "Why did you say that, I trust you!"

The two were talking, when suddenly they heard Bi Tao's voice outside the door: "Madam, I have a letter from you!"

Chen Shi was startled, and then said: "Bring it in!"

Bi Tao walked in and encloses the letter. The envelope is marked as addressed to Mrs. Chen, but there is no signature on who wrote it.

When Chen opened the letter, he saw that there was only one sentence written on it: The Palace Master is busy, so I won't accept it!Do not disturb!
Along with the letter came a bank note of ten thousand taels, which was exactly the one given by Nanny Chen.

Yan Xiaofan took Ai Lan and Xiangguo to greet the old lady. Along the way, Yan Xiaofan's pace was a little unsteady, and Xiangguo asked worriedly from time to time: "Second Miss, are you okay?"

Ai Lan has already noticed Yan Xiaofan's strangeness. It seems that because of yesterday's fright, coupled with the insomnia at night, and a lot of exercise in the morning, Yan Xiaofan's body finally couldn't bear the burden and fell ill. Although he looked rosy, But it was actually a fever, but Ai Lan did not persuade Yan Xiaofan to rest in Sanskrit.

Ai Lan blinked, thinking, could she be too cruel?

But Yan Xiaofan waved his hand: "It's okay, I can hold on!" Erlan was right, she is currently in a weak position, if she doesn't fight hard, yesterday's encounter will continue in the future.

When Yan Xiaofan came to the charity garden, the old lady's attitude towards her was really cold, but Yan Xiaofan was not discouraged, still smiling, and took out a palm-sized doll from his sleeve, which was the same as the one given to Mrs. Chen yesterday. It's just that the proportion is smaller, but the clothes on his body are more delicate and subtle.

"Grandmother, Xiaofan sewed this last night. I was in a hurry, so I only sewed a small one. If grandma likes it, Xiaofan will sew a big one for grandma in the future!"

Yan Xiaofan walked forward with the puppet in his hands. The old lady took a look at it and thought she liked it, but she couldn't save face. It was Yan Mama who smoothed things over by the side, so the old lady reluctantly accepted it. After saying a few words to Yan Xiaofan, Yan Xiaofan listened carefully without feeling impatient at all.

The old lady felt better, thinking that it was Yan Xiaofan's first time out of the house yesterday, and it was understandable for her to make a mistake, so she forgave her.

Yan Xiaowan curled her lips when she saw it, and muttered in a low voice: Flatterer!
And Yan Xiaoting, Yan Xiaorui, and Yan Xiaoyu, who had been standing on the sidelines watching the show, also started to become hostile to Yan Xiaofan this time.

Yan Chuxu didn't respond at all, but he felt hot after getting up today, and his limbs were a little heavy. He didn't pay much attention and came to greet the old lady, but now, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

The old lady was still talking to Yan Xiaofan, and Yan Xiaofan was listening with a smile all the time, but as she listened, her eyes darkened and her body fell to the ground.

Yan Momo was startled and shouted: "Second Miss!"

At the same time, Yan Xiaowan couldn't help shouting: "Brother Xu, what's wrong with you?"

It turned out that at the same time Yan Xiaofan fainted, Yan Chuxu also fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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