The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 140 Rumors and Truth

Chapter 140 Rumors and Truth (4)
It would be fine if Shaw and Chen together squeezed out Aunt Wu, but this Shaw is tolerant and treats Aunt Wu equally, and treats Aunt Wu with courtesy and kindness.The Chen family hated the Shao family for being an indisputable wimp, but because of this, the Shao family got the respect of Yan Cangxiong, who thought she was a virtuous and generous wife. In comparison, the Chen family was a bit jealous.

Aunt Wu is good at winning men's hearts, and Yan Cangxiong doted on her so much that she allowed her to become pregnant before the two wives.Shao just smiled and congratulated on this, but Chen was so angry that he vomited blood secretly, but also through this, she found that Shao's demeanor was suitable for living in the Hou Mansion, so she began to learn from Shao's style. Forbearing and generous, virtuous and dignified, the two are still good sisters who talk about everything on the surface, but in private, Chen already has a heart of resentment towards Shao.

Fortunately, Shao and Chen were both diagnosed to be pregnant shortly after Aunt Wu became pregnant. The old lady was so happy that she kept chanting Amitabha, and Yan Cangxiong was also happy and proud of his masculinity, so the following He lifted Aunt Han again.

In ten months of pregnancy, Shao's heart is open and the fetus is developing well, while Chen's is always upset and worried because of Yan Cangxiong, Aunt Wu and Aunt Han.

Aunt Wu gave birth to a concubine first, and Mrs. Chen felt a little better.

Because the period of pregnancy was the same as Shao's, Chen asked the Xingguo government to find a stable mother-in-law for her and at the same time helped Shao's, so the delivery rooms of the two were merged into one.

On the day of giving birth, Chen's pain was so painful that she gave birth to a stillborn baby. Wen's wife was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak out. At this time, Shao's also gave birth to a baby boy, who cried loudly as soon as he fell to the ground. .

The old lady outside was anxious to ask who gave birth, whether it was a boy or a girl. Mrs. Chen winked at Nanny Chen, and Nanny Chen immediately stuffed 5000 taels into the hands of each of the two Wenpos. Then he said loudly that it was born by Chen Shi.But just when Granny Wen wanted to put the stillborn baby on Shao's head, she found that there was another one in Shao's stomach, so she disposed of the stillborn quietly.Shao's was unlucky, he went there shortly after giving birth to a baby girl, and Chen's naturally took care of the baby girl.

Afterwards, Chen Shi was terrified all day long, especially when he saw the baby girl, he always thought it was Shaw's reincarnation, and he couldn't like the baby girl at all.After the baby boy and baby girl grew up, she didn't know whether it was because of her psychological reasons or something else. In short, she found that the two grew more and more similar, so she decided to raise the baby girl into a fat girl.

Gradually, Chen also forgot about Shao, but she didn't know that she seemed to have learned how to behave in front of outsiders from Shao.

Yan Cangxiong was naturally happy to see Chen's becoming virtuous, as if to test Chen's virtuousness, after Aunt Han, Yan Cangxiong took in Aunt Zhao, and then Yan Cangxiong's housemate Li Pingdie became pregnant, so She was also raised as an aunt.Yan Cangxiong was still not satisfied, and hired Aunt Liu and Aunt Luo one after another.

Mrs. Chen still pretended to be tolerant on the surface, but she was very angry in her heart. Fortunately, these aunts gave birth to concubine daughters. After a long time, Aunt Luo gave birth to a son, but Aunt Wu killed her For these, Chen didn't care about it, and let them fight each other, she was happy to watch the show.

However, Aunt Wu gave birth to a son by luck. Chen was not calm anymore, but when she thought of her son Yan Chuxu, she felt that she could rely on her. However, the scandalous things Chen did more than ten years ago were covered by that little girl Erlan. Found out, she failed to get rid of that little girl in time, and instead let the message spread throughout the Hou Mansion.

At this time, both Chen Shi and Chen Nanny recalled all kinds of things back then, and Chen Shi knew very well that one wrong step back then would be followed by another wrong step, and now she has to continue to make mistakes.

So, Erlan, you must get rid of it!

Yan Xiaofan can't stay any longer!

(End of this chapter)

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