The strongest maid of SWAT crossing

Chapter 141: Using Force Directly

Chapter 141: Using Force Directly (1)
After the old lady heard the rumors, she was also very shocked. This happened more than ten years ago, how could it be spread now, and it was spread so clearly?
The next day, the old lady refused everyone's greetings, but only called Mrs. Chen over.

Chen obviously didn't sleep well last night, and his face looked very haggard. Although he applied makeup to cover up the bruises under his eyes, the bloodshot eyes could not be covered.

The old lady dismissed the servants on the left and right, not even Nanny Yuan and Nanny Yan stayed by her side.

Chen's heart was a little apprehensive, but his face was calm.

"Girl Ying, tell me what's going on?" The old lady spoke first.

The intimate "Ying girl" instantly made Chen's eyes red. Her boudoir name is Xiuying. After she got married, except for her own biological mother, Mrs. Chen, who also called her like this in private, outsiders respectfully called her Mrs. Hou , and Mrs. Yan only called her old lady, or simply Chen.

Chen understands that the old madam calls her so because she intends to confide in her heart.

"Mother, you must trust your daughter-in-law. Those rumors are completely unfounded! There must be someone who dislikes her daughter-in-law and wants to discredit her daughter-in-law. Please ask mother to be the master for her daughter-in-law!"

Mrs. Chen seemed very excited, and immediately stood up from the chair and knelt down in front of the old lady, tears bursting out of her eyes instantly, as if she had been greatly wronged.Although the rumors in the mansion hit Chen shi hard, it didn't make her panic. Now she is acting weak in front of the old lady just to win the old lady's sympathy.

The old lady frowned and sighed: "What are you doing? Get up quickly, you are also the head of the Hou's house, how can you be knocked down because of a little rumor? Fortunately, there are no outsiders, otherwise I don't know how to arrange you !"

"Mother, isn't my daughter-in-law afraid that you won't trust her? After so many years, you should know who your daughter-in-law is, but your daughter-in-law was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl back then. How could she have such vicious thoughts, Xu'er It is indeed my own, mother, you must trust your daughter-in-law!"

"I believe you. I've also heard the rumors. There are several theories. Although it's a bit mysterious to say that Xu'er and Xiaofan are twin brothers and sisters. After all, they did have the same illness and the same symptoms. I think it might be because they are both descendants. At the beginning, you and Cuiyun were like sisters. Everyone in the house knew this, and you were pregnant and gave birth at the same time. In my opinion, that was because The two of you are destined, so the child you gave birth to is naturally destined. However, the rumors that you were pregnant with a fake are pure rumors. Back then, I witnessed you and Cuiyun's big belly. I will testify, don't worry, you can't do anything with rumors!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Chen was so moved that she wanted to wipe her tears again, and she felt a lot more relaxed because of this. She still looked aggrieved on the face, but there was a flash of ruthlessness in her heart. As long as she has the old lady as her backing, Rumors are nothing, she will definitely make life worse than death for those who spread rumors!
"However, there is no way to spread rumors like this. Of course we don't believe it, but it's hard to guarantee that outsiders won't believe it. The mansion needs to rectify it!" The old lady obviously hated the people who spread the rumors, and what she valued most was Hou The peace and stability of the mansion, whoever dares to destroy, she will never let go!
"Yes, daughter-in-law knows, daughter-in-law will do it right away, mother, don't worry, daughter-in-law will definitely find out the perpetrator and punish him severely!" Chen took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve to wipe away his tears, and his originally sad eyes burst out instantly. Resolute spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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